Prof. Philip K. Maini FRS FMedSci FRSB
Academic Faculty
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent books
Recent publications
Supplementary Data from Mathematical Model-Driven Deep Learning Enables Personalized Adaptive Therapy
Gallagher, K Strobl, M Park, D Spoendlin, F Gatenby, R Maini, P Anderson, A (17 Jan 2025) Supplementary Data from Mathematical Model-Driven Deep Learning Enables Personalized Adaptive Therapy
Gallagher, K Strobl, M Park, D Spoendlin, F Gatenby, R Maini, P Anderson, A (11 Dec 2024) Homogenization of nonlinear blood flow in periodic networks: the limit of small haematocrit heterogeneity
Ben-Ami, Y Wood, B Pitt-Francis, J Maini, P Byrne, H Multiscale Modeling and Simulation volume 22 issue 4 1498-1533 (18 Nov 2024) Characterising cancer cell responses to cyclic hypoxia using mathematical modelling
Celora, G Nixson, R Pitt-Francis, J Maini, P Byrne, H Bulletin of Mathematical Biology volume 86 issue 12 (06 Nov 2024) Modelling collective invasion with reaction–diffusion equations: when does domain curvature matter?
Pollacco, J Baker, R Maini, P Applied Mathematics Letters volume 160 (21 Sep 2024) Highlighted publications
The importance of geometry in the corneal micropocket angiogenesis assay
Grogan, J Connor, A Pitt-Francis, J Maini, P Byrne, H PLoS Computational Biology volume 14 issue 3 (09 Mar 2018) DAN (NBL1) promotes collective neural crest migration by restraining uncontrolled invasion
McLennan, R Bailey, C Schumacher, L Teddy, J Morrison, J Kasemeier-Kulesa, J Wolfe, L Gogol, M Baker, R Maini, P Kulesa, P Journal of Cell Biology volume 216 issue 10 3339-3354 (15 Aug 2017) Modeling angiogenesis: A discrete to continuum description
Pillay, S Byrne, H Maini, P Physical Review E volume 95 issue 1 (01 Jan 2017) Predicting the influence of microvascular structure on tumour response to radiotherapy
Maini, P Markelc, B Connor, A Muschel, R Pitt-Francis, J Byrne, H IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering volume 64 issue 3 504-511 (08 Sep 2016) Vascular phenotype identification and anti-angiogenic treatment recommendation: A pseudo-multiscale mathematical model of angiogenesis
Hutchinson, L Gaffney, E Maini, P Wagg, J Phipps, A Byrne, H Journal of Theoretical Biology volume 398 162-180 (14 Mar 2016)