Ramon Nartallo-Kaluarachchi
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Multilevel irreversibility reveals higher-order organisation of non-equilibrium interactions in human brain dynamics
, , , P, , M L , R
bioRxiv:592195 |
Broken detailed balance and entropy production in directed networks
R Nartallo-Kaluarachchi, M Asllani, G Deco, M L Kringelbach, A Goriely and R Lambiotte
arXiv:2402.19157 |
I have broad research interests in applied mathematics and computational science. I am particularly interested in computational neuroscience, complexity and data science. Currently, I am working on the modelling of neural dynamics and developing techniques in neural data science. I am seeking to understand the origins and implications of nonequilibrium dynamics in brain networks and how to identify them in data.
2023-24 TA: Stochastic Modelling of Biological Processes
2023-24 Tutor: Networks
2022-23 TA: Nonlinear Systems
2022-23 TA: Numerical Solutions of PDES