Prof. Roger Heath-Brown FRS
MA, Ph.D
Professor of Pure Mathematics (Retired)
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent books
Recent publications
Density of rational points on a quadric bundle in P 3 × P 3
Browning, T Duke Mathematical Journal volume 169 issue 16 3099-3165 (01 Nov 2020) The geometric sieve for quadrics
Browning, T Heath-Brown, D Forum Mathematicum volume 33 issue 1 147-165 (07 Oct 2020) RATIONAL POINTS ON INTERSECTIONS OF CUBIC AND QUADRIC HYPERSURFACES
Browning, T Dietmann, R Heath-Brown, D Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu volume 150 issue 8 703-749 (01 Oct 2020) The differences between consecutive primes, V
Heath-Brown, D International Mathematics Research Notices volume 2021 issue 22 17514-17562 (14 Dec 2019) Irreducible polynomials over finite fields produced by composition of quadratics
Heath-Brown, D Micheli, G Revista Matemática Iberoamericana volume 35 issue 3 847-855 (15 Apr 2019) Prizes, awards, and scholarships
Junior Berwick Prize, London Mathematical Society, 1981. Fellow of the Royal Society, 1993. Senior Berwick Prize, London Mathematical Society, 1996. Corresponding Member, Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, Math.-Phys. Klasse, 1999. Polya Prize, London Mathematical Society, 2009. Royal Society Sylvester Medal, 2022. OBE, 2024.
Highlighted publications
Bounds for the cubic Weyl sum
Heath-Brown, D Journal of Mathematical Sciences volume 171 issue 6 813-823 (01 Dec 2010) Zeros of p-adic forms
Heath-Brown, D Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society volume 100 issue 2 560-584 (01 Mar 2010) Zeros of systems of p-adic quadratic forms
Heath-Brown, D Compositio Mathematica volume 146 issue 2 271-287 (01 Mar 2010) Sums and differences of three kth powers
Heath-Brown, D Journal of Number Theory volume 129 issue 6 1579-1594 (01 Jun 2009) Convexity bounds for L-functions
Heath-Brown, D Acta Arithmetica volume 136 issue 4 391-395 (28 May 2009) Research interests
Analytic Number Theory; The distribution of primes, Sieves, Analytic methods in Diophantine Geometry