Dr Siddharth Arora
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
B. Rostami-Tabar, S. Arora, J.F. Rendon-Sanchez, T.E. Goltsos (2024). Probabilistic Forecasting of Daily COVID-19 Admissions using Machine Learning, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 35, 21-43 URL.
N. Ludwig, S. Arora, J.W. Taylor (2023). Probabilistic Load Forecasting Using Post-Processed Weather Ensemble Predictions. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74, 1008-1020 PDF.
S. Arora, J.W. Taylor, H-Y Mak (2023). Probabilistic Forecasting of Patient Waiting Times in an Emergency Department. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25, 1489-1508 PDF.
C. Lo, S. Arora, M. Lawton, T. Barber, T. Quinnell, G.J. Dennis, Y. Ben-Shlomo, M.T. Hu (2022). A Composite Clinical Motor Score as a Comprehensive and Sensitive Outcome Measure for Parkinson’s Disease, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 93(6), 617-624 URL.
A. Tsanas and S. Arora (2022). Data-driven Subtyping of Parkinson’s using Acoustic Analysis of Sustained Vowels and Cluster Analysis: Findings in the Parkinson’s Voice Initiative Study, Springer Nature Computer Science, 3, 232 URL.
F. Probert, T. Yeo, Y. Zhou, M. Sealey, S. Arora, J. Palace, TDW Claridge, R. Hillenbrand, J. Oechtering, J. Kuhle, D. Leppert, D.C. Anthony (2022) . Determination of CSF GFAP, CCN5, and vWF levels enhances the diagnostic accuracy of clinically defined MS from non-MS patients with CSF oligoclonal bands, Frontiers in Immunology, 12, 811351 URL.
S. Arora, C. Lo, M.T. Hu, A. Tsanas (2021). Smartphone Speech Testing for Symptom Assessment in Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder and Parkinson’s Disease, IEEE Access, 9, 44813-44824 PDF.
S. Arora and A. Tsanas (2021). Assessing Parkinson’s Disease at Scale Using Telephone-Recorded Speech: Insights from the Parkinson’s Voice Initiative, Diagnostics, 11, 1892 URL.
F. Probert, T. Yeo, Y. Zhou, M. Sealey, S. Arora, J. Palace, T.D.W. Claridge, R. Hillenbrand, J. Oechtering, D. Leppert, J. Kuhle, D.C. Anthony (2021). Integrative Biochemical, Proteomics and Metabolomics Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Predict Clinical Conversion to Multiple Sclerosis, Brain Communications, 3, fcab084 URL.
S. Haben, S. Arora, G. Giasemidis, M. Voss, D.V. Greetham (2021). Review of Low-Voltage Load Forecasting: Methods, Applications, and Recommendations, Applied Energy, 304, 117798 URL.
C. Lo, S. Arora, Y. Ben-Shlomo, T.R. Barber, M. Lawton, J.C. Klein, S. Kanavou, A. Janzen, E. Sittig, W.H. Oertel, D. Grosset, M.T. Hu (2021). Olfactory Testing in Parkinson’s Disease & REM Behavior Disorder: A Machine Learning Approach, Neurology, 96 (15), e2016-e202 URL.
S. Arora, A. Brintrup (2021). How Does the Position of Firms in the Supply Chain Affect their Performance? An Empirical Study, Applied Network Science, 6:19 PDF.
C. Lo, S. Arora, F. Baig, M.A. Lawton, C. El Mouden, T.R. Barber, C. Ruffmann, J.C. Klein, P. Brown, Y. Ben‐Shlomo, M. de Vos, M.T. Hu (2019). Predicting motor, cognitive & functional impairment in Parkinson's, Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 6(8), 1498–1509 PDF.
S. Arora, L. Ravary, A. Tsanas (2019). Developing a Large Scale Population Screening Tool for the Assessment of Parkinson’s Disease Using Telephone-quality Voice, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(5), 2871–2884 PDF.
S. Haben, G. Giasemidis, F. Ziel, S. Arora (2018). Short Term Load Forecasts of Low Voltage Demand and the Effects of Temperature, International Journal of Forecasting, 35(4), 1469-1484 PDF.
S. Arora, F. Baig, C. Lo, T.R. Barber, M.A. Lawton, A. Zhan, M. Rolinski, C. Ruffmann, J.C. Klein, J. Rumbold, A. Louvel, Z. Zaiwalla, G. Lennox, T. Quinnell, G. Dennis, R. Wade-Martins, Y. Ben-Shlomo, M.A. Little, M.T. Hu (2018). Smartphone Motor Testing to Distinguish Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, Controls, and PD, Neurology, 91(16), e1528-e1538 PDF.
S. Arora, N.P. Visanji, T.A Mestre, A. Tsanas, A. AlDakheel, B.S. Connolly, C. Gasca-Salas, D.S. Kern, J. Jain, E.J. Slow, A. Faust-Socher, A.E. Lang, M.A. Little, C. Marras (2018). Investigating Voice as a Biomarker for Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2-Associated Parkinson’s Disease, Journal of Parkinson's disease, 8(4), 503-510 PDF.
J. Prince, S. Arora, M De Vos (2018). Big Data in Parkinson's Disease: Using Smartphones to Remotely Detect Longitudinal Disease Phenotypes, Physiological Measurement, 39(4), 044005 PDF.
S. Arora and J.W. Taylor (2017). Rule-based Autoregressive Moving Average Models for Forecasting Load on Special Days: A Case Study for France. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(1), 259-268 PDF.
M. Jurynczyk, F. Probert, T. Yeo, G. Tackley, TDW. Claridge, A. Cavey, MR. Woodhall, S. Arora, T. Winkler, E. Schi er, A. Vincent, G. DeLuca, NR Sibson, M.Isabel Leite, P. Waters, DC. Anthony, J. Palace (2017). Metabolomics Reveals Distinct, Antibody-independent, Molecular Signatures of MS, AQP4-antibody and MOGantibody Disease. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 5(1), 1-13 PDF.
S.R. Moulick, S. Arora, C. Jain and P.K. Panigrahi (2016). Reliable SVD based Semi-blind and Invisible Watermarking Schemes. International Journal of Computer Applications, 145(7), 1-5 PDF.
J. Zablocki, S. Arora, and M. Barua (2016), Factors Affecting Media Coverage of Species Rediscoveries. Conservation Biology, 30(4), 914-917 PDF.
S. Arora, V. Venkataraman, S. Donohue, K.M. Biglan, E.R. Dorsey and M.A. Little (2015). Detecting and Monitoring the Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease using Smartphones: A Pilot Study, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 21(6), 650-653 PDF.
S. Arora and J.W. Taylor, Forecasting Electricity Smart Meter Data Using Conditional Kernel Density Estimation, Omega, 59, 47-59 PDF.
S. Arora and M.S. Santhanam (2014), Synchronization of Coupled Map Lattice using Delayed Variable Feedback, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 3(3), 245-253 PDF.
N.A. Vasistha, F. García-Moreno, S. Arora, A.F.P Cheung, S.J. Arnold, E.J. Robertson and Z. Molnar (2014), Cortical and Clonal Contribution of Tbr2 Expressing Progenitors in the Developing Mouse Brain, Cerebral Cortex, 251(10), 3290-3302 PDF.
S. Arora and J.W. Taylor (2013), Short-term Forecasting of Anomalous Load Using Rule-based Triple Seasonal Methods, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28(3), 3235-3242 PDF.
S. Arora, M.A. Little and P.E. McSharry (2013), Nonlinear and Nonparametric Modelling Approaches for Probabilistic Forecasting of the US Gross National Product, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 17(4), 395-420 PDF.
A.H. Gharekhan, S. Arora, Ashok N. Ozac, M.B. Sureshkumar, A. Pradhan and P.K. Panigrahi (2011), Distinguishing Autofluorescence of Normal, Benign and Cancerous Breast Tissues through Wavelet Domain Correlation Studies, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(8), 087003.
A.H. Gharekhan, S. Arora, P.K. Panigrahi and A. Pradhan (2010), Distinguishing Cancer and Normal Breast Tissue Autofluorescence Using Continuous Wavelet Transform, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16(4), 893-899.
D. P. Ahalpara, S. Arora and M.S. Santhanam (2009), Genetic Programming Based Approach for Synchronization with Parameter Mismatches in EEG, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5481, 13-24.
A.H. Gharekhan, S. Arora, K.B.K. Mayya, P.K. Panigrahi, M.B. Sureshkumar and A. Pradhan (2008), Characterizing Breast Cancer Tissues Through the Spectral Correlation Properties of Polarized Fluorescence, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13(5), 054063.
S. Arora, J. Acharya, A. Verma and P.K. Panigrahi (2008), Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation Through a Fast Statistical Recursive Algorithm, Pattern Recognition Letters, 29(2), 119-125 PDF.
M.S. Santhanam and S. Arora (2007), Zero Delay Synchronization of Chaos in Coupled Map Lattices, Physical Review E, 76(2), 026202 PDF.
S. Hemachander, A. Verma, S. Arora and P.K. Panigrahi (2007), Local Adaptive Block Thresholding Method with Continuity Constraint, Pattern Recognition Letters, 28(1), 119-124 PDF.
- The Martin Black Prize 2019 (with Dr J. Prince and Prof M. de Vos)
- Most acclaimed lecturer award 2017 - by Oxford University Student Union
- EPSRC Computational Statistics and Machine Learning Award 2015-16 (with Dr A. Tsanas)
- Time Series Forecasting
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Forecasting Methodologies
- Synchronization in Complex Systems