Prof. Vladimir Markovic FRS
Affiliate Faculty
♦ Professor of Mathematics
♦ Senior Research Fellow at All Souls
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent publications
Homogenization of random quasiconformal mappings and random delauney triangulations
Ivrii, O Markovic, V Journal of Differential Geometry volume 124 issue 3 523-551 (13 Jul 2023) Unramified correspondences and virtual properties of mapping class groups
Markovic, V Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society volume 54 issue 6 2324-2337 (28 Jun 2022) Non-uniqueness of minimal surfaces in a product of closed Riemann surfaces
Markovic, V Geometric and Functional Analysis volume 32 31-52 (17 Jan 2022) Two Problems on Homogenization in Geometry
Ivrii, O Marković, V Extended Abstracts Fall 2019 volume 12 99-103 (19 Nov 2021) Uniqueness of minimal diffeomorphisms between surfaces
Markovic, V Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (26 Apr 2021) Non-realizability of the Torelli group as area-preserving homeomorphisms
Chen, L Markovic, V Journal of the London Mathematical Society volume 102 issue 3 957-976 (28 Jun 2020) Classifying complex geodesics for the Carathéodory metric on low-dimensional Teichmüller spaces
Gekhtman, D Markovic, V Journal d'Analyse Mathematique volume 140 issue 2 669-694 (20 Apr 2020) Construction of subsurfaces via good pants
Liu, Y Markovic, V Annals of Mathematics Studies volume 2020 issue 205 233-243 (01 Jan 2020) Construction of Subsurfaces via Good Pants
Liu, Y Markovic, V What’s Next?: The Mathematical Legacy of William P. Thurston 233-243 (01 Jan 2020) Heat flows on hyperbolic spaces
Lemm, M Markovic, V Journal of Differential Geometry volume 108 issue 3 495-529 (02 Mar 2018) Carathéodory's metrics on Teichmüller spaces and L-shaped pillowcases
Markovic, V Duke Mathematical Journal volume 167 issue 3 497-535 (24 Jan 2018) Harmonic maps and the Schoen conjecture
Markovic, V Journal of the American Mathematical Society volume 30 issue 3 799-817 (01 Mar 2017) Homology of curves and surfaces in closed hyperbolic $3$-manifolds
Liu, Y Markovic, V Duke Mathematical Journal volume 164 issue 14 2723-2808 (01 Nov 2015) The good pants homology and the Ehrenpreis Conjecture
Kahn, J Markovic, V Annals of Mathematics volume 182 issue 1 1-72 (01 Jul 2015) Harmonic maps between 3-dimensional hyperbolic spaces
Markovic, V Inventiones Mathematicae volume 199 issue 3 921-951 (15 Mar 2015) The surface subgroup and the Ehrenepreis conjectures
Kahn, J Markovic, V Proceeding of the International Congress of Mathematicans, ICM 2014 volume 2 897-909 (01 Jan 2014) Criterion for Cannon’s Conjecture
Markovic, V Geometric and Functional Analysis volume 23 issue 3 1035-1061 (09 Jun 2013) The Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces of Large Genus
Fletcher, A Kahn, J Markovic, V Geometric and Functional Analysis volume 23 issue 3 867-887 (07 Jun 2013) Decomposing diffeomorphisms of the sphere
Fletcher, A Markovic, V Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society volume 44 issue 3 599-609 (25 Jun 2012) Immersing almost geodesic surfaces in a closed hyperbolic three manifold
Kahn, J Markovic, V Annals of Mathematics volume 175 issue 3 1127-1190 (01 May 2012) Counting essential surfaces in a closed hyperbolic three-manifold
Kahn, J Marković, V Geometry & Topology volume 16 issue 1 601-624 (08 Apr 2012) Quasiconformal homogeneity of genus zero surfaces
Kwakkel, F Markovic, V Journal d'Analyse Mathématique volume 113 issue 1 173 (17 Jan 2011) Topological entropy and diffeomorphisms of surfaces with wandering domains
Kwakkel, F Markovic, V Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica volume 35 503-513 (20 Aug 2010) The Teichmüller distance between finite index subgroups of
Markovic, V Šarić, D Geometriae Dedicata volume 136 issue 1 145-165 (01 Oct 2008) Characterisation of plane regions that support quasiconformal mappings to their domes
Marden, A Markovic, V Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society volume 39 issue 6 962-972 (11 Dec 2007) Realization of the mapping class group by homeomorphisms
Markovic, V Inventiones Mathematicae volume 168 issue 3 523-566 (07 Jun 2007) Extending homeomorphisms of the circle to quasiconformal homeomorphisms of the disk
Epstein, D Markovic, V Geometry & Topology volume 11 issue 1 517-595 (16 Mar 2007) Quasisymmetric groups
Markovic, V Journal of the American Mathematical Society volume 19 issue 3 673-715 (25 Jul 2006) Convex Regions in the Plane and their Domes
Epstein, D Marden, A Markovic, V Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society volume 92 issue 3 624-654 (18 May 2006) Complex earthquakes and deformations of the unit disk
Epstein, D Marden, A Markovic, V Journal of Differential Geometry volume 73 issue 1 119-166 (01 May 2006) Teichmüller mapping class group of the universal hyperbolic solenoid
Markovic, V Šarić, D Transactions of the American Mathematical Society volume 358 issue 6 2637-2650 (31 Oct 2005) The logarithmic spiral: a counterexample to the K = 2 conjecture
Epstein, D Markovic, V Annals of Mathematics volume 161 issue 2 925-957 (01 Mar 2005) Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and the convex hull boundary
Epstein, D Marden, A Markovic, V Annals of Mathematics volume 159 issue 1 305-336 (01 Jan 2004) Isometries between the spaces of L1 holomorphic quadratic differentials on Riemann surfaces of finite type
Earle, C Markovic, V Duke Mathematical Journal volume 120 issue 2 433-440 (01 Nov 2003) Biholomorphic maps between Teichmüller spaces
Markovic, V Duke Mathematical Journal volume 120 issue 2 405-431 (01 Nov 2003) Extremal problems for quasiconformal maps of punctured plane domains
Marković, V Transactions of the American Mathematical Society volume 354 issue 4 1631-1650 (19 Apr 2002) Harmonic Diffeomorphisms of Noncompact Surfaces and Teichmüller Spaces
Markovic, V Journal of the London Mathematical Society volume 65 issue 1 103-114 (06 Feb 2002) Harmonic diffeomorphisms and conformal distortion of Riemann surfaces
Markovic, V Communications in Analysis and Geometry volume 10 issue 4 847-876 (2002) Uniformly bounded maximal φ \varphi -disks, Bers space and harmonic maps
Anić, I Marković, V Mateljević, M Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society volume 128 issue 10 2947-2956 (07 Apr 2000) Distance between domains in the sense of Lehto is not a metric
Božin, V Marković, V Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica volume 24 issue 1 3-10 (01 Dec 1999) A new version of the main inequality and the uniqueness of harmonic maps
Marković, V Mateljević, M Journal d'Analyse Mathématique volume 79 issue 1 315-334 (Dec 1999) Unique extremality
Božin, V Lakic, N Marković, V Mateljević, M Journal d'Analyse Mathématique volume 75 issue 1 299-338 (Dec 1998) Unique extremality in the tangent space of the universal teichmuller space
Bozin, V Marković, V Mateljevic, M Integral Transforms and Special Functions volume 6 issue 1-4 145-149 (Mar 1998)