Prof. Yuji Nakatsukasa
Academic Faculty
Research groups
Research subgroups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent publications
Efficient bounds and estimates for canonical angles in randomized subspace approximations
Dong, Y Martinsson, P Nakatsukasa, Y SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications volume 45 issue 4 1978-2006 (18 Oct 2024) Fast and accurate randomized algorithms for linear systems and eigenvalue problems
Nakatsukasa, Y Tropp, J SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications volume 45 issue 2 1183-1214 (20 Jun 2024) A Cholesky QR type algorithm for computing tall-skinny QR factorization with column pivoting
Fukaya, T Nakatsukasa, Y Yamamoto, Y volume 00 63-75 (31 May 2024) Are sketch-and-precondition least squares solvers numerically stable?
Meier, M Nakatsukasa, Y Townsend, A Webb, M SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications volume 45 issue 2 905-929 (24 Apr 2024) AAA rational approximation on a continuum
Driscoll, T Nakatsukasa, Y Trefethen, L SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing volume 46 issue 2 A929-A952 (11 Mar 2024) Prizes, awards, and scholarships
Inaugural ICBS Frontiers of Science Award (2023)
Alston S. Householder Prize (2014)
Leslie Fox Prize (2011)
Research interests
Numerical linear algebra, especially randomized algorithms
Rational approximation, theory and computation