Date: Friday 23 June 2023

Location: St Catherines College, University of Oxford

InFoMM will host our Annual Meeting with a celebration of the innovative research taking place within the CDT. The day will consist of talks by academics and students, the Reddick Lecture, and a lavish lunch, reception and dinner. The meeting will be a major scientific, networking and social occasion for our students, industrialists from partner companies, and academics. Student talks will be given parallel sessions by InFoMM students in their final year of study, who will speak about research being undertaken with Industrial Partners as part of their DPhil. Students who have completed their DPhil will be giving "Rapid Reports" on their careers since completing InFoMM training. Professor Pete Grindrod will give the Reddick Lecture. We would be delighted to be joined by faculty, industrial partner representatives, and new company staff; as well as other InFoMM friends and associates.

Programme (full timetable)

09:00 Registration and Refreshments
09:45 Welcome 
10:00 InFoMM Legacy
10:30 Reports from InFoMM Postdoctoral Research Associates
11:20 Refreshment Break
11:50 Student Presentations (Parallel Sessions)
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Student Presentations (Parallel Sessions)
14:50 Rapid Reports from recent leavers (Parallel Sessions)
15:30 Refreshment Break
16:00 Christopher Reddick Przie Ceremony
16:15 Reddick Lecture
17:15 Wrap Up
17:30 Drinks Reception
18:30 Dinner

Click here to register your attendance

Previous Annual Meetings plenaries:

2022: Professor Colin Please; Mathematical modelling challenges from energy storage

2021: Professor Terry Lyons; From rough paths to streamed data

2019: Anne Juel; Sequential deposition of microdroplets on patterned surfaces for POLED displays

2018: Alan Champneys; The dynamics of friction - from earthquakes to rat's whiskers and robotic judder

2017: John Billingham; Energy beam processing: simple models for complex surfaces

2016: Chris Budd; Models for climate: the good, the bad and the ugly


Last updated on 20 Jun 2023, 3:08pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.