Tue, 11 Jun 2019

The momentum amplituhedron

Matteo Parisi

In this paper we define a new object, the momentum amplituhedron, which is the long sought-after positive geometry for tree-level scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in spinor helicity space. Inspired by the construction of the ordinary amplituhedron, we introduce bosonized spinor helicity variables to represent our external kinematical data, and restrict them to a particular positive region. The momentum amplituhedron Mn,k is then the image of the positive Grassmannian via a map determined by such kinematics. The scattering amplitudes are extracted from the canonical form with logarithmic singularities on the boundaries of this geometry.

Tue, 18 Jun 2019

14:00 - 14:30

Improving the scalability of derivative-free optimisation for nonlinear least-squares problems

Lindon Roberts

In existing techniques for model-based derivative-free optimisation, the computational cost of constructing local models and Lagrange polynomials can be high. As a result, these algorithms are not as suitable for large-scale problems as derivative-based methods. In this talk, I will introduce a derivative-free method based on exploration of random subspaces, suitable for nonlinear least-squares problems. This method has a substantially reduced computational cost (in terms of linear algebra), while still making progress using few objective evaluations.

Tue, 28 May 2019

14:30 - 15:00

Optimisation of 1D Piecewise Smooth Functions

Jonathan Grant-Peters

Optimisation in 1D is far simpler than multidimensional optimisation and this is largely due to the notion of a bracket. A bracket is a trio of points such that the middle point is the one with the smallest objective function value (of the three). The existence of a bracket is sufficient to guarantee that a continuous function has a local minimum within the bracket. The most stable 1D optimisation methods, such as Golden Section or Brent's Method, make use of this fact. The mentality behind these methods is to maintain a bracket at all times, all the while finding smaller brackets until the local minimum can be guaranteed to lie within a sufficiently small range. For smooth functions, Brent's method in particular converges quickly with a minimum of function evaluations required. However, when applied to a piece-wise smooth functions, it achieves its realistic worst case convergence rate. In this presentation, I will present a new method which uses ideas from Brent and Golden Section, while being designed to converge quickly for piece-wise smooth functions.

Mon, 03 Jun 2019

Brackets, involutivity and generalised geometry for 4d, N=1 backgrounds

Anthony Ashmore

Supergravity backgrounds are an essential ingredient in string theory or field theories via AdS/CFT. The simplest example of a 4d, N=1 background is the product of four-dimensional Minkowski space with a seven-dimensional manifold with G_2 holonomy in M-theory. For more complicated backgrounds where we allow non-zero fluxes, the supersymmetry conditions can be rephrased in terms of G-structure data. The geometry of these backgrounds is often complicated and their general features are not well understood.

In this talk, I will define the analogue of G_2 geometry for generic 4d, N=1 backgrounds with flux in both type II and eleven-dimensional supergravity. The geometry is characterised by a G-structure in 'exceptional generalised geometry' that includes G_2 structures and Hitchin's generalised geometry as subcases. Supersymmetry is then equivalent to integrability of the structures, which appears as an involutivity condition and a moment map for diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations. I will show how this works in a few simple examples and discuss how this can be used to understand general properties of supersymmetric backgrounds.


Mon, 24 Jun 2019

14:15 - 15:15

Higher Segal spaces and lax A-infinity structure

Elena Gal

The notion of a higher Segal object was introduces by Dyckerhoff and Kapranov as a general framework for studying (higher) associativity inherent
in a wide range of mathematical objects. Most of the examples are related to Hall algebra type constructions, which include quantum groups. We describe a construction that assigns to a simplicial object S a datum H(S)  which is naturally interpreted as a "d-lax A-infinity algebra” precisely when S is a (d+1)-Segal object. This extends the extensively studied d=2 case.

Tue, 07 May 2019

14:30 - 15:00

Fireshape, a look under the hood

Alberto Paganini

Fireshape is a shape optimization library based on finite elements. In this talk I will describe how Florian Wechsung and I developed Fireshape and will share my reflections on lessons learned through the process.

Tue, 21 May 2019

14:30 - 15:00

A Model-Based Derivative-Free Approach to Black-Box Adversarial Examples in Deep Learning

Giuseppe Ughi

Neural Network algorithms have achieved unprecedented performance in image recognition over the past decade. However, their application in real world use-cases, such as self driving cars, raises the question of whether it is safe to rely on them.

We generally associate the robustness of these algorithms with how easy it is to generate an adversarial example: a tiny perturbation of an image which leads it to be misclassified by the Neural Net (which classifies the original image correctly). Neural Nets are strongly susceptible to such adversarial examples, but when the architecture of the target neural net is unknown to the attacker it becomes more difficult to generate these examples efficiently.

In this Black-Box setting, we frame the generation of an adversarial example as an optimisation problem solvable via derivative free optimisation methods. Thus, we introduce an algorithm based on the BOBYQA model-based method and compare this to the current state of the art algorithm.

Mon, 20 May 2019

Rational cobordisms and integral homology

Paolo Aceto

We prove that every rational homology cobordism class in the subgroup generated
by lens spaces contains a unique connected sum of lens spaces whose first homology embeds in
any other element in the same class. As a consequence we show that several natural maps to
the rational homology cobordism group have infinite rank cokernels, and obtain a divisibility
condition between the determinants of certain 2-bridge knots and other knots in the same
concordance class. This is joint work with Daniele Celoria and JungHwan Park.

Mon, 13 May 2019

On operads with homological stability

Tom Zeman

In a recent paper, Basterra, Bobkova, Ponto, Tillmann and Yeakel defined
topological operads with homological stability (OHS) and proved that the
group completion of an algebra over an OHS is weakly equivalent to an
infinite loop space.

In this talk, I shall outline a construction which to an algebra A over
an OHS associates a new infinite loop space. Under mild conditions on
the operad, this space is equivalent as an infinite loop space to the
group completion of A. This generalises a result of Wahl on the
equivalence of the two infinite loop space structures constructed by
Tillmann on the classifying space of the stable mapping class group. I
shall also talk about an application of this construction to stable
moduli spaces of high-dimensional manifolds in thesense of Galatius and

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