Mon, 17 Oct 2022

On the inverse problem for isometry groups of norms

Emmanuel Breuillard
((Oxford University))

We study the problem of determining when a compact group can be realized as the group of isometries of a norm on a finite dimensional real vector space.  This problem turns out to be difficult to solve in full generality, but we manage to understand the connected groups that arise as connected components of isometry groups. The classification we obtain is related to transitive actions on spheres (Borel, Montgomery-Samelson) on the one hand and to prehomogeneous spaces (Vinberg, Sato-Kimura) on the other. (joint work with Martin Liebeck, Assaf Naor and Aluna Rizzoli)

Tue, 08 Nov 2022

14:00 - 14:30

Computing functions of matrices via composite rational functions

Yuji Nakatsukasa
((Oxford University))

Most algorithms for computing a matrix function $f(A)$ are based on finding a rational (or polynomial) approximant $r(A)≈f(A)$ to the scalar function on the spectrum of $A$. These functions are often in a composite form, that is, $f(z)≈r(z)=r_k(⋯r_2(r_1(z)))$ (where $k$ is the number of compositions, which is often the iteration count, and proportional to the computational cost); this way $r$ is a rational function whose degree grows exponentially in $k$. I will review algorithms that fall into this category and highlight the remarkable power of composite (rational) functions.

Tue, 08 Nov 2022

Bi-twistors, G_2*, and Split-Octonions

Roger Penrose
((Oxford University))

Note: we would recommend to join the meeting using the Zoom client for best user experience.


Standard twistor theory involves a complex projective
3-space PT which naturally divides into two halves PT+
and PT, joined by their common 5-real-dimensional
boundary PN. However, this splitting has two quite
different basic physical interpretations, namely
positive/negative helicity and positive/negative
frequency, which ought not to be confused in the
formalism, and the notion of “bi-twistors” is introduced
to resolve this issue. It is found that quantized bi-
twistors have a previously unnoticed G2* structure,
which enables the split-octonion algebra to be directly
formulated in terms of quantized bi-twistors, once the
appropriate complex structure is incorporated.

Thu, 07 Jul 2022

Resonances and unitarity from celestial amplitude

Dr Jinxiang Wu
((Oxford University))

Note: we would recommend to join the meeting using the Zoom client for best user experience.


We study the celestial description of the O(N) sigma model in the large N limit. Focusing on three dimensions, we analyze the implications of a UV complete, all-loop order 4-point amplitude of pions in terms of correlation functions defined on the celestial circle. We find these retain many key features from the previously studied tree-level case, such as their relation to Generalized Free Field theories and crossing-symmetry, but also incorporate new properties such as IR/UV softness and S-matrix metastable states. In particular, to understand unitarity, we propose a form of the optical theorem that controls the imaginary part of the correlator based solely on the presence of these resonances. We also explicitly analyze the conformal block expansions and factorization of four-point functions into three-point functions. We find that summing over resonances is key for these factorization properties to hold. This is a joint work with D. García-Sepúlveda, A. Guevara, J. Kulp.

Thu, 16 Jun 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Factorization in AdS/CFT

Carmen Jorge Diaz
((Oxford University))
Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome
Thu, 26 May 2022

14:00 - 15:30

BV Formalism

Sujar Nair
((Oxford University))
Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.
Thu, 02 Jun 2022

14:00 - 15:30


Horia Magureanu
((Oxford University))
Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.
Thu, 19 May 2022

14:00 - 15:30

Seiberg Witten Geometry

Pyry Kuusela
((Oxford University))
Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome
Tue, 03 May 2022

12:00 - 13:00

Burns holography

Atul Sharma
((Oxford University))

Holography in asymptotically flat spaces is one of the most coveted goals of modern mathematical physics. In this talk, I will motivate a novel holographic description of self-dual SO(8) Yang-Mills + self-dual conformal gravity on a Euclidean signature, asymptotically flat background called Burns space. The holographic dual lives on a stack of D1-branes wrapping a CP^1 cycle in the twistor space of R^4 and is given by a gauged beta-gamma system with SO(8) flavor and a pair of defects at the north and south poles. It provides the first example of a stringy realization of (asymptotically) flat holography and is a Euclidean signature variant of celestial holography. This is based on ongoing work with Kevin Costello and Natalie Paquette.

Tue, 07 Jun 2022

14:00 - 15:00

How to restrict representations from a complex reductive group to a real form

Lucas Mason-Brown
((Oxford University))

Let G(R) be the real points of a complex reductive algebraic group G. There are many difficult questions about admissible representations of real reductive groups which have (relatively) easy answers in the case of complex groups. Thus, it is natural to look for a relationship between representations of G and representations of G(R). In this talk, I will introduce a functor from admissible representations of G to admissible representations of G(R). This functor interacts nicely with many natural invariants, including infinitesimal character, associated variety, and restriction to a maximal compact subgroup, and it takes unipotent representations of G to unipotent representations of G(R).

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