Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 09 Feb 2009

17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Self-affine sets - Dimensions and Dynamics

Kenneth Falconer
(St. Andrews)

The talk will survey some recent and not so recent work on the

Hausdorff and box dimension of self-affine sets and related

attractors and repellers that arise in certain dynamical systems.

Mon, 02 Feb 2009

17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Existence of conformal metric with constant Q-curvature

Andrea Malchiodi
A classical problem in differential geometry is to deform the metric of a given manifold so that some of its curvatures become prescribed functions. Classical examples are the Uniformization problem for compact surfaces and the Yamabe problem for compact manifolds of dimension greater than two.
We address a similar problem for the so-called Q-curvature, which plays an important role in conformal geometry and is a natural higher order analogue of the Gauss curvature. The problem is tackled using a variational and Morse theoretical approach.
Mon, 01 Dec 2008

13:00 - 14:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Strain and stress fields in shape-memory and rigid-perfectly plastic polycrystals

Isaac Vikram Chenchiah
(University of Bristol)

he study of polycrystals of shape-memory alloys and rigid-perfectly plastic materials gives rise to problems of nonlinear homogenization involving degenerate energies. We present a characterisation of the strain and stress fields for some classes of problems in plane strain and also for some three-dimensional situations. Consequences for shape-memory alloys and rigid-perfectly plastic materials are discussed through model problems. In particular we explore connections to previous conjectures characterizing those shape-memory polycrystals with non-trivial recoverable strain.

Mon, 17 Nov 2008
Gibson 1st Floor SR

A hyperbolic pertubation of the Navier-Stokes equations

Geneviève Raugel
(Université Paris Sud)
Y. Brenier, R. Natalini and M. Puel have considered a ``relaxation" of the Euler equations in R2. After an approriate scaling, they have obtained the following hyperbolic version of the Navier-Stokes equations, which is similar to the hyperbolic version of the heat equation introduced by Cattaneo, $$\varepsilon u_{tt}^\varepsilon + u_t^\varepsilon -\Delta u^\varepsilon +P (u^\varepsilon \nabla u^\varepsilon) \, = \, Pf~, \quad (u^\varepsilon(.,0), u_t^\varepsilon(.,0)) \, = \, (u_0(.),u_1(.))~, \quad (1) $$ where $P$ is the classical Leray projector and $\varepsilon$ is a small, positive number. Under adequate hypotheses on the forcing term $f$, we prove global existence and uniqueness of a mild solution $(u^\varepsilon,u_t^\varepsilon) \in C^0([0, +\infty), H^{1}({\bf R}^2) \times L^2({\bf R}^2))$ of (1), for large initial data $(u_0,u_1)$ in $H^{1}({\bf R}2) \times L^2({\bf R}2)$, provided that $\varepsilon>0$ is small enough, thus improving the global existence results of Brenier, Natalini and Puel (actually, we can work in less regular Hilbert spaces). The proof uses appropriate Strichartz estimates, combined with energy estimates. We also show that $(u^\varepsilon,u_t^\varepsilon)$ converges to $(v,v_t)$ on finite intervals of time $[t_0,t_1]$, $0 <+ \infty$, when $\varepsilon$ goes to $0$, where $v$ is the solution of the corresponding Navier-Stokes equations $$ v_t -\Delta v +P (v\nabla v) \, = \, Pf~, \quad v(.,0) \, = \, u_0~. \quad (2) $$ We also consider Equation (1) in the three-dimensional case. Here we expect global existence results for small data. Under appropriate assumptions on the forcing term, we prove global existence and uniqueness of a mild solution $(u^\varepsilon,u_t^\varepsilon) \in C^0([0, +\infty), H^{1+\delta}({\bf R}^3) \times H^{\delta}({\bf R}^3))$ of (1), for initial data $(u_0,u_1)$ in $H^{1 +\delta}({\bf R}^3) \times H^{\delta}({\bf R}^3)$ (where $\delta >0 $ is a small positive number), provided that $\varepsilon > 0$ is small enough and that $u_0$ and $f$ satisfy a smallness condition. (Joint work with Marius Paicu)
Mon, 03 Nov 2008

17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Critical mass in generalized Smoluchowski-Poisson equations

Philippe Lauren&ccedil;ot

In space dimension 2, it is well-known that the Smoluchowski-Poisson

system (also called the simplified or parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel

chemotaxis model) exhibits the following phenomenon: there is a critical

mass above which all solutions blow up in finite time while all solutions

are global below that critical mass. We will investigate the case of the

critical mass along with the stability of self-similar solutions with

lower masses. We next consider a generalization to several space

dimensions which involves a nonlinear diffusion and show that a similar

phenomenon takes place but with some different features.

Mon, 27 Oct 2008

17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

On the zero temperature limit of interacting corpora

Peter Constantin

I will talk about recent work concerning the Onsager equation on metric

spaces. I will describe a framework for the study of equilibria of

melts of corpora -- bodies with finitely many

degrees of freedom, such as stick-and-ball models of molecules.

Mon, 13 Oct 2008

17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Liouville type theorems for Navier-Stokes equations

Gregory Seregin

In the lecture, I am going to explain a connection between

local regularity theory for the Navier-Stokes equations

and Liouville type theorems for bounded ancient solutions to

these equations.

Mon, 06 Oct 2008

17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

The analysis of Willmore Surfaces

Tristan Rivi&egrave;re

The Willmore Functional for surfaces has been introduced for the first time almost one century ago in the framework of conformal geometry (though it's one dimensional version already appears in thework of Daniel Bernouilli in the XVIII-th century). Maybe because of its simplicity and the depth of its mathematical relevance, it has since then played a significant role in various fields of sciences and technology such as cell biology, non-linear elasticity, general relativity...optical design...etc.

Critical points to the Willmore Functional are called Willmore Surfaces. They satisfy the so called Willmore Equations introduced originally by Gerhard Thomsen in 1923 . This equation, despite the elegance of it's formulation, is very inappropriate for dealing with analysis questions such as regularity, compactness...etc. We will present a new formulation of the Willmore Euler-Lagrange equation and explain how this formulation, together with the Integrability by compensation theory, permit to solve fundamental analysis questions regarding this functional, which were untill now totally open.

Mon, 09 Jun 2008

17:00 - 18:00

Uniqueness of Lagrangian trajectories for weak solutions of the two- and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

James Robinson

I will discuss recent results concerning the uniqueness of Lagrangian particle trajectories associated to weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. In two dimensions, for which the weak solutions are unique, I will present a mcuh simpler argument than that of Chemin &amp; Lerner that guarantees the uniqueness of these trajectories (this is joint work with Masoumeh Dashti, Warwick). In three dimensions, given a particular weak solution, Foias, Guillopé, &amp; Temam showed that one can construct at leaset one trajectory mapping that respects the volume-preserving nature of the underlying flow. I will show that under the additional assumption that $u\in L^{6/5}(0,T;L^\infty)$ this trajectory mapping is in fact unique (joint work with Witek Sadowski, Warsaw).

Mon, 12 May 2008

High frequency limit of Helmholtz equations : refraction by sharp interfaces

Elise Fouassier
(Université de Toulouse)

We compute the high frequency limit of the Hemholtz equation with source term, in the case of a refraction index that is discontinuous along a sharp interface between two unbounded media. The asymptotic propagation of energy is studied using Wigner measures. First, in the general case, assuming some geometrical hypotheses on the index and assuming that the interface does not capture energy asymptotically, we prove that the limiting Wigner measure satisfies a stationary transport equation with source term. This result encodes the refraction phenomenon. Second, we study the particular case when the index is constant in each media, for which the analysis goes further: we prove that the interface does not capture energy asymptotically in this case.

Mon, 05 May 2008

The Becker-Doering (B-D) and Lifschitz-Slyozov-Wagner (LSW) Equations

J. Conlon
(University of Michigan, USA)

The B-D equations describe a mean field approximation for a many body system in relaxation to equilibrium. The two B-D equations determine the time evolution of the density c(L,t) of particles with mass L, L=1,2,... One of the equations is a discretized linear diffusion equation for c(L,t), and the other is a non-local constraint equivalent to mass conservation. Existence and uniqueness for the B-D system was established in the 1980's by Ball, Carr and Penrose. Research in the past decade has concentrated on understanding the large time behavior of solutions to the B-D system. This behavior is characterized by the phenomenon of "coarsening", whereby excess density is concentrated in large particles with mass increasing at a definite rate. An important conjecture in the field is that the coarsening rate can be obtained from a particular self- similar solution of the simpler LSW system. In this talk we shall discuss the B-D and LSW equations, and some recent progress by the speaker and others towards the resolution of this conjecture.

Mon, 28 Apr 2008

Concerning the Ladyzhenskaya-Smagorinsky turbulence model - The regularity problem

H. Beirao da Veiga

we present some sharp regularity results for the stationary and the evolution Navier-Stokes equations with shear dependent viscosity, under the no-slip boundary condition. This is a classical turbulence model, considered by von Neumann and Richtmeyer in the 50's, and by Smagorinski in the beginning of the 60's (for p= 3). The model was extended to other physical situations, and deeply studied from a mathematical point of view, by Ladyzhenskaya in the second half of the 60's. We consider the shear thickening case p&gt;2. We are interested in regularity results in Sobolev spaces, up to the boundary, in dimension n=3, for the second order derivatives of the velocity and the first order derivatives of the pressure. In spite of the very rich literature on the subject, sharp regularity results up to the boundary are quite new.

Mon, 21 Apr 2008

Multi-phase mixtures, multi-well relaxation and $H$-measures

V.P. Smyshlyaev
(University of Bath)
Multi-well relaxation problem emerges e.g. in characterising effective properties of composites and in phase transformations. This is a nonlinear problem and one approach uses its reformulation in Fourier space, known in the theory of composites as Hashin-Shtrikman approach, adapted to nonlinear composites by Talbot and Willis. Characterisation of admissible mixtures, subjected to appropriate differential constraints, leads to a quasiconvexification problem. The latter is equivalently reformulated in the Fourier space as minimisation with respect to (extremal points of) H-measures of characteristic functions (Kohn), which in a sense separates the microgeometry of mixing from the differential constraints. For three-phase mixtures in 3D we obtain a full characterisation of certain extremal H-measures. This employs Muller's Haar wavelet expansion estimates in terms of Riesz transform to establish via the tools of harmonic analysis weak lower semicontinuity of certain functionals with rank-2 convex integrands. As a by-product, this allows to fully solve the problem of characterisation of quasiconvex hulls for three arbitrary divergence-free wells. We discuss the applicability of the results to problems with other kinematic constraints, and other generalisations. Joint work with Mariapia Palombaro, Leipzig.
Mon, 03 Mar 2008

Reconstruction of deformations from Cauchy-Green tensors with little regularity

Sorin Mardare
(University of Zurich)

One of the intrinsic methods in elasticity is to consider the Cauchy-Green tensor as the primary unknown, instead of the deformation realizing this tensor, as in the classical approach.

Then one can ask whether it is possible to recover the deformation from its Cauchy-Green tensor. From a differential geometry viewpoint, this amounts to finding an isometric immersion of a Riemannian manifold into the Euclidian space of the same dimension, say d. It is well known that this is possible, at least locally, if and only if the Riemann curvature tensor vanishes. However, the classical results assume at least a C2 regularity for the Cauchy-Green tensor (a.k.a. the metric tensor). From an elasticity theory viewpoint, weaker regularity assumptions on the data would be suitable.

We generalize this classical result under the hypothesis that the Cauchy-Green tensor is only of class W^{1,p} for some p&gt;d.

The proof is based on a general result of PDE concerning the solvability and stability of a system of first order partial differential equations with L^p coefficients.

Mon, 25 Feb 2008

Gradient-plasticity: modelling and analysis.

Patrizio Neff
(University of Essen & T.U. Darmstadt)
We discuss a model of finite strain gradient plasticity including phenomenological Prager type linear kinematical hardening and nonlocal kinematical hardening due to dislocation interaction. Based on the multiplicative decomposition a thermodynamically admissible flow rule for Fp is described involving as plastic gradient Curl Fp. The formulation is covariant w.r.t. superposed rigid rotations of the reference, intermediate and spatial configuration but the model is not spin-free due to the nonlocal dislocation interaction and cannot be reduced to a dependenceon the plastic metric Cp=FpT Fp.
The linearization leads to a thermodynamically admissible model of infinitesimal plasticity involving only the Curl of the non-symmetric plastic distortion p. Linearized spatial and material covariance under constant infinitesimal rotations is satisfied.
Uniqueness of strong solutions of the infinitesimal model is obtained if two non-classical boundary conditions on the plastic distortion p are introduced: dtp.τ=0 on the microscopically hard boundary ΓD⊂∂Ω and [Curlp].τ=0 on the microscopically free boundary ∂Ω\ΓD, where τ are the tangential vectors at the boundary ∂Ω. Moreover, I show that a weak reformulation of the infinitesimal model allows for a global in-time solution of the corresponding rate-independent initial boundary value problem. The method of choice are a formulation as a quasivariational inequality with symmetric and coercive bilinear form, following the abstract framework proposed by Reddy. Use is made of new Hilbert-space suitable for dislocation density dependent plasticity.