Forthcoming events in this series

Tue, 05 Nov 2013

14:00 - 15:00

Cycles of algebraic D-modules in positive characteristic II.

Chris Dodd

I will explain some ongoing work on understanding algebraic D-moldules via their reduction to positive characteristic. I will define the p-cycle of an algebraic D-module, explain the general results of Bitoun and Van Den Bergh; and then discuss a new construction of a class of algebraic D-modules with prescribed p-cycle.

Thu, 31 Oct 2013

14:00 - 15:00

Cluster combinatorics and geometrical models (part I)

Lisa Lamberti

In this talk I will give a definition of cluster algebra and state some main results.

Moreover, I will explain how the combinatorics of certain cluster algebras can be modeled in geometric terms.

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

15:50 - 16:50

Periodicity of finite-dimensional algebras

Andrzej Skowronski

Let $A$ be a finite-dimensional $K$-algebra over an algebraically closed field $K$. Denote by $\Omega_A$ the syzygy operator on the category $\mod A$ of finite-dimensional right $A$-modules, which assigns to a module $M$ in $\mod A$ the kernel $\Omega_A(M)$ of a minimal projective cover $P_A(M) \to M$ of $M$ in $\mod A$. A module $M$ in $\mod A$ is said to be periodic if $\Omega_A^n(M) \cong M$ for some $n \geq 1$. Then $A$ is said to be a periodic algebra if $A$ is periodic in the module category $\mod A^e$ of the enveloping algebra $A^e = A^{\op} \otimes_K A$. The periodic algebras $A$ are self-injective and their module categories $\mod A$ are periodic (all modules in $\mod A$ without projective direct summands are periodic). The periodicity of an algebra $A$ is related with periodicity of its Hochschild cohomology algebra $HH^{*}(A)$ and is invariant under equivalences of the derived categories $D^b(\mod A)$ of bounded complexes over $\mod A$. One of the exciting open problems in the representation theory of self-injective algebras is to determine the Morita equivalence classes of periodic algebras.

We will present the current stage of the solution of this problem and exhibit prominent classes of periodic algebras.

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

14:00 - 15:00

On symmetric quotients of symmetric algebras

Radha Kessar
(City University London)

We investigate symmetric quotient algebras of symmetric algebras,

with an emphasis on finite group algebras over a complete discrete

valuation ring R with residue field of positive characteristic p. Using elementary methods, we show that if an

ordinary irreducible character of a finite group gives

rise to a symmetric quotient over R which is not a matrix algebra,

then the decomposition numbers of the row labelled by the character are

all divisible by p. In a different direction, we show that if is P is a finite

p-group with a cyclic normal subgroup of index p, then every ordinary irreducible character of P gives rise to a

symmetric quotient of RP. This is joint work with Shigeo Koshitani and Markus Linckelmann.

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

10:50 - 11:50

Affine cellularity of Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras in finite type A

Vanessa Miemietz
(UEA Norwich)

We explain how Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras in finite type A are affine cellular in the sense of Koenig and Xi. In particular this reproves finiteness of their global dimension. This is joint work with Alexander Kleshchev and Joseph Loubert.

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

09:30 - 10:30

Examples of support varieties for Hopf algebras with noncommutative tensor products

Dave Benson

This talk is about some recent joint work with Sarah Witherspoon. The representations of some finite dimensional Hopf algebras have curious behaviour: Nonprojective modules may have projective tensor powers, and the variety of a tensor product of modules may not be contained in the intersection of their varieties. I shall describe a family of examples of such Hopf algebras and their modules, and the classification of left, right, and two-sided ideals in their stable module categories.

Thu, 17 Oct 2013

16:45 - 17:45

Coxeter groups, path algebras and preprojective algebras

Idun Reiten
(NTNU Trondheim)

To a finite connected acyclic quiver Q there is associated a path algebra kQ, for an algebraically closed field k, a Coxeter group W and a preprojective algebra. We discuss a bijection between elements of the Coxeter group W and the cofinite quotient closed subcategories of mod kQ, obtained by using the preprojective algebra. This is taken from a paper with Oppermann and Thomas. We also include a related result by Mizuno in the case when Q is Dynkin.

Thu, 17 Oct 2013

15:00 - 16:00

The root posets (and the hereditary abelian categories of Dynkin type)

Claus Ringel
(Bielefeld University)

Given a root system, the choice of a root basis divides the set of roots into the positive and the negative ones, it also yields an ordering on the set of positive roots. The set of positive roots with respect to this ordering is called a root poset. The root posets have attracted a lot of interest in the last years. The set of antichains (with a suitable ordering) in a root poset turns out to be a lattice, it is called lattice of (generalized) non-crossing partitions. As Ingalls and Thomas have shown, this lattice is isomorphic to the lattice of thick subcategories of a hereditary abelian category of Dynkin type. The isomorphism can be used in order to provide conceptual proofs of several intriguing counting results for non-crossing partitions.