For prospective students

The Mathematical Logic Group looks very much forward to receiving applications from students who wish to pursue an advanced research degree. Applications are handled centrally. All necessary information, including deadlines and information about funding, can be found on the Department's dedicated webpage. It is not essential to contact potential supervisors before applying.

Currently, potential supervisors include Ehud Hrushovski and Jochen Koenigsmann. Potential co-supervisors include Martin Bays and Jamshid Derakhshan. Please note that there are many other faculty members with an interest in logic (Analytic topology: Robin Knight, Rolf Suabedissen; Combinatorics, Number Theory, Algebra: Emmanuel Breuillard).

To get an idea of possible research topics, see the list of papers on arXiv and previous theses written within the Logic Group.

Last updated on 8 Feb 2024, 3:59pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.