Monday 20th November (2pm - 5pm)
C5, Mathematical Institute

Complexity Oxford Imperial College, COXIC, is a series of workshops aiming at bringing together researchers in Oxford and Imperial College interested in complex systems. The events take place twice a year, alternatively in Oxford and in London, and give the possibility to PhD students and young postdocs to present their research.

The first edition will take place on November 20 2017, in the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University, in room C5.


2:00: Welcome

2:15: Marco Pangallo (OX), Best reply structure and equilibrium convergence in generic games

2:35: Johannes Pausch (IC), A field-theoretic approach to microtubule self-assembly

2:55: Arta Cika (OX), Entropy of network ensembles


3:15 - 4:00: Coffee break


4:00: Rosalba garcia milan (IC), Oslo model and hyper-uniformity

4:20: Roxana Pamfil (OX), Optimal resolution parameters for modularity maximisation in multilayer networks

4:40: Antonia Godoy-Lorite (IC), Inference of connectivity kernels in soft random geometric graphs without using link data.


5:00: Social event at the Lamb & Flag

Last updated on 29 Nov 2024, 12:50pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.