Workshop on Higher-order Interaction Networks: Dynamics, Structure, Data


9th-11th September 2019
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

Many complex systems in physics, biology, neuroscience, engineering, and social science can be modeled as networks of interacting nodes. In many cases, each node is a dynamical system which evolves under the influence of the other nodes it is connected to in the network. Unravelling how the interplay of network structure (which in itself may evolve) and interaction shapes the overall dynamics is thus of a wide interest across disciplines. Within different mathematical communities distinct approaches have been developed (1) to understand the network structure itself (and its evolution), (2) to develop new tools for dynamical systems theory for networked systems, and (3) to link real-world data to the mathematical models.

The goal of the research workshop "Higher-order interaction networks: dynamics, structure, data" is to bring together researchers from these different communities with distinct perspectives on network dynamics —- from network science, dynamical systems, and data science/machine learning -- to develop novel approaches to understand networked systems. By cutting across different mathematical communities, this will allow us to develop new tools, for example by exploring links between data-driven methods (such as machine learning) and dynamics. A particular focus of this workshop will be on the role of non-dyadic dynamical interactions (joint interactions between more than two nodes) whose importance for the modeling, analysis, and control of such networked systems have recently been highlighted.

The workshop is kindly sponsored by:

Register Interest:

To register your interest please fill in the registration form.

Expressions of interest are now open with an initial deadline of June 1, 2019, with notification of acceptance no later than June 15, 2019.

Participation in the workshop will cost a nominal fee of £50 which will be used to cover catering during the workshop. Participants will also have the chance to attend the workshop dinner on Wednesday 10th September at the nearby Somerville College, the cost of which will be £30.  

Thanks to generous funding from EU and the London Mathematical Society, there is limited travel support for UK-based early career researchers available. Please indicate whether you wish to apply for support during registration.

Poster contributions are accepted, but not required. Please get in touch if you would like to contribute a poster. 

Confirmed Speakers:

Lou Pecora (Naval Research Labs)
Tanya Berger-Wolf (Illinois)
Santiago Segarra (Rice)
Tiago Pereira (USP Sao Carlos)
Roger Guimerà  (Barcelona)
Jacopo Grilli (Santa Fe Institute/ICTP Trieste)
Marya Bazzi (ATI)
Rebecca Hoyle (Southampton)

Ana Paula Dias (Porto)
Laetitia Gauvin (ISI Torino)
Heather Harrington (Oxford)
Arkady Pikovsky (Potsdam)
Jess Enright (Stirling)
Peter Ashwin (Exeter)
Pawel Dlotko (Swansea)

The workshop will run from 9th September (lunchtime) to 11th September (lunchtime). 

A detailed schedule with abstracts can be found here.

Monday  - Networks & Higher-order Interactions
- [1230-1345] Registration
- [1345-1400] Welcome / Organizational remarks
- [1400-1500] Keynote: Heather Harrington
- [1500-1530] Coffee
- [1530-1730] 3 talks: Laetitia Gauvin, Pawel Dlotko, Santiago Segarra
- [1730-1800] Discussion / Breakout
- [1800-2000] Wine + Poster Session

Tuesday - Dynamical Systems & Higher-order Interactions
- [0925-0930] Organizational Updates / Intro
- [0930-1030] Keynote: Lou Pecora
- [1030-1100] Coffee
- [1100-1300] 3 talks: Arkady Pikovsky, Jacopo Grilli, Jess Enright
- [1300-1500] Lunch / Breakout
- [1500-1700] 3 talks: Peter Ashwin, Ana Paula Dias, Tiago Pereira
- [1700-1900] Discussion / Breakout
- [1900-2300] Dinner at Somerville

Wednesday - Data & Higher-order Interactions
- [0900-1000] Keynote: Tanya Berger-Wolf
- [1000-1030] Coffee
- [1030-1230] 3 talks: Roger Guimera, Rebecca Hoyle, Marya Bazzi
- [1230-1300] Panel / Closing
- [1300-1400] Lunch


Workshop Dinner:

The workshop dinner will be held on the 10th September at Somerville College

A drinks reception will be held at 7pm, followed by dinner at 7.45pm.


Michael Schaub (MIT/Oxford)
Christian Bick (Exeter/Oxford)
Andrew Mellor (Oxford)


For participants, we suggest booking through University Rooms.
Early booking is recommended due to the high demand during the holidays.


Contact the organisers via @email

Getting to Oxford:

For travel information on how to get to Oxford please see the Institute guide.

Last updated on 29 Nov 2024, 12:50pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.