Focussing on the fundamental analysis of PDE, and numerical algorithms for their solutions. 


The Oxford Centre for Nonlinear PDE (OxPDE) is a vibrant and stimulating research environment, providing leadership in the area of nonlinear PDE within the UK.PDEs are ubiquitous in almost all applications of mathematics, where they provide a natural mathematical description of many phenomena. The behaviour of every material object, with length scales ranging from sub-atomic to astronomical and timescales ranging from picoseconds to millennia, can be modelled by PDE or by equations having similar features.

The centre focuses on the fundamental analysis of nonlinear PDE, and numerical algorithms for their solution. Current areas of interest include the calculus of variations, nonlinear hyperbolic systems, inverse problems, homogenization, infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, geometric analysis and PDE arising in solid and fluid mechanics, materials science, liquid crystals, biology and relativity. Amongst other initiatives, we run an active visitor programme, an events programme, a dedicated technical report series and host national events and visitors calendars for the PDE community. 

The Centre is involved with the recently established EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Applications

The Centre runs a weekly PDE seminar in term time on Mondays. There is also a lunchtime seminar series run by the CDT on Thursdays.

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Last updated on 2 Apr 2024, 11:28am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.