Induction packs
We provide every new member of staff with a comprehensive induction pack, containing useful information that you can refer to throughout your time with us. You can browse online, and we'll also give you a hard copy when you arrive. From time to time these information packs are updated, so you can refer to them in the future for the most up-to-date information on departmental policies and how-to guides.
All staff
Apply for National Insurance.pdf
Out of Hours Access to the Andrew Wiles Building.pdf
Microsoft Outlook Instructions for New Users.pdf
An Introduction to Skilled Worker and Tier 5 Visas.pdf
Professional Services Staff
Research staff
Career Development Reviews for Researchers.pdf
Code of Practice for the Employment and Career Development of Research Staff.pdf
Setting Up REF Open Access.pdf
University Research Integrity Training.pdf
Academic staff
MPLS Division Review and Reappointment Procedures for Academic Staff.pdf