Marking Students' Work

This page contains information for teaching assistants.

A Note About Timings

Wait until after the submission deadline has passed before starting to mark work, as students are allowed to modify their submissions until then. Students can also submit late, though the mark then will be clearly marked as a late submission.

Please ensure you release feedback to students at least one hour before the start of the class, to give them time to review your feedback and make the most of the class.

Download Submissions

Screenshot showing the Moodle homepage, with an arrow pointing to the "Log in" linkGo to the Courses site and make sure you are logged in - click "Log in" in the top right corner if not.

Navigate to the relevant course - either using the list on the homepage, or from "My courses". If you use the search box, make sure you select the course for the current year.

Screenshot showing a list of problem sheets in MoodleClick the assignment you want to mark.

Screenshot showing Sheet 1 as a TA, with an arrow pointing to the "View all submissions" buttonClick "View all submissions".

Screenshot showing the "Submissions" page, with an arrow pointing to the "Download all submissions" buttonTo download a zip file containing all submissions at once, click "Download all submissions".

Alternatively, tick the submissions you want to mark, then select "Download selected submissions" and click "Go". You can use the controls at the bottom (under "Options") to filter the list and control the number of results per page. Keep "Download submissions in folders" ticked.

Mark Submissions

Create a new, empty directory wherever you like to grade and unzip the file into it. There will be one subfolder for each submission, clearly marked with the student's name and some other identifiers. Do not rename or reorganise the folders - otherwise you will need to manually upload the marked work one-by-one.

Directly edit the submitted files and add your feedback. There is some guidance available for how to digitally mark work. If you would like to borrow a Wacom graphics tablet to assist with this, please email @email.

Note: Marks are not currently recorded in Moodle. They ultimately have to be recorded in TMS (Teaching Management System). Please do not email each other with students' marks either - instead, please share a spreadsheet securely in Nexus 365.

Upload Feedback in Bulk

Once all the work is marked, zip the folders up again, retaining the previous structure.

Screenshot showing the Submissions page, with the "Grading action" dropdown open, and an arrow pointing to "Upload multiple feedback files as a zip"Return to the "View all submissions" interface and select "Upload multiple feedback files as zip" from the "Grading action" dropdown.

Screenshot showing the "Upload multiple feedback files in a zip" form, with arrows pointing to the "Choose a file" and "Import feedback file(s)" buttonsUpload the zip file as indicated. You can either use drag and drop, or click "Choose a file" then "Upload a file".

Then click "Import feedback file(s), followed by "Confirm" then "Continue".

Upload Feedback Individually

Screenshot showing the list of submissions, with an arrow pointing to the "Grade" buttonIf you don't want to upload feedback as a zip file, or you want to submit or replace individual marked work, find the student in the list and click "Grade".

Screenshot showing the individual grading page, with arrows pointing to the "Feedback files" area and the "Save changes" buttonUpload individual files (not a zip) to the "Feedback files" field. You can also delete files from here if you upload something in error, or need to replace a file.

Be careful to upload the correct files for the correct students!

Once the files are uploaded, click "Save changes" (or "Save and show next").

Note: Even if "Notify student" is ticked, they will not be notified until the "Workflow state" is set to "Released" (see below).

You will remain on the same page, so click "View all submissions" to go back to the previous page.

Releasing Feedback to Students

Screenshot of the submissions list, with the user ticked and arrows pointing to the checkbox, "Set marking workflow state" dropdown and "Go" buttonGo back to the "View all submissions" page and tick all the submissions you wish to release. You may want to change the "Assignments per page" option to a higher number, and you should check the filters to ensure you are seeing the correct students and not missing any.

Next to "Work selected...", select "Set marking workflow state" and click "Go", followed by "OK".

Screenshot of the "Set marking workflow state" form, with arrows pointing to "Workflow state", "Notify student" and "Save changes"Double-check that the correct users are listed.

Set "Marking workflow state" to "Released" and "Notify student" to "Yes".

Click "Save changes".

Alternatively, you can release individual marks from the "Grade" screen.

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 21 Jul 2023 15:11.