Creating/Editing Seminars & Events

If you are managing a seminar/event series, you can have your event details advertised online and on the electronic notice boards in the department. Either:

  • Email the details to @email, where the reception staff will enter the details onto the system for you, or
  • Email @email to request access to edit the seminar series directly.

Creating an Event

Once you have been granted access, you will be able to add new events as follows:

  1. Make sure you are logged into the website with your Maths account.
  2. In the menu bar at the top of the page, click Manage > Content.
  3. Click the red "Add content" button.
  4. If you have access to multiple content types, select "Event" from the list. (If not, you will be taken directly to the "Create Event" page.)
  5. Fill in the event details as appropriate (skip anything that is not relevant or not known).
  6. Click "Save".

If the event details have not yet been confirmed, please enter "TBA" or "TBC" as the title. Note that the event will not be displayed on the homepage or electronic notice boards until the real title is entered, so please do that as soon as possible.

If the event is happening remotely (online), please paste a joining link into the "Meeting URL" field. This link will become visible to logged in participants on all website listings 30 minutes before the seminar starts and it will be removed 30 minutes after the seminar ends. (There is additional guidance available on scheduling and giving virtual (remote) seminars/webinars.)

You can write LaTeX in the "Abstract" and "Further Information" fields by wrapping it in \( ... \) (inline format) or \[ ... \] (block format) - e.g. \( x^2 + y^2 = z^2 \) becomes \( x^2 + y^2 = z^2 \).

Editing an Event

To edit an event:

  1. Go to the relevant seminar series page
  2. Click the "Edit" link next to the event
  3. Make changes as required
  4. Click "Save"

Cancelling an Event

If an event is cancelled:

  1. Go to the relevant seminar series page
  2. Click the "Edit" link next to the event
  3. Add "Cancelled -" or "Postponed -" (as appropriate) to the beginning of the title, e.g. "Cancelled - Seminar Name"
  4. Tick "Exclude from homepage & electronic notice boards", to ensure it is no longer publicised
  5. Optionally, give further details/reasons in the Abstract field
  6. Click "Save"

This ensures people who have already seen it advertised know of the change, whereas deleting the event completely would be less clear. If you created an event by mistake, or you think it needs deleting another reason, please contact IT support.

Last updated on 5 Jul 2024, 3:04pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.