Copying Lecture Videos Between Years

This page contains information for lecturers.

Lecture videos are not automatically copied between years, but you can copy them across if you are teaching the same course as in previous years.

Screenshot showing the Moodle homepage, with an arrow pointing to the "Log in" linkGo to the Courses site and make sure you are logged in - click "Log in" in the top right corner if not.

Navigate to the relevant course for the previous year - either using the "Archive" list on the homepage, or from "My courses".

Screenshot showing a course page, with an arrow pointing to "Lecture Videos"Click "Lecture Videos".

Screenshot showing the Lecture Videos page, with an arrow pointing to the "Open in Panopto" iconOptional: Click the "Open in Panopto" icon to open the folder in a bigger window, making it easier to manage videos.

Screenshow showing a Panopto folder, with the cursor hovered over a video, with an arrow pointing to the checkbox that appearsHover over the first video preview until a checkbox appears, then click it to select that video.

Screenshot showing a Panopto folder with all videos checked, with arrows pointing to the "Select All" checkbox and the "Copy" buttonNow a checkbox will appear at the very top of the list with the capture "Select All/None". Click it to select all videos in the folder.

If there are any videos you don't want to copy, untick them now.

Click the "Copy" button at the top.

Screenshow showing the "Copy videos" dialog, with arrows pointing to the dropdown, target course, and "Copy" buttonClick the combo box at the top, labelled "Choose a folder or start typing to search".

Find the course for the current year and select it. You can either browse in the dropdown list, or start typing to search.

Click the "Copy" button.

When the copy is complete, close the tab.

You may now want to visit the new course and reorder the videos.

Note: This creates "reference copies" of the videos, which means modifying the original video will also update the reference copy. Don't worry though - Panopto will warn you before you make any changes, and it will not allow you to delete the original video while any reference copies exist. You can always unlink them if needed.

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 21 Jul 2023 13:56.