Creating Linked Courses

This page contains information for academic administrators.

Get the URL for the target course

Go to the Courses site and make sure you are logged in - click "Log in" in the top right corner if not.

Navigate to the course you want to link to - e.g. using the list on the homepage.

Copy the URL from the address bar. The link will look something like

Note: You should generally only link to current courses - not to archived courses - to ensure the links will be updated correctly during the annual rollover of courses.

Create the new course

Click "Site administration" in the top navigation.

Click the "Courses" tab, then "Add a new course".

Enter the course name and year - e.g. "Sample Course (2022-23)". (If you get an error that it is not unique, add a suffix before the year, e.g. "Sample Course_1 (2022-23)".)

Put the same name into the short name field.

Under "Course category", open the "Search" box and choose the right course and term category.

For "Course visibility", select "Show" if you want it published immediately, or "Hide" if you want to publish it later.

For "Course start date", put 01 September 20XX 00:00

For "Course end date", put 31 August 20YY 23:59.

Expand "Course format" and set "Format" to "Single activity format".

Wait a moment for the page to reload, then scroll back down to the "Course format" section.

For "Type of activity" select "URL".

Click "Save and display".

Configure the link

You will be taken to the "Adding a new URL" page.

For "Name", enter the course name without the year.

For "External URL", paste the URL to the target course.

Click "Save and display".

Click "Home" and navigate to the new course to test it.

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 24 Jul 2024 15:19.