Research facilitation
Research facilitation in the Mathematical Institute are available for consultation on the identification of suitable calls for proposals, the preparation and submission of grant applications and the processing of applications through departmental and institutional approvals.
One or more member of research facilitation is available for consultation in the Andrew Wiles building on Mondays and Tuesdays. In the first instance, contact should be made by email or Microsoft Teams.
Overview of funding opportunities
There is a wide range of extramural funding available for which members of the Mathematical Institute would be eligible to apply; these include EPSRC standard grants, subject-specific grants, personal fellowships, prizes, travel funding, studentships, and funding for outside visitors. See the funding opportunities page for further detail and a list of current calls for these categories of funding.
Internal application procedures
Research facilitation are available for help and advice in determining suitable sources of funding and in preparing grant proposals. All applications, be they preliminary or full, are subject to departmental (in effect, Head of Research Facilitation and Head of Department of Mathematics) and institutional (Research Services office) approvals prior to submission, regardless of whether a signature is required. Internal deadlines for most calls are set four weeks prior to their respective external deadlines (unless indicated otherwise, five weeks in advance for fellowships) to accommodate the time needed to review, prepare and agree a budget, consider alignment with departmental policies, undertake due diligence and obtain departmental and institutional approvals.
Research Committee funding
Funding for certain activities is available from the departmental Research Committee, including for faculty travel and seminar expenses, and through the research-incentive scheme.
Applications to other funding bodies and application-preparation resources
Applicants may find the Deloitte report Measuring the economic benefits of mathematical science research in the UK helpful when considering the potential impact and national importance of research projects. The report references example applications and benefits of a wide range of applied and fundamental mathematics.
Novice applicants may find Jacob Kraicer's The art of grantsmanship helpful.