Tue, 21 May 2024

10:30 - 17:30

One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics

Further Information

The speakers are Carla Groenland (Delft), Shoham Letzter (UCL), Nati Linial (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Piotr Micek (Jagiellonian University), and Gabor Tardos (Renyi Institute). Please see the event website for further details including titles, abstracts, and timings. Anyone interested is welcome to attend, and no registration is required.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024

14:00 - 15:00


Yani Pehova
(London School of Economics)
Tue, 28 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Percolation through isoperimetry

Michael Krivelevich
(Tel Aviv University)

Let $G$ be a $d$-regular graph of growing degree on $n$ vertices. Form a random subgraph $G_p$ of $G$ by retaining edge of $G$ independently with probability $p=p(d)$. Which conditions on $G$ suffice to observe a phase transition at $p=1/d$, similar to that in the binomial random graph $G(n,p)$, or, say, in a random subgraph of the binary hypercube $Q^d$?

We argue that in the supercritical regime $p=(1+\epsilon)/d$, $\epsilon>0$ a small constant, postulating that every vertex subset $S$ of $G$ of at most $n/2$ vertices has its edge boundary at least $C|S|$, for some large enough constant $C=C(\epsilon)>0$, suffices to guarantee likely appearance of the giant component in $G_p$. Moreover, its asymptotic order is equal to that in the random graph $G(n,(1+\epsilon)/n)$, and all other components are typically much smaller.

We also give examples demonstrating tightness of our main result in several key senses.

A joint work with Sahar Diskin, Joshua Erde and Mihyun Kang.

Tue, 14 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

The Erdös–Rényi random graph conditioned on being a cluster graph

Marc Noy
(Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)

A cluster graph is a disjoint union of complete graphs. We consider the random $G(n,p)$ graph on $n$ vertices with connection probability $p$, conditioned on the rare event of being a cluster graph. There are three main motivations for our study.

  1. For $p = 1/2$, each random cluster graph occurs with the same probability, resulting in the uniform distribution over set partitions. Interpreting such a partition as a graph adds additional structural information.
  2. To study how the law of a well-studied object like $G(n,p)$ changes when conditioned on a rare event; an evidence of this fact is that the conditioned random graph overcomes a phase transition at $p=1/2$ (not present in the dense $G(n,p)$ model).
  3. The original motivation was an application to community detection. Taking a random cluster graph as a model for a prior distribution of a partition into communities leads to significantly better community-detection performance.

This is joint work with Martijn Gösgens, Lukas Lüchtrath, Elena Magnanini and Élie de Panafieu.

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

14:00 - 15:00

The rainbow saturation number

Natalie Behague
(University of Warwick)

The saturation number of a graph is a famous and well-studied counterpoint to the Turán number, and the rainbow saturation number is a generalisation of the saturation number to the setting of coloured graphs. Specifically, for a given graph $F$, an edge-coloured graph is $F$-rainbow saturated if it does not contain a rainbow copy of $F$, but the addition of any non-edge in any colour creates a rainbow copy of $F$. The rainbow saturation number of $F$ is the minimum number of edges in an $F$-rainbow saturated graph on $n$ vertices. Girão, Lewis, and Popielarz conjectured that, like the saturation number, for all $F$ the rainbow saturation number is linear in $n$. I will present our attractive and elementary proof of this conjecture, and finish with a discussion of related results and open questions.

A database of basic numerical invariants of Hilbert modular surfaces
Assaf, E Babei, A Breen, B Costa, E Duque-Rosero, J Horawa, A Kieffer, J Kulkarni, A Molnar, G Schiavone, S Voight, J Contemporary Mathematics

We're back with some helpful Fridays@2pm events in Week 2 and Week 3 of term! Both are in L1.

Join Prof. Dan Ciubotaru from 14:00-14:45 on Friday of Week 2 for Prelims / Part A revision. 

Or come along to Prof. Dmitry Belyaev's session from 14:00-14:45 on Friday of Week 3 for Parts B and C / OMMS revision.

As always, tea/coffee and biscuits will be served afterwards.

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