Oxford Online Maths Club
Welcome to the club!
The Oxford Online Maths Club is a weekly livestream from the University of Oxford. It’s free, interactive, casual, and relaxed, and the livestreams are recorded so that you can watch back afterwards if you can't make it to the live broadcast on Thursday afternoons. Our regular host is Dr James Munro, and we often have current Oxford students answering questions in chat and appearing on the livestream to talk about maths.
The club is mostly aimed at people about to apply to university or about to start a Maths course, but everyone's welcome and there's no registration needed. Whether you’re the only person you know who’s interested in mathematics, or if you’re an entire sixth-form maths club looking for more maths content, we’re here for you.
Next Livestream
Contact us
If you’d like to ask us anything about anything we've covered on OOMC, send an email to oomc [at] maths.ox.ac.uk.
We'd love your suggestions for Maths topics, or feedback or comments on the livestream, which you can also send to the email address above.
Previous Episodes
You can watch previous episodes and access all the further reading with the links below. There's no need to watch the episodes "in order"; choose one with a title that sounds interesting to you!
Season 9 (2025)
Maths of Music and Colour
Winter Puzzles
FUNdamental Theorems
Season 8 (2024)
Summer Puzzles
CompSci Takeover 2!
Solid Gold
Divide and Conquer
Season 7 (2024)
Two Routes to Hyperbolic Space
Predator vs Prey
Sounds Like Maths
Leap Years ft. Matt Parker
Six Degrees of Maths Club
Projective Geometry
More Episodes
We've been running Oxford Online Maths Club since 2021. For recordings of all the livestreams from previous years, click or tap the link to the right.
More links
The STEP support programme is a great set of maths resources, even if you're not going to take the STEP exams. Start here and then work through these; if they're too easy for you, then try these or eventually these. Dr Stephen Siklos's book Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University is great, and free.
NRICH has lots of maths problems, investigations, games, and activities.
The Maths department at Oxford has written practice problems and material to help with bridging the gap, which some colleges send out to students to look at over the summer before starting the Oxford maths degree. The Bridging the Gap material has been expanded into the book "Towards Higher Mathematics: A Companion" by Dr Richard Earl.
The maths departmental prospectus has more information about the Oxford maths and joint honours degrees.
Full details of the courses currently offered as part of the Maths degree are available here. Please note that the courses offered may change year-on-year, and course details may change. Links to courses in specific years of the Maths degree;
Note that the courses are sorted by term (Michaelmas, Hilary, and Trinity are Oxford's names for the three terms).
University College at Oxford has compiled a list of other resources, Staircase 12.
Jane Street

The Oxford Online Maths Club is supported by Jane Street.
Jane Street is a research-driven trading firm with offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Amsterdam. They combine techniques from machine learning, distributed systems, programmable hardware, and statistics to trade on markets around the world.
They're always looking to add smart, curious people to their team. If you're inquisitive, collaborative, and enjoy solving interesting problems, explore Jane Street's open roles and upcoming educational programs.