Prof. Cornelia Drutu
PhD, Habilitation
Academic Faculty
Professor of Mathematics
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Major / recent publications
C. Drutu, J. Mackay, Random groups, random graphs and eigenvalues of p-Laplacians, Adv. Math. 341 (2019), 188--254.
C. Drutu, P. Nowak, Kazhdan projections, random walks and ergodic theorems, to appear in Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), online version available…
Highlighted publications
Random groups, random graphs and eigenvalues of p-Laplacians
Drutu, C Mackay, J Advances in Mathematics (30 Oct 2018) Geometry of infinitely presented small cancellation groups, Rapid Decay
and quasi-homomorphisms
Arzhantseva, G Drutu, C Canadian Journal of Mathematics (21 Aug 2018) and quasi-homomorphisms
Combinatorial higher dimensional isoperimetry and divergence
Behrstock, J Drutu, C Journal of Topology and Analysis (03 Nov 2017) Kazhdan projections, random walks and ergodic theorems
Drutu Badea, C Nowak, P Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik volume 2019 issue 754 49-86 (18 Mar 2017) Median structures on asymptotic cones and homomorphisms into mapping
class groups
Behrstock, J Drutu, C Sapir, M Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. volume 102 issue 3 503-554 (29 Oct 2008) class groups
Kazhdan and Haagerup properties from the median viewpoint
Chatterji, I Drutu, C Haglund, F Adv. Math. volume 225 issue 2 882-921 (29 Apr 2007) Prizes, awards, and scholarships
Whitehead Prize 2009
Preferred address
Mathematical Institute Andrew Wiles Building University of Oxford Radcliffe Observatory Quarter Woodstock Road Oxford OX2 6GG, United Kingdom
Highlighted books
Recent publications
Higher dimensional divergence for mapping class groups
Behrstock, J Drutu, C Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics (07 May 2019) DIVERGENCE IN LATTICES IN SEMISIMPLE LIE GROUPS AND GRAPHS OF GROUPS (vol 362, pg 2451, 2010)
Drutu, C Mozes, S Sapir, M TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY volume 370 issue 1 749-754 (Jan 2018) Median geometry for spaces with measured walls and for groups
Chatterji, I Druţu, C (01 Aug 2017) Divergence, thick groups, and short conjugators
Behrstock, J Drutu, C Illinois Journal of Mathematics (06 Nov 2015) Addendum: Median structures on asymptotic cones and homomorphisms into mapping class groups
Drutu Badea, C Behrstock, J Sapir, M Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. volume 102 issue 3 555-562 (2011) Research interests
Geometric group theory, ergodic theory, applications to number theory