Prof. Irene Moroz
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Highlighted publications
Initial distribution spread: A density forecasting approach
MacHete, R Moroz, I Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena volume 241 issue 8 805-815 (15 Apr 2012) Unstable periodic orbits in a four-dimensional Faraday disk dynamo
Moroz, I Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics volume 105 issue nos 2-3 273-286 (Jun 2011) Ensemble Kalman filter with the unscented transform
Luo, X Moroz, I Physica D 238: 549-562 2009 (05 Jan 2009) Transient teleconnection event at the onset of a planet-encircling dust storm on Mars
Martinez-Alvarado, O Montabone, L Lewis, S Moroz, I Read, P ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE volume 27 issue 9 3663-3676 (2009) Template analysis of the hide, skeldon, acheson dynamo
Moroz, I Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences volume 112 293-309 (13 Aug 2008) Recent publications
A class of memristive Hénon maps
Wang, Z Li, C Li, Y Moroz, I Fu, H Physica Scripta volume 99 issue 10 105227 (01 Oct 2024) Constructing a Memristive Chaotic Oscillator With Two-Dimensional Offset Boosting
Huang, K Li, C Zhang, X Moroz, I Liu, Z IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems volume PP issue 99 1-1 (26 Jul 2024) Constructing a memristive chaotic oscillator with 2-D offset boosting
Huang, K Li, C Zhang, X Moroz, I Liu, Z IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (26 Jul 2024) A joint image encryption based on a memristive Rulkov neuron with controllable multistability and compressive sensing
Li, Y Li, C Moroz, I Yang, Y Chaos Solitons & Fractals volume 182 114800 (May 2024) Imperfect chimera and synchronization in a hybrid adaptive conductance based exponential integrate and fire neuron model.
Kanagaraj, S Moroz, I Durairaj, P Karthikeyan, A Rajagopal, K Cognitive neurodynamics volume 18 issue 2 473-484 (24 Apr 2024)