Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 29 Oct 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Arthur's multiplicity formula for automorphic representations of certain inner forms of special orthogonal and symplectic groups

Olivier Taibi
(Imperial College)

I will explain the formulation and proof of Arthur's multiplicity formula for automorphic representations of special orthogonal groups and certain inner forms of symplectic groups $G$ over a number field $F$. I work under an assumption that substantially simplifies the use of the stabilisation of the trace formula, namely that there exists a non-empty set $S$ of real places of $F$ such that $G$ has discrete series at places in $S$ and is quasi-split at places outside $S$, and restricting to automorphic representations of $G(A_{F})$ which have algebraic regular infinitesimal character at the places in $S$. In particular, this proves the general multiplicity formula for groups $G$ such that $F$ is totally real, $G$ is compact at all real places of $F$ and quasi-split at all finite places of $F$. Crucially, the formulation of Arthur's multiplicity formula is made possible by Kaletha's recent work on local and global Galois
gerbes and their application to the normalisation of Kottwitz-Langlands-Shelstad transfer factors.

Thu, 22 Oct 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Linear Algebra with Errors, Coding Theory, Cryptography and Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups

Steven Galbraith
(University of Auckland)

Solving systems of linear equations $Ax=b$ is easy, but how can we solve such a system when given a "noisy" version of $b$? Over the reals one can use the least squares method, but the problem is harder when working over a finite field. Recently this subject has become very important in cryptography, due to the introduction of new cryptosystems with interesting properties.

The talk will survey work in this area. I will discuss connections with coding theory and cryptography. I will also explain how Fourier analysis in finite groups can be used to solve variants of this problem, and will briefly describe some other applications of Fourier analysis in cryptography. The talk will be accessible to a general mathematical audience.

Thu, 15 Oct 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Sums of seven cubes

Samir Siksek
(University of Warwick)

In 1851, Carl Jacobi made the experimental observation that all integers are sums of seven non-negative cubes, with precisely 17 exceptions, the largest of which is 454. Building on previous work by Maillet, Landau, Dickson, Linnik, Watson, Bombieri, Ramaré, Elkies and many others, we complete the proof of Jacobi's observation.

Thu, 11 Jun 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Moduli stacks of potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations

Toby Gee
(Imperial College)

I will discuss joint work with Ana Caraiani, Matthew Emerton and David Savitt, in which we construct moduli stacks of two-dimensional potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations, and study the relationship of their geometry to the weight part of Serre's conjecture.

Thu, 04 Jun 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Bounded intervals containing many primes

Roger Baker
(Brigham Young University)

I describe joint work with Alastair Irving in which we improve a result of
D.H.J. Polymath on the length of intervals in $[N,2N]$ that can be shown to
contain $m$ primes. Here $m$ should be thought of as large but fixed, while $N$
tends to infinity.
The Harman sieve is the key to the improvement. The preprint will be
available on the Math ArXiv before the date of the talk.

Thu, 28 May 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Cubic hypersurfaces over global fields

Pankaj Vishe
(University of York)

 Let $X$ be a smooth cubic hypersurface of dimension $m$ defined over a global field $K$. A conjecture of Colliot-Thelene(02) states that $X$ satisfies the Hasse Principle and Weak approximation as long as $m\geq 3$. We use a global version of Hardy-Littlewood circle method along with the theory of global $L$-functions to establish this for $m\geq 6$, in the case $K=\mathbb{F}_q(t)$, where $\text{char}(\mathbb{F}_{q})> 3$.

Thu, 21 May 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Anabelian Geometry with étale homotopy types

Jakob Stix
(University of Heidelberg)

Classical anabelian geometry shows that for hyperbolic curves the etale fundamental group encodes the curve provided the base field is sufficiently arithmetic. In higher dimensions it is natural to replace the etale fundamental group by the etale homotopy type. We will report on progress obtained in this direction in a recent joint work with Alexander Schmidt.


**Joint seminar with Logic. 

Thu, 14 May 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Equidistribution of Eisenstein series

Matthew Young
(Texas A&M University)

I will discuss some recent results on the distribution of the real-analytic Eisenstein series on thin sets, such as a geodesic segment. These investigations are related to mean values of the Riemann zeta function, and have connections to quantum chaos.

Thu, 07 May 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Heuristics for distributions of Arakelov class groups

Alex Bartel
(University of Warwick)

The Cohen-Lenstra heuristics, postulated in the early 80s, conceptually explained numerous phenomena in the behaviour of ideal class groups of number fields that had puzzled mathematicians for decades, by proposing a probabilistic model: the probability that the class group of an imaginary quadratic field is isomorphic to a given group $A$ is inverse proportional to $\#\text{Aut}(A)$. This is a very natural model for random algebraic objects. But the probability weights for more general number fields, while agreeing well with experiments, look rather mysterious. I will explain how to recover the original heuristic in a very conceptual way by phrasing it in terms of Arakelov class groups instead. The main difficulty that one needs to overcome is that Arakelov class groups typically have infinitely many automorphisms. We build up a theory of commensurability of modules, of groups, and of rings, in order to remove this obstacle. This is joint work with Hendrik Lenstra.

Thu, 30 Apr 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Quadratic Weyl Sums, Automorphic Functions, and Invariance Principles

Jens Marklof
(University of Bristol)

Hardy and Littlewood's approximate functional equation for quadratic Weyl sums (theta sums) provides, by iterative application, a powerful tool for the asymptotic analysis of such sums. The classical Jacobi theta function, on the other hand, satisfies an exact functional equation, and extends to an automorphic function on the Jacobi group. In the present study we construct a related, almost everywhere non-differentiable automorphic function, which approximates quadratic Weyl sums up to an error of order one, uniformly in the summation range. This not only implies the approximate functional equation, but allows us to replace Hardy and Littlewood's renormalization approach by the dynamics of a certain homogeneous flow. The great advantage of this construction is that the approximation is global, i.e., there is no need to keep track of the error terms accumulating in an iterative procedure. Our main application is a new functional limit theorem, or invariance principle, for theta sums. The interesting observation here is that the paths of the limiting process share a number of key features with Brownian motion (scale invariance, invariance under time inversion, non-differentiability), although time increments are not independent and the value distribution at each fixed time is distinctly different from a normal distribution. Joint work with Francesco Cellarosi.

Thu, 12 Mar 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Arithmetic Statistics in Function Fields

Jon Keating
(University of Bristol)

I will review some classical problems in number theory concerning the statistical distribution of the primes, square-free numbers and values of the divisor function; for example, fluctuations in the number of primes in short intervals and in arithmetic progressions.  I will then explain how analogues of these problems in the function field setting can be resolved by expressing them in terms of matrix integrals. 

Thu, 05 Mar 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Some density results in number theory

John Cremona
(University of Warwick)

I will describe joint work with Manjul Bhargava (Princeton) and Tom Fisher (Cambridge) in which we determine the probability that random equation from certain families  has a solution either locally (over the reals or the p-adics), everywhere locally,  or globally. Three kinds of equation will be considered: quadratics in any number of variables, ternary cubics and hyperelliptic quartics.

Thu, 26 Feb 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Restriction of Banach representations of GL_2(Q_p) to GL_2(Z_p)

Gabriel Dospinescu
(ENS Lyon)

Thanks to the p-adic local Langlands correspondence for GL_2(Q_p), one "knows" all admissible unitary topologically irreducible representations of GL_2(Z_p). In this talk I will focus on some elementary properties of their restriction to GL_2(Z_p): for instance, to what extent does the restriction to GL_2(Z_p) allow one to recover the original representation, when is the restriction of finite length, etc.

Thu, 19 Feb 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Polynomial values modulo primes on average, and the large(r) sieve

Fernando Shao

In sieve theory, one is concerned with estimating the size of a sifted set, which avoids certain residue classes modulo many primes. For example, the problem of counting primes corresponds to the situation when the residue class 0 is removed for each prime in a suitable range. This talk will be concerned about what happens when a positive proportion of residue classes is removed for each prime, and especially when this proporition is more than a half. In doing so we will come across an algebraic question: given a polynomial f(x) in Z[x], what is the average size of the value set of f reduced modulo primes?

Thu, 12 Feb 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Rational points on Kummer varieties

René Pannekoek
(Imperial College London)

Given an abelian variety A over a number field k, its Kummer variety X is the quotient of A by the automorphism that sends each point P to -P. We study p-adic density and weak approximation on X by relating its rational points to rational points of quadratic twists of A. This leads to many examples of K3 surfaces over Q whose rational points lie dense in the p-adic topology, or in product topologies arising from p-adic topologies. Finally, the same method is used to prove that if the Brauer--Manin obstruction controls the failure of weak approximation on all Kummer varieties, then ranks of quadratic twists of (non-trivial) abelian varieties are unbounded. This last fact arises from joint work with David Holmes.

Thu, 05 Feb 2015

16:00 - 17:00

L-functions as distributions

Andrew Booker
(University of Bristol)

In 1989, Selberg defined what came to be known as the "Selberg class" of $L$-functions, giving rise to a new subfield of analytic number theory in the intervening quarter century. Despite its popularity, a few things have always bugged me about the definition of the Selberg class. I will discuss these nitpicks and describe some modest attempts at overcoming them, with new applications.

Thu, 29 Jan 2015

16:00 - 17:00

On the mod p reduction of Fredholm determinants for modular forms

John Bergdall
(Boston University)

Fix a prime $p$. In this talk, we will discuss the $p$-adic properties of the *coefficients* of the characteristic power series of $U_{p}$ acting on spaces of overconvergent $p$-adic modular forms. These coefficients are, by a theorem of Coleman, power series in the weight variable over $Z_{p}$.  Our first goal will be to show that in tame level one, the simplest case, every coefficient is non-zero mod $p$ and then to give some idea of the (finitely many) roots of each coefficient. The second goal will be to explain how it the previous result fails in higher levels, along with possible salvages. This will include revisiting the tame level one case. The progress we've made has applications, and lends understanding, to recent work being made elsewhere on the geometric structure of the eigencurve "near its boundary". This is joint work with Rob Pollack.

Thu, 04 Dec 2014

16:00 - 17:00

Twitter Video Download

Alexei Skorobogatov
(Imperial College London)
Further Information

Twitter Video Download:


Rational points on Kummer varieties can be studied through the variation of Selmer groups of quadratic twists of the underlying abelian variety, using an idea of Swinnerton-Dyer. We consider the case when the Galois action on 2-torsion has a large image. Under a mild additional assumption we prove the Hasse principle assuming the finiteness of relevant Shafarevich-Tate groups. This approach is inspired by the work of Mazur and Rubin.

Thu, 27 Nov 2014

16:00 - 17:00

Twitter video indir

Przemyslaw Chojecki
Further Information

Twitter video indirme sitesi:


The classical conjecture of Serre (proved by Khare-Winterberger) states that a continuous, absolutely irreducible, odd representation of the absolute Galois group of Q on two-dimensional F_p-vector space is modular. We show how one can formulate its analogue in characteristic 0. In particular we discuss the weight part of the conjecture. This is a joint work with John Bergdall.

Thu, 20 Nov 2014

16:00 - 17:00

On Roth's theorem on arithmetic progression

Thomas Bloom

In 1953 Roth proved that any positive density subset of the integers contains a non-trivial three term arithmetic progression. I will present a recent quantitative improvement for this theorem, give an overview of the main ideas of the proof, and discuss its relation to other recent work in the area. I will also discuss some closely related problems. 

Thu, 13 Nov 2014

16:00 - 17:00

Sieving very thin sets of primes

Kevin Ford
(The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

We discuss a new method to bound the number of primes in certain very thin sets. The sets $S$ under consideration have the property that if $p\in S$ and $q$ is prime with $q|(p-1)$, then $q\in S$. For each prime $p$, only 1 or 2 residue classes modulo $p$ are omitted, and thus the traditional small sieve furnishes only the bound $O(x/\log^2 x)$ (at best) for the counting function of $S$. Using a different strategy, one related to the theory of prime chains and Pratt trees, we prove that either $S$
contains all primes or $\# \{p\in S : p\le x \} = O(x^{1-c})$ for some positive $c$. Such sets arise, for example, in work on Carmichael's conjecture for Euler's function.

Thu, 06 Nov 2014

16:00 - 17:00

Symmetric power functoriality for GL(2)

Jack Thorne

Let f be an elliptic modular newform of weight at least 2. The 
problem of the automorphy of the symmetric power L-functions of f is a 
key example of Langlands' functoriality conjectures. Recently, the 
potential automorphy of these L-functions has been established, using 
automorphy lifting techniques, and leading to a proof of the Sato-Tate 
conjecture. I will discuss a new approach to the automorphy of these 
L-functions that shows the existence of Sym^m f for m = 1,...,8.

Thu, 30 Oct 2014

16:00 - 17:00

İkinci El Araç Değerleme

Fred Diamond
(King's College London)
Further Information

İkinci el araç değerleme sitesi:


I'll discuss work (part with Savitt, part with Dembele and Roberts) on two related questions: describing local factors at primes over p in mod p automorphic representations, and describing reductions of local crystalline Galois representations with prescribed Hodge-Tate weights.