Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 06 Mar 2025

11:00 - 12:00

Translation varieties (part 2)

Ehud Hrushovski
(University of Oxford)

In algebraic geometry, the technique of dévissage reduces many questions to the case of curves. In difference and differential algebra, this is not the case, but the obstructions can be closely analysed. In difference algebra, they are difference varieties defined by equations of the form \si(𝑥)=𝑔𝑥\si(x)=gx, determined by an action of an algebraic group and an element g of this group. This is joint work with Zoé Chatzidakis.

Thu, 27 Feb 2025

11:00 - 12:00

n-ampleness and pseudobuildings

Silke Meißner
(University of Münster)
Zilber showed that a strongly minimal theory is 1-ample if and only if it interprets a pseudoplane. We will see a generalisation of this result to n-ample theories and define the notion of a pseudobuilding. This is joint work in progress with Katrin Tent.
Thu, 20 Feb 2025

11:00 - 12:00

Translation varieties

Ehud Hrushovski
(University of Oxford)

In algebraic geometry, the technique of dévissage reduces many questions to the case of curves. In difference and differential algebra, this is not the case, but the obstructions can be closely analysed. In difference algebra, they are difference varieties defined by equations of the form $\si(x)=g x$, determined by an action of an algebraic group and an element g of this group. This is joint work with Zoé Chatzidakis.

Thu, 13 Feb 2025

11:00 - 12:00

Around Siu inequality

Michał Szachniewicz
(University of Oxford)

I will talk about the connections between the Siu inequality and existence of the model companion for GVFs. The talk will be partially based on a joint work with Antoine Sedillot.

Thu, 23 Jan 2025

11:00 - 12:00

A new axiom for Q_p^ab and non-standard methods for perfectoid fields

Leo Gitin
(University of Oxford)

The class of henselian valued fields with non-discrete value group is not well-understood. In 2018, Koenigsmann conjectured that a list of seven natural axioms describes a complete axiomatisation of Q_p^ab, the maximal extension of the p-adic numbers Q_p with abelian Galois group, which is an example of such a valued field. Informed by the recent work of Jahnke-Kartas on the model theory of perfectoid fields, we formulate an eighth axiom (the discriminant property) that is not a consequence of the other seven. Revisiting work by Koenigsmann (the Galois characterisation of Q_p) and Jahnke-Kartas, we give a uniform treatment of their underlying method. In particular, we highlight how this method yields short, non-standard model-theoretic proofs of known results (e.g. finite extensions of perfectoid fields are perfectoid).

Thu, 05 Dec 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Local-Global Principles and Fields Elementarily Characterised by Their Absolute Galois Groups

Benedikt Stock
(University of Oxford)

Jochen Koenigsmann’s Habilitation introduced a classification of fields elementarily characterised by their absolute Galois groups, including two conjecturally empty families. The emptiness of one of these families would follow from a Galois cohomological conjecture concerning radically closed fields formulated by Koenigsmann. A promising approach to resolving this conjecture involves the use of local-global principles in Galois cohomology. This talk examines the conceptual foundations of this method, highlights its relevance to Koenigsmann’s classification, and evaluates existing local-global principles with regard to their applicability to this conjecture.

Thu, 28 Nov 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Probability logic

Ehud Hrushovski
(University of Oxford)
Thu, 21 Nov 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Almost sure convergence to a constant for a mean-aggregated term language

Sam Adam-Day
(University of Oxford)
With motivation coming from machine learning, we define a term language on graphs generalising many graph neural networks. Our main result is that the closed terms of this language converge almost surely to constants. This probabilistic result holds for Erdős–Rényi graphs for a variety of sparsity levels, as well as the Barabási–Albert preferential attachment graph distribution. The key technique is a kind of almost sure quantifier elimination. A natural extension of this language generalises first-order logic, and a similar convergence result can be obtained there.
Thu, 17 Oct 2024

11:00 - 11:30

Organisational meeting


Please attend if you would like to give a talk in the Logic Advanced Class this term.

Thu, 13 Jun 2024

11:00 - 12:00

The Ultimate Supercompactness Measure

Wojciech Wołoszyn
(University of Oxford)

Solovay defined the inner model $L(\mathbb{R}, \mu)$ in the context of $\mathsf{AD}_{\mathbb{R}}$ by using it to define the supercompactness measure $\mu$ on $\mathcal{P}_{\omega_1}(\mathbb{R})$ naturally given by $\mathsf{AD}_{\mathbb{R}}$. Solovay speculated that stronger versions of this inner model should exist, corresponding to stronger versions of the measure $\mu$. Woodin, in his unpublished work, defined $\mu_{\infty}$ which is arguably the ultimate version of the supercompactness measure $\mu$ that Solovay had defined. I will talk about $\mu_{\infty}$ in the context of $\mathsf{AD}^+$ and the axiom $\mathsf{V} = \mathsf{Ultimate\ L}$.

Thu, 06 Jun 2024

17:00 - 18:00

Model theory of limits

Leo Gitin
(University of Oxford)

Does the limit construction for inverse systems of first-order structures preserve elementary equivalence? I will give sufficient conditions for when this is the case. Using Karp's theorem, we explain the connection between a syntactic and formal-semantic approach to inverse limits of structures. We use this to give a simple proof of van den Dries' AKE theorem (in ZFC), a general AKE theorem for mixed characteristic henselian valued fields with no assumptions on ramification. We also recall a seemingly forgotten result of Feferman, that can be interpreted as a "saturated" AKE theorem in positive characteristic: given two elementarily equivalent $\aleph_1$-saturated fields $k$ and $k'$, the formal power series rings $k[[t]]$ and $k'[[t]]$ are elementarily equivalent as well. We thus hope to popularise some ideas from categorical logic.

Thu, 06 Jun 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Demushkin groups of infinite rank in Galois theory

Tamar Bar-On
(University of Oxford)
Demushkin groups play an important role in number theory, being the maximal pro-$p$ Galois groups of local fields containing a primitive root of unity of order $p$. In 1996 Labute presented a generalization of the theory for countably infinite rank pro-$p$ groups, and proved that the $p$-Sylow subgroups of the absolute Galois groups of local fields are Demushkin groups of infinite countable rank. These results were extended by Minac & Ware, who gave necessary and sufficient conditions for Demushkin groups of infinite countable rank to occur as absolute Galois groups.
In a joint work with Prof. Nikolay Nikolov, we extended this theory further to Demushkin groups of uncountable rank. Since for uncountable cardinals, there exists the maximal possible number of nondegenerate bilinear forms, the class of Demushkin groups of uncountable rank is much richer, and in particular, the groups are not determined completely by the same invariants as in the countable case.  
Additionally, inspired by the Elementary Type Conjecture by Ido Efrat and the affirmative solution to Jarden's Question, we discuss the possibility of a free product over an infinite sheaf of Demushkin groups of infinite countable rank to be realizable as an absolute Galois group, and give a necessary and sufficient condition when the free product is taken over a set converging to 1.
Thu, 30 May 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Axiomatizing monodromy

Ehud Hrushovski
(University of Oxford)

Consider definable sets over the family of finite fields $\mathbb{F}_q$. Ax proved a quantifier-elimination result for this theory, in a reasonable geometric language. Chatzidakis, Van den Dries and Macintyre showed that to a first-order approximation, the cardinality of a definable set $X$ is definable in a very mild expansion of Ax's theory.  Can such a statement be true of the next higher order approximation, i.e. can we write $|X(\mathbb{F}_q)| = aq^{d} + bq^{d-1/2} + o(q^{d-1/2})$, with $d,a,b$ varying definably with $X$ in a tame theory?    Here $b$ must be viewed as real-valued so continuous logic is needed. I will report on joint work in progress with Will Johnson.

Thu, 16 May 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Basics of Globally Valued Fields and density of norms

Michał Szachniewicz
(University of Oxford)

I will report on a joint work with Pablo Destic and Nuno Hultberg, about some applications of Globally Valued Fields (GVFs) and I will describe a density result that we needed, which turns out to be connected to Riemann-Zariski and Berkovich spaces.

Thu, 09 May 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Skolem problem for several matrices

Emmanuel Breuillard
(University of Oxford)

I will present a recent work with G. Kocharyan, where we show the undecidability of the following two problems: given a finitely generated subgroup G of GL(n,Q), a) determine whether G has a non-identity element whose (i,j) entry is equal to zero, and b) determine whether the stabilizer of a given vector in G is non-trivial. Undecidability of problem b) answers a question of Dixon from 1985. The proofs reduce to the undecidability of the word problem for finitely presented groups.

Thu, 02 May 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Difference fields with an additive character on the fixed field

Stefan Ludwig
(École Normale Supérieure )

Motivated by work of Hrushovski on pseudofinite fields with an additive character we investigate the theory ACFA+ which is the model companion of the theory of difference fields with an additive character on the fixed field. Building on results by Hrushovski we can recover it as the characteristic 0-asymptotic theory of the algebraic closure of finite fields with the Frobenius-automorphism and the standard character on the fixed field. We characterise 3-amalgamation in ACFA+. As cosequences we obtain that ACFA+ is a simple theory, an explicit description of the connected component of the Kim-Pillay group and (weak) elimination of imaginaries. If time permits we present some results on higher amalgamation.

Thu, 07 Mar 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Model theory of Booleanizations, products and sheaves of structures

Jamshid Derakhshan
(University of Oxford)

I will talk about some model-theoretic properties of Booleanizations of theories, subdirect products of structures, and sheaves of structures. I will discuss a result of Macintyre from 1973 on model-completeness, and more recent results jointly with Ehud Hrushovski and with Angus Macintyre.

Thu, 29 Feb 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Coherent group actions

Martin Bays
(University of Oxford)

I will discuss aspects of some work in progress with Tingxiang Zou, in which we continue the investigation of pseudofinite sets coarsely respecting structures of algebraic geometry, focusing on algebraic group actions. Using a version of Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers-Tao for group actions, we find quite weak hypotheses which rule out non-abelian group actions, and we are applying this to obtain new Elekes-Szabó results in which the general position hypothesis is fully weakened in one co-ordinate.

Thu, 08 Feb 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Model companions of fields with no points in hyperbolic varieties

Michal Szachniewicz
(University of Oxford)

This talk is based on a joint work with Vincent Jinhe Ye. I will define various classes of hyperbolic varieties (Broody hyperbolic, algebraically hyperbolic, bounded, groupless) and discuss existence of model companions of classes of fields that exclude them. This is related to moduli spaces of maps to hyperbolic varieties and to the (open) question whether the above mentioned hyperbolicity notions are in fact equivalent.

Thu, 01 Feb 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Non-archimedean equidistribution and L-polynomials of curves over finite fields

Francesco Ballini
(University of Oxford)

Let q be a prime power and let C be a smooth curve defined over F_q. The number of points of C over the finite extensions of F_q are determined by the Zeta function of C, which can be written in the form P_C(t)/((1-t)(1-qt)), where P_C(t) is a polynomial of degree 2g and g is the genus of C; this is often called the L-polynomial of C. We use a Chebotarev-like statement (over function fields instead of Z) due to Katz in order to study the distribution, as C varies, of the coefficients of P_C(t) in a non-archimedean setting.

Thu, 25 Jan 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Pre-seminar meeting on motivic integration

Margaret Bilu
(University of Oxford)

This is a pre-seminar meeting for Margaret Bilu's talk "A motivic circle method", which takes place later in the day at 5PM in L3.