Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 13 Nov 2014

17:30 - 18:30

Independence in exponential fields

Robert Henderson

Little is known about C_exp, the complex field with the exponential function. Model theoretically it is difficult due to the definability of the integers (so its theory is not stable), and a lack of clear algebraic structure; for instance, it is not known whether or not pi+e is irrational. In order to study C_exp, Boris Zilber constructed a class of pseudo-exponential fields which satisfy all the properties we desire of C_exp. This class is categorical for every uncountable cardinal, and other more general classes have been defined. I shall define the three main classes of exponential fields that I study, one of which being Zilber's class, and show that they exhibit "stable-like" behaviour modulo the integers by defining a notion of independence for each class. I shall also explicitly apply one of these independence relations to show that in the class of exponential fields ECF, types that are orthogonal to the kernel are exactly the generically stable types.

Thu, 06 Nov 2014

17:30 - 18:30

A general framework for dualities

Luca Spada
(Salerno and Amsterdam)

The aim of this talk is to provide a general setting in which a number of important dualities in mathematics can be framed uniformly.  The setting comes about as a natural generalisation of the Galois connection between ideals of polynomials with coefficients in a field K and affine varieties in K^n.  The general picture that comes into sight is that the topological representations of Stone, Priestley, Baker-Beynon, Gel’fand, or Pontryagin are to their respective classes of structures just as affine varieties are to K-algebras.

Tue, 28 Oct 2014

17:00 - 18:00

Ziegler spectra of domestic string algebras

Mike Prest

Note: joint with Algebra seminar.

String algebras are tame - their finite-dimensional representations have been classified - and the Auslander-Reiten quiver of such an algebra shows some of the morphisms between them.  But not all.  To see the morphisms which pass between components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver, and so obtain a more complete picture of the category of representations, we should look at certain infinite-dimensional representations and use ideas and techniques from the model theory of modules.

This is joint work with Rosie Laking and Gena Puninski:
G. Puninski and M. Prest,  Ringel's conjecture for domestic string algebras, arXiv:1407.7470;
R. Laking, M. Prest and G. Puninski, Krull-Gabriel dimension of domestic string algebras, in preparation.

Thu, 23 Oct 2014

17:30 - 18:30

Self-reference in arithmetic

Volker Halbach

A G\"odel sentence is often described as a sentence saying about itself that it is not provable, and a Henkin sentence as a sentence stating its own provability. We discuss what it could mean for a sentence to ascribe to itself a property such as provability or unprovability. The starting point will be the answer Kreisel gave to Henkin's problem. We describe how the properties of the supposedly self-referential sentences depend on the chosen coding, the formulae expressing the properties and the way a fixed point for the formula is obtained. Some further examples of self-referential sentences are considered, such as sentences that \anf{say of themselves} that they are $\Sigma^0_n$-true (or $\Pi^0_n$-true), and their formal properties are investigated.

Thu, 16 Oct 2014

17:30 - 18:30

On the o-minimal Hilbert's fifth problem

Mario Edmundo
(Universidade de Lisboa)

The fundamental results about definable groups in o-minimal structures all suggested a deep connection between these groups and Lie groups. Pillay's conjecture explicitly formulates this connection in analogy to Hilbert's fifth problem for locally compact topological groups, namely, a definably compact group is, after taking a suitable the quotient by a "small" (type definable of bounded index) subgroup, a Lie group of the same dimension. In this talk we will report on the proof of this conjecture in the remaining open case, i.e. in arbitrary o-minimal structures. Most of the talk will be devoted to one of the required tools, the formalism of the six Grothendieck operations of o-minimals sheaves, which might be useful on it own. 

Thu, 19 Jun 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Model completeness for finite extensions of p-adic fields

Jamshid Derakhshan

This is joint work with Angus Macintyre.

We prove that the first-order theory of a finite extension of the field of p-adic numbers is model-complete in the language of rings, for any prime p.

To prove this we prove universal definability of the valuation rings of such fields using work of Cluckers-Derakhshan-Leenknegt-Macintyre on existential

definability, quantifier elimination of Basarab-Kuhlmann for valued fields in a many-sorted language involving higher residue rings and groups,

a model completeness theorem for certain pre-ordered abelian groups which generalize Presburger arithmetic (we call finite-by-Presburger groups),

and an interpretation of higher residue rings of such fields in the higher residue groups.

Thu, 12 Jun 2014

17:15 - 18:15

A universal construction for sharply 2-transitive groups

Katrin Tent

Finite sharply 2-transitive groups were classified by Zassenhaus in the 1930's. It has been an open question whether infinite sharply 2-transitive group always contain a regular normal subgroup. In joint work with Rips and Segev we show that this is not the case.

Thu, 05 Jun 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Some model theory of vector spaces with bilinear forms

Charlotte Kestner
(Central Lancashire)

I will give a short introduction to geometric stability theory and independence relations, focussing on the tree properties. I will then introduce one of the main examples for general measureable structures, the two sorted structure of a vector space over a field with a bilinear form. I will state some results for this structure, and give some open questions. This is joint work with William Anscombe.

Thu, 29 May 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Cichon's diagram for computability theory

Andrew Brooke-Taylor

Cardinal characteristics of the continuum are (definitions for) cardinals that are provably uncountable and at most the cardinality c of the reals, but which (if the continuum hypothesis fails) may be strictly less than c.  Cichon's diagram is a standard diagram laying out all of the ZFC-provable inequalities between the most familiar cardinal characteristics of the continuum.  There is a natural analogy that can be drawn between these cardinal characteristics and highness properties of Turing oracles in computability theory, with implications taking the place of inequalities.  The diagram in this context is mostly the same with a few extra equivalences: many of the implications were trivial or already known, but there remained gaps, which in joint work with Brendle, Ng and Nies we have filled in.

Thu, 22 May 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Multidimensional asymptotic classes

Will Anscombe

A 1-dimensional asymptotic class (Macpherson-Steinhorn) is a class of finite structures which satisfies the theorem of Chatzidakis-van den Dries-Macintyre about finite fields: definable sets are assigned a measure and dimension which gives the cardinality of the set asymptotically, and there are only finitely many dimensions and measures in any definable family. There are many examples of these classes, and they all have reasonably tame theories. Non-principal ultraproducts of these classes are supersimple of finite rank.

Recently this definition has been generalised to `Multidimensional Asymptotic Class' (joint work with Macpherson-Steinhorn-Wood). This is a much more flexible framework, suitable for multi-sorted structures. Examples are not necessarily simple. I will give conditions which imply simplicity/supersimplicity of non-principal ultraproducts.

An interesting example is the family of vector spaces over finite fields with a non-degenerate bilinear form (either alternating or symmetric). If there's time, I will explain some joint work with Kestner in which we look in detail at this class.

Thu, 13 Mar 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Peano Arithmetic, Fermat's Last Theorem, and something like Hilbert's notion of contentual mathematics

Colin McLarty
(Case Western Reserve)

Several number theorists have stressed that the proofs of FLT focus on small concrete arithmetically defined groups rings and modules, so the steps can be checked by direct calculation in any given case. The talk looks at this in relation both to Hilbert's idea of contentual (inhaltlich) mathematics, and to formal provability in Peano arithmetic and other stronger and weaker axioms.

Thu, 27 Feb 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Use of truth in logic

Kentaro Fujimoto

Formal truth theory sits between mathematical logic and philosophy. In this talk, I will try to give a partial overview of formal truth theory, from my particular perspective and research, in connection to some areas of mathematical logic.

Thu, 13 Feb 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Determinacy provable within Analysis

Philip Welch

It is well known that infinite perfect information two person games at low levels in the arithmetic hierarchy of sets have winning strategies for one of the players, and moreover this fact can be proven in analysis alone. This has led people to consider reverse mathematical analyses of precisely which subsystems of second order arithmetic are needed. We go over the history of these results. Recently Montalban and Shore gave a precise delineation of the amount of determinacy provable in analysis. Their arguments use concretely given levels of the Gödel constructible hierarchy. It should be possible to lift those arguments to the amount of determinacy, properly including analytic determinacy, provable in stronger theories than the standard ZFC set theory. We summarise some recent joint work with Chris Le Sueur.

Thu, 30 Jan 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Tame theories of pseudofinite groups

Dugald Macpherson

A pseudofinite group is an infinite model of the theory of finite groups. I will discuss what can be said about pseudofinite groups under various tameness assumptions on the theory (e.g. NIP, supersimplicity), structural results on pseudofinite permutation groups, and connections to word maps and generalisations.

Thu, 23 Jan 2014

17:15 - 18:15

Stability, WAP, and Roelcke-precompact Polish groups

Itaï Ben Yaacov

In joint work with T. Tsankov we study a (yet other) point at which model theory and dynamics intersect. On the one hand, a (metric) aleph_0-categorical structure is determined, up to bi-interpretability, by its automorphism group, while on the other hand, such automorphism groups are exactly the Roelcke precompact ones. One can further identify formulae on the one hand with Roelcke-continuous functions on the other hand, and similarly stable formulae with WAP functions, providing an easy tool for proving that a group is Roelcke precompact and for calculating its Roelcke/WAP compactification. Model-theoretic techniques, transposed in this manner into the topological realm, allow one to prove further that if R(G) = W(G); then G is totally minimal.

Thu, 28 Nov 2013

17:15 - 18:15

Set theory in a bimodal language.

James Studd

The use of tensed language and the metaphor of set "formation" found in informal descriptions of the iterative conception of set are seldom taken at all seriously. This talk offers an axiomatisation of the iterative conception in a bimodal language and presents some reasons to thus take the tense more seriously than usual (although not literally).

Thu, 21 Nov 2013

17:15 - 18:15

Integer points on globally semi-analytic sets

Alex Wilkie

I am interested in integer solutions to equations of the form $f(x)=0$ where $f$ is a transcendental, globally analytic function defined in a neighbourhood of $\infty$ in $\mathbb{R}^n \cup \{\infty\}$. These notions will be defined precisely, and clarified in the wider context of globally semi-analytic and globally subanalytic sets.

The case $n=1$ is trivial (the global assumption forces there to be only finitely many (real) zeros of $f$) and the case $n=2$, which I shall briefly discuss, is completely understood: the number of such integer zeros of modulus at most $H$ is of order $\log\log H$. I shall then go on to consider the situation in higher dimensions.

Thu, 14 Nov 2013

17:15 - 18:15

First-order irrationality criteria

Lee Butler

A major desideratum in transcendental number theory is a simple sufficient condition for a given real number to be irrational, or better yet transcendental. In this talk we consider various forms such a criterion might take, and prove the existence or non-existence of them in various settings.

Thu, 07 Nov 2013

17:15 - 18:15

What does Dedekind’s proof of the categoricity of arithmetic with second-order induction show?

Dan Isaacson

In {\it Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?} (1888), Dedekind proves the Recursion Theorem (Theorem 126), and applies it to establish the categoricity of his axioms for arithmetic (Theorem 132). It is essential to these results that mathematical induction is formulated using second-order quantification, and if the second-order quantifier ranges over all subsets of the first-order domain (full second-order quantification), the categoricity result shows that, to within isomorphism, only one structure satisfies these axioms. However, the proof of categoricity is correct for a wide class of non-full Henkin models of second-order quantification. In light of this fact, can the proof of second-order categoricity be taken to establish that the second-order axioms of arithmetic characterize a unique structure?

Thu, 31 Oct 2013

17:15 - 18:15

Positive characteristic version of Ax's theorem

Piotr Kowalski

Ax's theorem on the dimension of the intersection of an algebraic subvariety and a formal subgroup (Theorem 1F in "Some topics in differential algebraic geometry I...") implies Schanuel type transcendence results for a vast class of formal maps (including exp on a semi-abelian variety). Ax stated and proved this theorem in the characteristic 0 case, but the statement is meaningful for arbitrary characteristic and still implies positive characteristic transcendence results. I will discuss my work on positive characteristic version of Ax's theorem.

Thu, 24 Oct 2013

17:15 - 18:15

New transfer principles and applications to represenation theory

Immanuel Halupczok

The transfer principle of Ax-Kochen-Ershov says that every first order sentence φ in the language of valued fields is, for p sufficiently big, true in ℚ_p iff it is true in \F_p((t)). Motivic integration allowed to generalize this to certain kinds of non-first order sentences speaking about functions from the valued field to ℂ. I will present some new transfer principles of this kind and explain how they are useful in representation theory. In particular, local integrability of Harish-Chandra characters, which previously was known only in ℚ_p, can be transferred to \F_p((t)) for p >> 1. (I will explain what this means.)

This is joint work with Raf Cluckers and Julia Gordon.

Thu, 17 Oct 2013

17:15 - 18:15

On a question of Abraham Robinson's

Jochen Koenigsmann
We give a negative answer to Abraham Robinson's question whether a finitely generated extension of an undecidable field is always undecidable by constructing undecidable fields of transcendence degree 1 over the rationals all of whose proper finite extensions are decidable. We also construct undecidable algebraic extensions of the rationals which allow decidable finite extensions.
Thu, 13 Jun 2013

17:00 - 18:00

Forking in the free group

Chloe Perin

Sela showed that the theory of the non abelian free groups is stable. In a joint work with Sklinos, we give some characterization of the forking independence relation between elements of the free group F over a set of parameters A in terms of the Grushko and cyclic JSJ decomposition of F relative to A. The cyclic JSJ decomposition of F relative to A is a geometric group theory tool that encodes all the splittings of F as an amalgamated product (or HNN extension) over cyclic subgroups in which A lies in one of the factors.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013

17:00 - 18:00

Externally definable sets in real closed fields

Marcus Tressl

An externally definable set of a first order structure $M$ is a set of the form $X\cap M^n$ for a set $X$ that is parametrically definable in some elementary extension of $M$. By a theorem of Shelah, these sets form again a first order structure if $M$ is NIP. If $M$ is a real closed field, externally definable sets can be described as some sort of limit sets (to be explained in the talk), in the best case as Hausdorff limits of definable families. It is conjectured that the Shelah structure on a real closed field is generated by expanding the field with convex subsets of the line. This is known to be true in the archimedean case by van den Dries (generalised by Marker and Steinhorn). I will report on recent progress around this question, mainly its confirmation on real closed fields that are close to being maximally valued with archimedean residue field. The main tool is an algebraic characterisation of definable types in real closed valued fields. I also intend to give counterexamples to a localized version of the conjecture. This is joint work with Francoise Delon.

Thu, 30 May 2013

17:00 - 18:00

Definable henselian valuations

Jochen Koenigsmann

Non-trivial henselian valuations are often so closely related to the arithmetic of the underlying field that they are encoded in it, i.e., that their valuation ring is first-order definable in the language of rings. In this talk, we will give a complete classification of all henselian valued fields of residue characteristic 0 that allow a (0-)definable henselian valuation. This requires new tools from the model theory of ordered abelian groups (joint work with Franziska Jahnke).