Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 17 Jun 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Mathematical modelling to support New Zealand’s Covid-19 response

Professor Mike Plank
(Dept of Mathematics & Statistics University of Canterbury)

In this talk, I will describe some of the ways in which mathematical modelling contributed to the Covid-19 pandemic response in New Zealand. New Zealand adopted an elimination strategy at the beginning of the pandemic and used a combination of public health measures and border restrictions to keep incidence of Covid-19 low until high vaccination rates were achieved. The low or zero prevalence for first 18 months of the pandemic called for a different set of modelling tools compared to high-prevalence settings. It also generated some unique data that can give valuable insights into epidemiological characteristics and dynamics. As well as describing some of the modelling approaches used, I will reflect on the value modelling can add to decision making and some of the challenges and opportunities in working with stakeholders in government and public health.        

Fri, 14 Jun 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Brain mechanics in the Data era

Prof Antoine Jerusalem
(Dept of Engineering Science University of Oxford)

In this presentation, we will review how the field of Mechanics of Materials is generally framed and see how it can benefit from and be of benefit to the current progress in AI. We will approach this problematic in the particular context of Brain mechanics with an application to traumatic brain injury in police investigations. Finally we will briefly show how our group is currently applying the same methodology to a range of engineering challenges.

Fri, 07 Jun 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Modeling the electromechanics of aerial electroreception

Dr Isaac Vikram Chenchiah
(School of Mathematics University of Bristol)
Aerial electroreception is the ability of some arthropods (e.g., bees) to detect electric fields in the environment. I present an overview of our attempts to model the electromechanics of this recently discovered phenomenon and how it might contribute to the sensory biology of arthropods. This is joint work with Daniel Robert and Ryan Palmer.


Fri, 31 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Cytoneme-mediated morphogenesis

Prof Paul Bressloff
(Dept of Mathematics Imperial College London)

Morphogen protein gradients play an essential role in the spatial regulation of patterning during embryonic development.  The most commonly accepted mechanism of protein gradient formation involves the diffusion and degradation of morphogens from a localized source. Recently, an alternative mechanism has been proposed, which is based on cell-to-cell transport via thin, actin-rich cellular extensions known as cytonemes. It has been hypothesized that cytonemes find their targets via a random search process based on alternating periods of retraction and growth, perhaps mediated by some chemoattractant. This is an actin-based analog of the search-and-capture model of microtubules of the mitotic spindle searching for cytochrome binding sites (kinetochores) prior to separation of cytochrome pairs. In this talk, we introduce a search-and-capture model of cytoneme-based morphogenesis, in which nucleating cytonemes from a source cell dynamically grow and shrink until making contact with a target cell and delivering a burst of morphogen. We model the latter as a one-dimensional search process with stochastic resetting, finite returns times and refractory periods. We use a renewal method to calculate the splitting probabilities and conditional mean first passage times (MFPTs) for the cytoneme to be captured by a given target cell. We show how multiple rounds of search-and-capture, morphogen delivery, cytoneme retraction and nucleation events lead to the formation of a morphogen gradient. We proceed by formulating the morphogen bursting model as a queuing process, analogous to the study of translational bursting in gene networks. We end by briefly discussing current work on a model of cytoneme-mediated within-host viral spread.

Fri, 17 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Some consequences of phenotypic heterogeneity in living active matter

Dr Philip Pearce
(Dept of Mathematics UCL)

In this talk I will discuss how phenotypic heterogeneity affects emergent pattern formation in living active matter with chemical communication between cells. In doing so, I will explore how the emergent dynamics of multicellular communities are qualitatively different in comparison to the dynamics of isolated or non-interacting cells. I will focus on two specific projects. First, I will show how genetic regulation of chemical communication affects motility-induced phase separation in cell populations. Second, I will demonstrate how chemotaxis along self-generated signal gradients affects cell populations undergoing 3D morphogenesis.

Fri, 10 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

The determining role of cell adhesions for force transmission, mechanical activity and stiffness sensing in cells and tissues

Dr Carina Dunlop
(Dept of Mathematics University of Surrey)

The role of tissue stiffness in controlling cell behaviours ranging from proliferation to signalling and activation is by now well accepted. A key focus of experimental studies into mechanotransduction are focal adhesions, localised patches of strong adhesion, where cell signalling has been established to occur. However, these adhesion sites themselves alter the mechanical equilibrium of the system determining the force balance and work done. To explore this I have developed an active matter continuum description of cellular contractility and will discuss recent results on the specific role of spatial positioning of adhesions in mechanotransduction. I show using energy arguments why the experimentally observed arrangements of focal adhesions develop and the implications this has for stiffness sensing and cellular contractility control. I will also show how adhesions play distinct roles in single cells and tissue layers respectively drawing on recent experimental work with Dr JR Davis (Manchester University) and Dr Nic Tapon (Crick Institute) with applications to epithelial layers and organoids.

Fri, 03 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Epidemiological modelling with behavioural considerations and to inform policy making

Dr Edward Hill
(Dept of Mathematics University of Warwick)
Many problems in epidemiology are impacted by behavioural dynamics, whilst in response to health emergencies prompt analysis and communication of findings is required to be of use to decision makers. Both instances are likely to benefit from interdisciplinary approaches. This talk will feature two examples, one with a public health focus and one with a veterinary health focus.
In the first part, I will summarise work originally conducted in late 2020 that was contributed to Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling, Operational sub-group (SPI-M-O) of SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) on Christmas household bubbles in England. This was carried out in response to a policy involving a planned easing of restrictions in England between 23–27 December 2020, with Christmas bubbles allowing people from up to three households to meet throughout the holiday period. Using a household model and computational simulation, we estimated the epidemiological impact of both this and alternative bubble strategies that allowed extending contacts beyond the immediate household.

(Associated paper: Modelling the epidemiological implications for SARS-CoV-2 of Christmas household bubbles in England in December 2020.

In the second part, I will present a methodological pipeline developed to generate novel quantitative data on farmer beliefs with respect to disease management, process the data into a form amenable for use in mathematical models of livestock disease transmission and then refine said mathematical models according to the findings of the data. Such an approach is motivated by livestock disease models traditionally omitting variation in farmer disease management behaviours. I will discuss our application of this methodology for a fast, spatially spreading disease outbreak scenario amongst cattle herds in Great Britain, for which we elicited when farmers would use an available vaccine and then used the attained behavioural groups within a livestock disease model to make epidemiological and health economic assessments. 

(Associated paper: Incorporating heterogeneity in farmer disease control behaviour into a livestock disease transmission model.
Fri, 26 Apr 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Polynomial dynamical systems and reaction networks: persistence and global attractors

Professor Gheorghe Craciun
(Department of Mathematics and Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
The mathematical analysis of global properties of polynomial dynamical systems can be very challenging (for example: the second part of Hilbert’s 16th problem about polynomial dynamical systems in 2D, or the analysis of chaotic dynamics in the Lorenz system).
On the other hand, any dynamical system with polynomial right-hand side can essentially be regarded as a model of a reaction network. Key properties of reaction systems are closely related to fundamental results about global stability in classical thermodynamics. For example, the Global Attractor Conjecture can be regarded as a finite dimensional version of Boltzmann’s H-theorem. We will discuss some of these connections, as well as the introduction of toric differential inclusions as a tool for proving the Global Attractor Conjecture.
We will also discuss some implications for the more general Persistence Conjecture (which says that solutions of weakly reversible systems cannot "go extinct"), as well as some applications to biochemical mechanisms that implement cellular homeostasis. 


Fri, 08 Mar 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Modeling multiscale systems in bone mechanobiology

Professor Esther Reina Romo
(Department of Mechanical Engineering ETSI University of Seville)

Bone regeneration processes are complex multiscale intrinsic mechanisms in bone tissue whose primary outcome is restoring function and form to a bone insufficiency. The effect of mechanics on the newly formed bone (the woven bone), is fundamental, at the tissue, cellular or even molecular scale. However, at these multiple scales, the identification of the mechanical parameters and their mechanisms of action are still unknown and continue to be investigated. This concept of mechanical regulation of biological processes is the main premise of mechanobiology and is used in this seminar to understand the multiscale response of the woven bone to mechanical factors in different bone regeneration processes: bone transport, bone lengthening and tissue engineering. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach that includes both in vivo and in silico modeling will be remarked during the seminar.

Fri, 01 Mar 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Extreme pushed and pulled fronts

Professor John King
(School of Mathematical Sciences University of Nottingham)

I shall say some stuff about quasilinear reaction-diffusion equations, motivated by tissue growth in particular.

Thu, 22 Feb 2024

12:00 - 13:00

OCIAM-WCMB SEMINAR Structural identifiability analysis: An important tool in systems modelling

Professor Michael Chappell
(Dept of Mathematics University of Warwick)


For many systems (certainly those in biology, medicine and pharmacology) the mathematical models that are generated invariably include state variables that cannot be directly measured and associated model parameters, many of which may be unknown, and which also cannot be measured.  For such systems there is also often limited access for inputs or perturbations. These limitations can cause immense problems when investigating the existence of hidden pathways or attempting to estimate unknown parameters and this can severely hinder model validation. It is therefore highly desirable to have a formal approach to determine what additional inputs and/or measurements are necessary in order to reduce or remove these limitations and permit the derivation of models that can be used for practical purposes with greater confidence.

Structural identifiability arises in the inverse problem of inferring from the known, or assumed, properties of a biomedical or biological system a suitable model structure and estimates for the corresponding rate constants and other model parameters.  Structural identifiability analysis considers the uniqueness of the unknown model parameters from the input-output structure corresponding to proposed experiments to collect data for parameter estimation (under an assumption of the availability of continuous, noise-free observations).  This is an important, but often overlooked, theoretical prerequisite to experiment design, system identification and parameter estimation, since estimates for unidentifiable parameters are effectively meaningless.  If parameter estimates are to be used to inform about intervention or inhibition strategies, or other critical decisions, then it is essential that the parameters be uniquely identifiable. 

Numerous techniques for performing a structural identifiability analysis on linear parametric models exist and this is a well-understood topic.  In comparison, there are relatively few techniques available for nonlinear systems (the Taylor series approach, similarity transformation-based approaches, differential algebra techniques and the more recent observable normal form approach and symmetries approaches) and significant (symbolic) computational problems can arise, even for relatively simple models in applying these techniques.

In this talk an introduction to structural identifiability analysis will be provided demonstrating the application of the techniques available to both linear and nonlinear parameterised systems and to models of (nonlinear mixed effects) population nature.

Fri, 16 Feb 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Active surfaces in biology

Professor Alex Mietke
(Dept of Physics University of Oxford)

The ability of biological matter to move and deform itself is facilitated by microscopic out-of-equilibrium processes that convert chemical energy into mechanical work. In many cases, this mechano-chemical activity takes place on effectively two-dimensional domains formed by, for example, multicellular structures like epithelial tissues or the outer surface of eukaryotic cells, the so-called actomyosin cortex.
We will show in the first part of the talk, that the large-scale dynamics and self-organisation of such structures can be captured by the theory of active fluids. Specifically, using a minimal model of active isotropic fluids, we can rationalize the emergence of asymmetric epithelial tissue flows in the flower beetle during early development, and explain cell rotations in the context of active chiral flows and left-right symmetry breaking that occurs as the model organism C. elegans sets up its body plan.
To develop a more general understanding of such processes, specifically the role of geometry, curvature and interactions with the environment, we introduce in the second part a theory of active fluid surfaces and discuss analytical and numerical tools to solve the corresponding momentum balance equations of curved and deforming surfaces. By considering mechanical interactions with the environment and the fully self-organized shape dynamics of active surfaces, these tools reveal novel mechanisms of symmetry breaking and pattern formation in active matter.

Mon, 12 Feb 2024

16:30 - 17:30

OxPDE-WCMB seminar - From individual-based models to continuum descriptions: Modelling and analysis of interactions between different populations.

Dr Mariya Ptashnyk
(Dept of Maths Herriot Watt University)

First we will show that the continuum counterpart of the discrete individual-based mechanical model that describes the dynamics of two contiguous cell populations is given by a free-boundary problem for the cell densities.  Then, in addition to interactions, we will consider the microscopic movement of cells and derive a fractional cross-diffusion system as the many-particle limit of a multi-species system of moderately interacting particles.

Fri, 02 Feb 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Quantifying clonal selection and drift from a single bulk tissue sample

Dr Verena Korber
(Nuffield Division of Clinical Laboratory Sciences University of Oxford)

Malignant transformation of somatic tissues is an evolutionary process, driven by selection for oncogenic mutations. Understanding when these mutations occur, and how fast mutant cell clones expand can improve diagnostic schemes and therapeutic intervention. However, clonal dynamics are not directly accessible in humans, posing a need for inference approaches to reconstruct the division history in normal and malignant cell clones, and to predict their future evolution. Inspired from population genetics theory, we develop mathematical models to detect imprints of clonal selection in the variant allele frequency distribution measured in a single tissue sample of a homeostatic tissue. I will present the theoretical basis of our approach and inference results for the tissue dynamics in physiological and clonal hematopoiesis, obtained from variant allele frequencies measured by snapshot bulk whole genome sequencing of human bone marrow samples.

Fri, 26 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00

The hitchhiker's guide to complex models of intracellular signalling

Professor Fabian Frohli
(The Francis Crick Institute London)

Unraveling the intricacies of intracellular signalling through predictive mathematical models holds great promise for advancing precision medicine and enhancing our foundational comprehension of biology. However, navigating the labyrinth of biological mechanisms governing signalling demands a delicate balance between a faithful description of the underlying biology and the practical utility of parsimonious models.
In this talk, I will present methods that enable training of large ordinary differential equation models of intracellular signalling and showcase application of such models to predict sensitivity to anti-cancer drugs. Through illustrative examples, I will demonstrate the application of these models in predicting sensitivity to anti-cancer drugs. A critical reflection on the construction of such models will be offered, exploring the perpetual question of complexity and how intricate these models should be.
Moreover, the talk will explore novel approaches that meld machine learning techniques with mathematical modelling. These approaches aim to harness the benefits of simplistic and unbiased phenomenological models while retaining the interpretability and biological fidelity inherent in mechanistic models.

Fri, 19 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Modelling cells in one-dimension: diverse migration modes, emergent oscillations on junctions and multicellular "trains"

Professor Nir Gov
(Department of Chemical and Biological Physics Weizmann Institute of Science)

Motile cells inside living tissues often encounter junctions, where their path branches into several alternative directions of migration. We present a theoretical model of cellular polarization for cells migrating along one-dimensional lines, exhibiting diverse migration modes. When arriving at a symmetric Y-junction and extending protrusions along the different paths that emanate from the junction. The model predicts the spontaneous emergence of deterministic oscillations between competing protrusions, whereby the cellular polarization and growth alternates between the competing protrusions. These predicted oscillations are found experimentally for two different cell types, noncancerous endothelial and cancerous glioma cells, migrating on patterned network of thin adhesive lanes with junctions. Finally we present an analysis of the migration modes of multicellular "trains" along one-dimensional tracks.

Fri, 01 Dec 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Sequence models in biomedicine: from predicting disease progression to genome editing outcomes

Professor Michael Krauthammer
(Department of Quantitative Biomedicine University of Zurich)

Sequential biomedical data is ubiquitous, from time-resolved data about patient encounters in the clinical realm to DNA sequences in the biological domain.  The talk will review our latest work in representation learning from longitudinal data, with a particular focus on finding optimal representations for complex and sparse healthcare data. We show how these representations are useful for comparing patient journeys and finding patients with similar health outcomes. We will also venture into the field of genome engineering, where we build models that work on DNA sequences for predicting editing outcomes for base and prime editors. 

Fri, 24 Nov 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Using virtual clinical trials to improve our understanding of diseases

Professor Adrianne Jenner
(Queensland University of Technology)

Mathematical and computational techniques can improve our understanding of diseases. In this talk, I’ll present ways in which data from cancer patients can be combined with mathematical modelling and used to improve cancer treatments.

Given the variability in individual responses to cancer treatments, agent-based modelling has been a useful technique for accurately capturing cellular behaviours that may lead to stochasticity in patient outcomes. Using a hybrid agent-based model and partial differential equation system, we developed a model for brain cancer (glioblastoma) growth informed by ex-vivo patient samples. Extending the model to capture patient treatment with an oncolytic virus rQNestin, we used our model to propose reasons for treatment failure, which was later confirmed with further patient samples. More recently, we extended this model to investigate the effectiveness of combination treatments (chemotherapy, virotherapy and immunotherapy) informed by individual patient imaging mass cytometry.

This talk hopes to provide examples of ways mathematical and computational modelling can be used to run “virtual” clinical trials with the goal of obtaining more effective treatments for diseases.  

Fri, 17 Nov 2023

14:00 - 15:00

The generalist medical AI will see you now

Professor Pranav Rajpurkar
(Department of Biomedical Informatics Harvard Medical School Boston)

Accurate interpretation of medical images is crucial for disease diagnosis and treatment, and AI has the potential to minimize errors, reduce delays, and improve accessibility. The focal point of this presentation lies in a grand ambition: the development of 'Generalist Medical AI' systems that can closely resemble doctors in their ability to reason through a wide range of medical tasks, incorporate multiple data modalities, and communicate in natural language. Starting with pioneering algorithms that have already demonstrated their potential in diagnosing diseases from chest X-rays or electrocardiograms, matching the proficiency of expert radiologists and cardiologists, I will delve into the core challenges and advancements in the field. The discussion will navigate towards the topic of label-efficient AI models: with a scarcity of meticulously annotated data in healthcare, the development of AI systems capable of learning effectively from limited labels has become a key concern. In this vein, I'll delve into how the innovative use of self-supervision and pre-training methods has led to algorithmic advancements that can perform high-level diagnostic tasks using significantly less annotated data. Additionally, I will talk about initiatives in data curation, human-AI collaboration, and the creation of open benchmarks to evaluate the generalizability of medical AI algorithms. In sum, this talk aims to deliver a comprehensive picture of the state of 'Generalist Medical AI,' the advancements made, the challenges faced, and the prospects lying ahead.

Fri, 10 Nov 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Mathematical modelling identifies serum hepatitis B RNA as an informative biomarker of anti-viral treatment efficacy

Dr Tyler Cassidy
(School of Mathematics University of Leeds)

Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection leads to liver damage that increases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cirrhosis. Individuals with chronic HBV infection are often either treated with interferon alpha or nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NTRL). While these NTRLs inhibit de novo DNA synthesis, they do not represent a functional cure for chronic HBV infection and so must be taken indefinitely. The resulting life-long treatment leads to an increased risk of selection for treatment resistant strains of HBV. Consequently, there is increased interest in a novel treatment modality, capsid protein allosteric modulators (CPAMs), that blocks a crucial step in the viral life cycle. I'll discuss recent work that identifies HBV serum RNA as an informative biomarker of CPAM treatment efficacy, evaluates CPAMs as a potential functional cure for HBV infection, and illustrates the role of mechanistic modelling in trial design using an age structured, multi-scale mathematical model. 

Fri, 03 Nov 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Leader, follower, and cheater in collective cancer invasion

Professor Yi Jiang
(College of Arts and Science Georgia State University)

A major reason for the failure of cancer treatment and disease progression is the heterogeneous composition of tumor cells at the genetic, epigenetic, and phenotypic levels. Despite extensive efforts to characterize the makeup of individual cells, there is still much to be learned about the interactions between heterogeneous cancer cells and between cancer cells and the microenvironment in the context of cancer invasion. Clinical studies and in vivo models have shown that cancer invasion predominantly occurs through collective invasion packs, which invade more aggressively and result in worse outcomes. In vitro experiments on non-small cell lung cancer spheroids have demonstrated that the invasion packs consist of leaders and followers who engage in mutualistic social interactions during collective invasion. Many fundamental questions remain unanswered: What is the division of labor within the heterogeneous invasion pack? How does the leader phenotype emerge? Are the phenotypes plastic? What's the role of the individual "cheaters"? How does the invasion pack interact with the stroma? Can the social interaction network be exploited to devise novel treatment strategies? I will discuss recent modeling efforts to address these questions and hope to convince you that identifying and perturbing the "weak links" within the social interaction network can disrupt collective invasion and potentially prevent the malignant progression of cancer. 

Fri, 27 Oct 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Mathematical modelling throughout infectious disease outbreaks

Dr Robin Thompson
(Dept of Maths University of Oxford)

Mathematical models are useful tools for guiding infectious disease outbreak control measures. Before a pathogen has even entered a host population, models can be used to determine the locations that are most at risk of outbreaks, allowing limited surveillance resources to be deployed effectively. Early in an outbreak, key questions for policy advisors include whether initial cases will lead on to a major epidemic or fade out as a minor outbreak. When a major epidemic is ongoing, models can be applied to track pathogen transmissibility and inform interventions. And towards the end of (or after) an outbreak, models can be used to estimate the probability that the outbreak is over and that no cases will be detected in future, with implications for when interventions can be lifted safely. In this talk, I will summarise the work done by my research group on modelling different stages of infectious disease outbreaks. This includes: i) Before an outbreak: Projections of the locations at-risk from vector-borne pathogens towards the end of the 21st century under a changing climate; ii) Early in an outbreak: Methods for estimating the risk that introduced cases will lead to a major epidemic; and iii) During a major epidemic: A novel approach for inferring the time-dependent reproduction number during outbreaks when disease incidence time series are aggregated temporally (e.g. weekly case numbers are reported rather than daily case numbers). In addition to discussing this work, I will suggest areas for further research that will allow effective interventions to be planned during future infectious disease outbreaks.

Fri, 20 Oct 2023

15:00 - 16:00

Machine learning for identifying translatable biomarkers and targets

Professor Daphne Koller
(Department of Computer Science Stanford University)

Modern medicine has given us effective tools to treat some of the most significant and burdensome diseases. At the same time, it is becoming consistently more challenging and more expensive to develop new therapeutics. A key factor in this trend is that we simply don't understand the underlying biology of disease, and which interventions might meaningfully modulate clinical outcomes and in which patients. To achieve this goal, we are bringing together large amounts of high content data, taken both from humans and from human-derived cellular systems generated in our own lab. Those are then used to learn a meaningful representation of biological states via cutting edge machine learning methods, which enable us to make predictions about novel targets, coherent patient segments, and the clinical effect of molecules. Our ultimate goal is to develop a new approach to drug development that uses high-quality data and ML models to design novel, safe, and effective therapies that help more people, faster, and at a lower cost. 

Fri, 13 Oct 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Agent-based, vertex-based, and continuum modeling of cell behavior in biological patterns

Prof Alexandria Volkening
(Department of Mathematics Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering)

Many natural and social phenomena involve individual agents coming together to create group dynamics, whether the agents are drivers in a traffic jam, cells in a developing tissue, or locusts in a swarm. Here I will focus on two examples of such emergent behavior in biology, specifically cell interactions during pattern formation in zebrafish skin and gametophyte development in ferns. Different modeling approaches provide complementary insights into these systems and face different challenges. For example, vertex-based models describe cell shape, while more efficient agent-based models treat cells as particles. Continuum models, which track the evolution of cell densities, are more amenable to analysis, but it is often difficult to relate their few parameters to specific cell interactions. In this talk, I will overview our models of cell behavior in biological patterns and discuss our ongoing work on quantitatively relating different types of models using topological data analysis and data-driven techniques.