Submitting Coursework

This page contains information for students.

Submitting Coursework

Screenshot showing the Moodle homepage, with an arrow pointing to the "Log in" linkTo submit your coursework, go to the Courses site and make sure you are logged in - click "Log in" in the top right corner if not.

Navigate to the relevant course - either using the list on the homepage, or from "My courses". If you use the search box, make sure you select the course for the current year.

Screenshot showing a list of problem sheets in MoodleClick the assignment you want to submit.

Screenshot showing Sheet 1 with an arrow pointing to the "Add submission" buttonClick "Add submission".

Screenshot showing the "Add submission" form, with arrows pointing to the file upload field and the "Save changes" buttonDrag and drop your file onto the window where indicated. Alternatively, click the "Add" icon, then "Upload a file", then "Browse", select the file using the file picker, and click "Upload this file".

Finally, click "Save changes" to submit your work to your tutor and TA for marking. You will receive an email confirmation.

You can edit your submission, if required, until the deadline.

Viewing Marked Work

Screenshow of the Sheet 1 page after marking is complete, with an arrow pointing to the feedback fileOnce your work has been marked, you will receive an email notification with a link to the marked work.

Alternatively, you will be able to find it within the assignment under the heading "Feedback".

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 21 Jul 2023 15:16.