Research Students Laptop Policy

The department provides comprehensive IT systems, services, resources and support via managed systems in the building, such that most students will meet other needs from other funds they personally have together with remote access to department and university facilities.

There is specific funding for laptops for a small number of DPhil students associated with their particular project grant or their CDT. This funding will typically be for a standard laptop costing up to £1k. Students will normally be informed of this via their supervisor or CDT course administrator as appropriate.

The department Finance Committee has set aside a small pot of funds, starting in October 2022, to be administered by Academic Administration and IT, that can be used to provide a laptop/tablet for a student with a case of genuine need (that they cannot reasonably meet via project or personal studentship, or equivalent, funds), with cases to be reviewed by the Director of Graduate Studies (Research). In the first instance students should raise such matters with the Director of IT & Physical Resources (Keith Gillow) or the Deputy Head of Academic Administration/Graduate Studies Administrator (Joanna Walker).

Where a case of genuine need is approved then it is strongly advised to wait until a student has arrived, settled in and experienced how they work and what they might best need, before then requesting the relevant device.

Items purchased remain property of the department and must be returned to the department at the end of the course, though in some cases it may be possible for the student to purchase the laptop from the department at market value. Returned laptops fewer than four years old and in good working order will be redistributed for further use.

IT facilitate the provision of these laptops.

Last updated on 6 Dec 2024, 10:20am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.