Skills and Broadening Training Courses

Graduate Training Framework

The Department and wider University offer a range of training provision which covers research, academic and transferable career skills.  The table below summarises the main courses and providers which students are likely to find useful.  

Students are expected to take responsibility for shaping their own training, supported by their supervisor.  However, please note:

- there is a specific requirement to undertake 'broadening' training: courses which are designed to broaden the student's knowledge and understanding of the Mathematical Sciences in particular.

- many important skills can be developed through teaching, and each DPhil student is generally expected to participate in teaching.  The Institute runs a Training in Teaching Programme to support students in developing these skills.


Foundations Phase (0-12 months) Intensive Research Phase (12-30 months) Completion Phase (24+ months)
Transferable Career Skills

Appropriate Fridays@4 Seminars

Training in Teaching Stage 1

MPLS researcher training courses (as appropriate): click on the menu item "Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences", subitem "MPLS Division" and "Online courses and podcasts"

Training in Teaching Stage 2

Careers Event - see also Careers Service

Appropriate Fridays@4 Seminars

MPLS researcher training courses (as appropriate): click on the menu item "Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences", subitem "MPLS Division" and "Online courses and podcasts"

Appropriate Fridays@4 Seminars

Careers Event - see also Careers Service

MPLS researcher training courses (as appropriate): click on the menu item "Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences", subitem "MPLS Division" and "Online courses and podcasts"

Research Skills


'An Introduction to Latex' - see Lecture Lists for Michaelmas and Hilary Terms and Course Material webpage

MPLS researcher training courses (as appropriate): click on the menu item "Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences", subitem "MPLS Division" and "Online courses and podcasts"

Scientific Computing for DPhil students - see Lecture Lists for Michaelmas and Hilary Terms and Course Material webpage

Python in Scientific Computing*, C++ for Scientific Computing, Solving PDEs on Supercomputers* – see Special Topics courses run for MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing [*Note: if you wish to attend these courses you will need to contact the lecturer in advance for further details, as you will need to bring a laptop installed with appropriate software.]

MPLS researcher training courses (as appropriate): click on the menu item "Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences", subitem "MPLS Division" and "Online courses and podcasts"

MPLS researcher training courses (as appropriate): click on the menu item "Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences", subitem "MPLS Division" and "Online courses and podcasts"
Academic Skills See information on Broadening Training See information on Broadening Training See information on Broadening Training





Information on  the MPLS Divisional training programme for graduate students is also found here:




1. The phases are for guidance rather than rigid timescales.

2. The skills categories are defined as follows: Academic skills are lecture courses/ subjects that form an extension to, and fill gaps in, undergraduate knowledge; research skills are those needed to actually carry out research, for example safety, equipment use, programming; transferable career skills are those which are core to every student’s development and are genuinely transferable, although they may have a subject nuance. 

3. Therefore Academic skills and Research skills sit in departments. Transferable career skills sit in both department and Division (and other providers as appropriate)

To browse the full range of courses provided by departments in MPLS, see the Researcher Training Tool (RTT): [1]


[1] In the Researcher Training Tool you will see that courses are also categorised using a wider range of categories. These are Oxford wide categories that are designed to align with the Researcher Development Framework (  and drill down from the ones detailed above.

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 10 Jun 2024 09:26.