Students normally prepare their dissertations during TT and the long vacation, but it is often valuable to commence background work earlier. A student's dissertation topic should be selected in consultation with their supervisor and the details of the form and scope of the dissertation are described in the Regulations. Here are some potential dissertation projects for the academic year 2022-23. This will be updated for the 2023-24 academic year in February 2024. Also students are encouraged to talk to any potential supervisors, which may include most academics or researchers in OCIAM or the NA Group. Note that the supervisor allocated in the first term will not usually turn out to be the supervisor for the dissertation. Each student will be required to give a short talk and answer questions on the background to their dissertation topic at an open meeting, attended by supervisors, examiners and other students, to be held at the end of May or early June.
The body of the dissertation (excluding appendices etc.) should usually be 40-50 pages (less than 55 pages without penalty).
Students should submit an electronic copy of their dissertation by 12 noon on Wednesday 28th August 2024. The electronic copy should be a single pdf file and should be submitted online.
The oral examination (viva) will be held approximately two weeks later and students will be expected to answer questions on their dissertation.
More details about the dissertation are given in the dissertation handbook.
Past dissertations can be viewed by members of the Mathematical Institute (log in required).