Helen Fletcher
DPhil Student, InFoMM CDT
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Technical reports:
[1] H. Fletcher, C. Hall, C. Please. Sodium Intercalation into Hard Carbon. DPhil Technical Report, University of Oxford, 2015.
ESGI reports:
[2] E. Brambley, H. Fletcher, R. Hill, I. Johnston, J. Liu, R. MacKay, J. Mathews, J. Ockendon, B. Piette. Measuring Vibrations from Video Feeds. ESGI130 Report, 2017.
Theses, and other:
[3] H. Fletcher, J. Leach, D. Needham. An Initial-Boundary Value Problem for Burgers’ Equation on the Positive Quarter Plane. MSci Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2014.
[4] H. Fletcher, D. Loghin. On the Roots of a Quintic Polynomial. MSci Literature Review, University of Birmingham, 2013.
- Poster Prize
TakeAIM Competition, Smith Institute, 2017
- EPSRC Award to read for a DPhil in Mathematics
InFoMM CDT, University of Oxford, 2014
- Scholarship to read for an MSci in Mathematics
School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, 2010
- Third year DPhil student in Cohort 1 of the EPSRC CDT in Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling (InFoMM)
- Member of St Anne's College
- Associate member of the IMA
- Student member of SIAM
My current DPhil research is in collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers, and HR Wallingford. The aim of my project is to develop a more efficient wave absorption technique for use in Proteus, a Python-based computational methods and simulation toolkit.
My past research has included modelling chemical intercalation within electrodes in batteries at a microscopic scale, and developing analytical solution methods for differential equations in order to study their behaviour.
In general, my research interests include:
- Linear and Non-Linear Wave Theory
- Mathematical Modelling Techniques
- Asymptotic Analysis
- Fluid Mechanics
- Applications in Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, and Technology