Tue, 23 Jun 2020

Cluster patterns in Landau and Leading Singularities via the Amplituhedron

Matteo Parisi

In this talk I will present some recent explorations of cluster-algebraic patterns in the building blocks of scattering amplitudes in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. In particular, I will first briefly introduce the main characters on stage, i.e. Leading Singularities, Landau singularities, the amplituhedron and cluster algebras. I will then present my main conjecture, "LL-adjacency", which makes all the above characters play together: given a maximal cut of a loop amplitude, Landau singularities and poles of each Yangian invariant appearing in any representation of the corresponding Leading Singularities can be found together in a cluster.  I will explain how the conjecture has been tested for all one-loop amplitudes up to 9 points using cluster algebraic and amplituhedron-based methods.  Finally, I will discuss implications for computing loop amplitudes and their singularity structure, and open research directions.

This is based on the joint work with Ömer Gürdoğan (arXiv: 2005.07154).

Thu, 11 Jun 2020

Covers of modular curves, categoricity and Drinfeld's GT

Boris Zilber

This is a joint work with C.Daw in progress. We study the L_{omega_1,omega}-theory of the modular functions j_n: H -> Y(n). In other words, H is seen here as the universal cover in the class of modular curves. The setting is different from one considered before by Adam Harris and Chris Daw: GL(2,Q) is given here as the sort without naming its individual elements. As usual in the study of 'pseudo-analytic cover structures', the statement of categoricity is equivalent to certain arithmetic conditions, the most challenging of which is to determine the Galois action on CM-points. This turns out to be equivalent to determining the Galois action on SL(2,\hat{Z})/(-1), that is a subgroup of

Out SL(2,\hat{Z})/(-1)   induced by the action of  Gal_Q. We find by direct matrix calculations a subgroup Out_* of the outer automorphisms group which contains the image of Gal_Q. Moreover, we prove that Out_* is the image of Drinfeld's group GT (Grothendieck-Teichmuller group) under a natural homomorphism.

It is a reasonable to conjecture that Out_* is equal to the image of Gal_Q, which would imply the categoricity statement. It follows from the above that our conjecture is a consequence of Drinfeld's conjecture which states that GT is isomorphic to Gal_Q.  



Tue, 12 May 2020

Summing scalar Feynman diagrams

Hadleigh Frost

A motivation in the development of string theory was the 'duality' flip, exchanging the s- and t-channels, which relates all the cubic Feynman graphs at each order in perturbation theory, with fixed planar structure. In string theory, we can understand this as coming from the moduli spaces of marked surfaces, with the cubic diagrams corresponding to complete triangulations. I will describe how geometric-type cluster algebras give a surprising 'linear' way to talk about the same combinatorial problem, using results from work with N Arkani-Hamed and H Thomas and G Salvatori. This gives new ways to compute cubic scalar amplitudes, and new families of integrals generalizing the Veneziano amplitude.


Fri, 08 May 2020

15:00 - 16:00

Graph Filtrations with Spectral Wavelet Signatures

Ambrose Yim

We present a recipe for constructing filter functions on graphs with parameters that can optimised by gradient descent. This recipe, based on graph Laplacians and spectral wavelet signatures, do not require additional data to be defined on vertices. This allows any graph to be assigned a customised filter function for persistent homology computations and data science applications, such as graph classification. We show experimental evidence that this recipe has desirable properties for optimisation and machine learning pipelines that factors through persistent homology. 

Fri, 15 May 2020

15:00 - 16:00

From dynamics to combinatorics and back again

Kelly Spendlove

The last fifty years of dynamical systems theory have established that dynamical systems can exhibit extremely complex behavior with respect to both the system variables (chaos theory) and parameters (bifurcation theory). Such complex behavior found in theoretical work must be reconciled with the capabilities of the current technologies available for applications. For example, in the case of modelling biological phenomena, measurements may be of limited precision, parameters are rarely known exactly and nonlinearities often cannot be derived from first principles. 

The contrast between the richness of dynamical systems and the imprecise nature of available modeling tools suggests that we should not take models too seriously. Stating this a bit more formally, it suggests that extracting features which are robust over a range of parameter values is more important than an understanding of the fine structure at some particular parameter.

The goal of this talk is to present a high-level introduction/overview of computational Conley-Morse theory, a rigorous computational approach for understanding the global dynamics of complex systems.  This introduction will wander through dynamical systems theory, algebraic topology, combinatorics and end in game theory.

Mon, 11 May 2020

Torus knots in contact topology

Irena Matkovic

Tight contact structures on knot complements arise both from Legendrian realizations of the knot in the standard tight contact structure and from the non-loose Legendrian realizations in the overtwisted structures on the sphere. In this talk, we will deal with negative torus knots. We wish to concentrate on the relations between these various Legendrian realizations of a knot and the contact structures on the surgeries along the knot. In particular, we will build every contact structure by a single Legendrian surgery, and relate the knot properties to the properties of surgeries; namely, tightness, fillability and non-vanishing Heegaard Floer invariant.

Tue, 19 May 2020

The maximum length of K_r-Bootstrap Percolation

Gal Kronenberg
Further Information

Part of the Oxford Discrete Maths and Probability Seminar, held via Zoom. Please see the seminar website for details.


How long does it take for a pandemic to stop spreading? When modelling an infection process, especially these days, this is one of the main questions that comes to mind. In this talk, we consider this question in the bootstrap percolation setting.

Graph-bootstrap percolation, also known as weak saturation, was introduced by Bollobás in 1968. In this process, we start with initial "infected" set of edges $E_0$, and we infect new edges according to a predetermined rule. Given a graph $H$ and a set of previously infected edges $E_t \subseteq E(Kn)$, we infect a non-infected edge $e$ if it completes a new copy of $H$ in $G=([n] , E_t \cup \{e\})$. A question raised by Bollobás asks for the maximum time the process can run before it stabilizes. Bollobás, Przykucki, Riordan, and Sahasrabudhe considered this problem for the most natural case where $H=K_r$. They answered the question for $r \leq 4$ and gave a non-trivial lower bound for every $r \geq 5$. They also conjectured that the maximal running time is $o(n^2)$ for every integer $r$. We disprove their conjecture for every $r \geq 6$ and we give a better lower bound for the case $r=5$; in the proof we use the Behrend construction. This is a joint work with József Balogh, Alexey Pokrovskiy, and Tibor Szabó.

Mon, 18 May 2020

Some constructions of Calabi--Yau threefolds and real Lagrangian submanifolds

Thomas Prince

I will describe the results of two projects on the construction of Calabi-Yau threefolds and certain real Lagrangian submanifolds. The first concerns the construction of a novel dataset of Calabi-Yau threefolds via an application of the Gross-Siebert algorithm to a reducible union of toric varieties obtained by degenerating anti-canonical hypersurfaces in a class of (around 1.5 million) Gorenstein toric Fano fourfolds. Many of these constructions correspond to smoothing such a hypersurface; in contrast to the famous construction of Batyrev-Borisov which exploits crepant resolutions of such hypersurfaces. A central ingredient here is the construction of a certain 'integral affine structure with singularities' on the boundary of a class of polytopes from which one can form a topological model, due to Gross, of the corresponding Calabi-Yau threefold X. In general, such topological models carry a canonical (anti-symplectic) involution i and in the second project, which is joint work with H. Argüz, we describe the fixed point locus of this involution. In particular, we prove that the map i*-1 on graded pieces of a Leray filtration of H^3(X,Z2) can be identified with the map D -> D^2, where D is an element of H^2(X',Z2) and X' is mirror-dual to X. We use this to compute the Z2 cohomology group of the fixed locus, answering a question of Castaño-Bernard--Matessi.

Mon, 25 May 2020

Quantum K-theory and 3d A-model

Cyril Closset

I will discuss some ongoing work on three-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories and their relationship to (equivariant) quantum K-theory. I will emphasise the interplay between the physical and mathematical motivations and approaches, and attempt to build a dictionary between the two.  As an interesting example, I will discuss the quantum K-theory of flag manifolds. The QK ring will be related to the vacuum structure of a gauge theory with Chern-Simons interactions, and the (genus-0) K-theoretic invariants will be computed in terms of explicit residue formulas that can be derived from the relevant supersymmetric path integrals.

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