Tue, 30 Apr 2024

Graph products and measure equivalence

Camille Horbez

Measure equivalence was introduced by Gromov as a measure-theoretic analogue to quasi-isometry between finitely generated groups. In this talk I will present measure equivalence classification results for right-angled Artin groups, and more generally graph products. This is based on joint works with Jingyin Huang and with Amandine Escalier. 

Wed, 06 Mar 2024

16:00 - 17:00


Michael Schmalian
(University of Oxford)
Wed, 28 Feb 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Revisiting property (T)

Ismael Morales
(University of Oxford)

Property (T) was introduced by Kazhdan in the sixties to show that lattices in higher rank semisimple Lie groups are finitely generated. We will discuss some classical examples of groups that satisfy this property, with a particular focus on SL(3, R).

Wed, 14 Feb 2024

16:00 - 17:00

One-ended graph braid groups and where to find them

Ruta Sliazkaite
(University of Warwick)

Graph braid groups are similar to braid groups, except that they are defined as ‘braids’ on a graph, rather than the real plane. We can think of graph braid groups in terms of the discrete configuration space of a graph, which is a CW-complex. One can compute a presentation of a graph braid group using Morse theory. In this talk I will give a few examples on how to compute these presentations in terms of generating circuits of the graph. I will then go through a detailed example of a graph that gives a one-ended braid group.

Wed, 07 Feb 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Relationships between hyperbolic and classic knot invatiants

Colin McCulloch
(University of Oxford)

For a hyperbolic knot there are two types of invariants, the hyperbolic invariants coming from the geometric structure and the classical invariants coming from the topology or combinatorics. It has been observed in many different cases that these seemingly different types of invariants are in fact related. I will give examples of these relationships and discuss in particular a link by Stoimenow between the determinant and volume.  

Wed, 31 Jan 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Distinguishing free-by-(finite cyclic) groups by their finite quotients

Paweł Piwek
(University of Oxford)
Finitely generated free-by-(finite cyclic) groups turn out to be distinguished from each other by their finite quotients - and this is thanks to being very constrained by their finite subgroups and their centralisers. This has a consequence to distinguishing in the same way the free-by-cyclic groups with centre. This is joint work with Martin Bridson.
Wed, 17 Jan 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Spectra of surfaces and MCG actions on random covers

Adam Klukowski
(University of Oxford)

The Ivanov conjecture is equivalent to the statement that every covering map of surfaces has the so-called Putman-Wieland property. I will discuss my recent work with Vlad Marković, where we prove it for asymptotically all coverings as the degree grows. I will give some overview of our main tool: spectral geometry, which is related to objects like the heat kernel of a hyperbolic surface, or Cheeger connectivity constant.

Tue, 05 Mar 2024

14:30 - 15:00

Error Bound on Singular Values Approximations by Generalized Nystrom

Lorenzo Lazzarino
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

We consider the problem of approximating singular values of a matrix when provided with approximations to the leading singular vectors. In particular, we focus on the Generalized Nystrom (GN) method, a commonly used low-rank approximation, and its error in extracting singular values. Like other approaches, the GN approximation can be interpreted as a perturbation of the original matrix. Up to orthogonal transformations, this perturbation has a peculiar structure that we wish to exploit. Thus, we use the Jordan-Wieldant Theorem and similarity transformations to generalize a matrix perturbation theory result on eigenvalues of a perturbed Hermitian matrix. Finally, combining the above,  we can derive a bound on the GN singular values approximation error. We conclude by performing preliminary numerical examples. The aim is to heuristically study the sharpness of the bound, to give intuitions on how the analysis can be used to compare different approaches, and to provide ideas on how to make the bound computable in practice.

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