Forthcoming events in this series

Tue, 23 Feb 2021

Twistors, integrability, and 4d Chern-Simons theory

Roland Bittleston
(Cambridge DAMTP)

I will connect approaches to classical integrable systems via 4d Chern-Simons theory and via symmetry reductions of the anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equations. In particular, I will consider holomorphic Chern-Simons theory on twistor space, defined using a range of meromorphic (3,0)-forms. On shell these are, in most cases, found to agree with actions for anti-self-dual Yang-Mills theory on space-time. Under symmetry reduction, these space-time actions yield actions for 2d integrable systems. On the other hand, performing the symmetry reduction directly on twistor space reduces the holomorphic Chern-Simons action to 4d Chern-Simons theory.

Tue, 09 Feb 2021

The stability of Kaluza-Klein spacetimes

Zoe Wyatt

Spacetimes with compact directions play an important role in supergravity and string theory. The simplest such example is the Kaluza-Klein spacetime, where the compact space is a flat torus. An interesting question to ask is whether this spacetime, when viewed as an initial value problem, is stable to small perturbations of initial data. In this talk I will discuss the global, non-linear stability of the Kaluza-Klein spacetime to toroidal-independent perturbations and the particular nonlinear structure appearing in the associated PDE system.

Tue, 26 Jan 2021

New results for gravitational binary dynamics from QFT amplitudes

Mao Zeng
(Oxford (Theoretical Physics))

Precision predictions for binary mergers are essential for the nascent field of gravitational wave astronomy. The initial inspiral part can be treated perturbatively. We present results for the post-Minkowskian expansion of conservative binary dynamics, previously available only at the 2nd order for several decades, at the 3rd and 4th orders in the expansion. Our calculations are based on quantum field theory and use powerful methods developed in the modern scattering amplitudes program, as well as loop integration techniques developed for precision collider physics. Furthermore, we take initial steps in calculating radiative binary dynamics and obtain analytically the total radiated energy in hyperbolic black hole scattering, at the lowest order in G but all orders in velocity.

Tue, 17 Nov 2020

Causal Relations At Infinity

Peter Cameron
(DAMTP Cambridge)

Motivated by an attempt to construct a theory of quantum gravity as a perturbation around some flat background, Penrose has shown that, despite being asymptotically flat, there is an inconsistency between the causal structure at infinity of Schwarzschild and Minkowski spacetimes. This suggests that such a perturbative approach cannot possibly work. However, the proof of this inconsistency is specific to 4 spacetime dimensions. In this talk I will discuss how this result extends to higher (and lower) dimensions. More generally, I will consider examples of how the causal structure of asymptotically flat spacetimes are affected by dimension and by the presence of mass (both positive and negative). I will then show how these ideas can be used to prove a higher dimensional extension of the positive mass theorem of Penrose, Sorkin and Woolgar.

Tue, 03 Nov 2020

BV formalism, QFT and Gravity: a Homotopy perspective

Tommaso Macrelli
(Dept of Mathematics University of Surrey)

After a review of Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and homotopy algebras, we discuss how these structures emerge in quantum field theory and gravity. We focus then on the application of these sophisticated mathematical tools to scattering amplitudes (both tree- and loop-level) and to the understanding of the dualities between gauge theories and gravity, highlighting generalizations of old results and presenting new ones.

Tue, 20 Oct 2020

Construction of Cauchy data for the dynamical formation of apparent horizons and the Penrose Inequality

Martin Lesourd
(BHI Harvard)

We construct a class of Cauchy initial data without (marginally) trapped surfaces whose future evolution is a trapped region bounded by an apparent horizon, i.e., a smooth hypersurface foliated by MOTS. The estimates obtained in the evolution lead to the following conditional statement: if Kerr Stability holds, then this kind of initial data yields a class of scale critical vacuum examples of Weak Cosmic Censorship and the Final State Conjecture. Moreover, owing to estimates for the ADM mass of the data and the area of the MOTS, the construction gives a fully dynamical vacuum setting in which to study the Spacetime Penrose Inequality. We show that the inequality is satisfied for an open region in the Cauchy development of this kind of initial data, which itself is controllable by the initial data. This is joint work with Nikos Athanasiou

Tue, 21 Jul 2020

Conformal Geometry of Null Infinity, including gravitational waves

Yannick Herfray
(ULB Brussells)

Since the seminal work of Penrose, it has been understood that conformal compactifications (or "asymptotic simplicity") is the geometrical framework underlying Bondi-Sachs' description of asymptotically flat space-times as an asymptotic expansion. From this point of view the asymptotic boundary, a.k.a "null-infinity", naturally is a conformal null (i.e degenerate) manifold. In particular, "Weyl rescaling" of null-infinity should be understood as gauge transformations. As far as gravitational waves are concerned, it has been well advertised by Ashtekar that if one works with a fixed representative for the conformal metric, gravitational radiations can be neatly parametrized as a choice of "equivalence class of metric-compatible connections". This nice intrinsic description however amounts to working in a fixed gauge and, what is more, the presence of equivalence class tend to make this point of view tedious to work with.

I will review these well-known facts and show how modern methods in conformal geometry (namely tractor calculus) can be adapted to the degenerate conformal geometry of null-infinity to encode the presence of gravitational waves in a completely geometrical (gauge invariant) way: Ashtekar's (equivalence class of) connections are proved to be in 1-1 correspondence with choices of (genuine) tractor connection, gravitational radiation is invariantly described by the tractor curvature and the degeneracy of gravity vacua correspond to the degeneracy of flat tractor connections. The whole construction is fully geometrical and manifestly conformally invariant.

Tue, 23 Jun 2020

Cluster patterns in Landau and Leading Singularities via the Amplituhedron

Matteo Parisi

In this talk I will present some recent explorations of cluster-algebraic patterns in the building blocks of scattering amplitudes in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. In particular, I will first briefly introduce the main characters on stage, i.e. Leading Singularities, Landau singularities, the amplituhedron and cluster algebras. I will then present my main conjecture, "LL-adjacency", which makes all the above characters play together: given a maximal cut of a loop amplitude, Landau singularities and poles of each Yangian invariant appearing in any representation of the corresponding Leading Singularities can be found together in a cluster.  I will explain how the conjecture has been tested for all one-loop amplitudes up to 9 points using cluster algebraic and amplituhedron-based methods.  Finally, I will discuss implications for computing loop amplitudes and their singularity structure, and open research directions.

This is based on the joint work with Ömer Gürdoğan (arXiv: 2005.07154).

Tue, 19 May 2020

Feynman propagators from the worldsheet

Yvonne Geyer
(Chulalongkorn University)

Ambitwistor strings are a class of holomorphic worldsheet models that directly describe massless quantum field theories, such as supergravity and super Yang-Mills. Their correlators give remarkably compact amplitude representations, known as the CHY formulas: characteristic worldsheet integrals that are fully localized on a set of polynomial constraints known as the scattering equations. Moreover, the ambitwistor string models provide a natural way of extending these formulas to loop level, where the constraints can be used to simplify the formulas (originally on higher genus curves) to 'forward limit-like' constructions on nodal spheres. After reviewing these developments, I will discuss one of the peculiar features of this approach: the worldsheet formulas on nodal spheres result in a non-standard integrand representation that makes it difficult to e.g. apply established integration techniques. While several approaches for addressing this look feasible or have been put forward in the literature, they only work for the simplest toy models. Taking inspiration from these attempts, I want to discuss a novel strategy to overcome this difficulty, and formulate compact worldsheet formulas with standard Feynman propagators.

Tue, 12 May 2020

Summing scalar Feynman diagrams

Hadleigh Frost

A motivation in the development of string theory was the 'duality' flip, exchanging the s- and t-channels, which relates all the cubic Feynman graphs at each order in perturbation theory, with fixed planar structure. In string theory, we can understand this as coming from the moduli spaces of marked surfaces, with the cubic diagrams corresponding to complete triangulations. I will describe how geometric-type cluster algebras give a surprising 'linear' way to talk about the same combinatorial problem, using results from work with N Arkani-Hamed and H Thomas and G Salvatori. This gives new ways to compute cubic scalar amplitudes, and new families of integrals generalizing the Veneziano amplitude.


Tue, 10 Mar 2020

The central sphere of a gravitational instanton

Prof Nigel Hitchin

The asymptotically locally Euclidean Ricci-flat self-dual 4-manifolds were classified and constructed by Kronheimer as hyperkahler quotients. Each belongs to a finite-dimensional family and a particularly interesting subfamily consists of manifolds with a circle action which can be identified with the minimal resolution of a quotient singularity C^2/G where G is a finite subgroup of SU(2). The resolved singularity is a configuration of rational curves and there is a distinguished one which is pointwise fixed by the circle action. The talk will give an explicit description of the induced metric on this central sphere, and involves twistor theory and the geometry of the lines on a cubic surface.

Tue, 25 Feb 2020

Uniqueness & non-uniqueness results for wave equations

Jan Sbierski

A well-known theorem of Choquet-Bruhat and Geroch states that for given smooth initial data for the Einstein equations there exists a unique maximal globally hyperbolic development. In particular, time evolution of globally hyperbolic solutions is unique. This talk investigates whether the same result holds for quasilinear wave equations defined on a fixed background. After recalling the notion of global hyperbolicity, we first present an example of a quasilinear wave equation for which unique time evolution in fact fails and contrast this with the Einstein equations. We then proceed by presenting conditions on quasilinear wave equations which ensure uniqueness. This talk is based on joint work with Harvey Reall and Felicity Eperon.

Tue, 11 Feb 2020

Asymptotic charges in gravity

Mahdi Godazgar
(Queen Mary College, London)

 I will give an overview of my recent research on the definition of asymptotic charges in asymptotically flat spacetimes, including the definition of subleading and dual BMS charges and the relation to the conserved Newman-Penrose charges at null infinity.


Tue, 28 Jan 2020

The polynomial scattering equations on and off shell

Peter Goddard
(IAS Princeton)

A polynomial form is established for the off-shell CHY scattering equations proposed by Lam and Yao. Re-expressing this in terms of independent Mandelstam invariants provides a new expression for the polynomial scattering equations, immediately valid off shell, which makes it evident that they yield the off-shell amplitudes given by massless ϕ3 Feynman graphs. A CHY expression for individual Feynman graphs, valid even off shell, is established through a recurrence relation.

Tue, 03 Dec 2019

Lie polynomials and a Penrose transform for the double copy

Lionel Mason

This talk will explain how Lie polynomials underpin the structure of the so-called double copy relationship between gauge and gravity theories (and a network of other theories besides).  ABHY have recently shown that Lie polynomials arise naturally also in the geometry of the space K_n of momentum invariants, Mandelstams, and can be expressed in the space of n-3-forms dual to certain associahedral (n-3)-planes. They also arise in the moduli space M_{0,n} of n points on a Riemann sphere up to Mobius transformations in the n-3-dimensional homology.  The talk goes on to give a natural correspondendence between K_n and the cotangent bundle of M_{0.n} through which the relationships of some of these structures can be expressed.  This in particular gives a natural framework for expressing the CHY and ambitwistor-string formulae for scattering amplitudes of gauge and gravity theories and goes some way to expressing their double copy relations.   This is part of joint work in progress with Hadleigh Frost.

Tue, 29 Oct 2019

Motivic Galois Theory and Feynman integrals

Erik Panzer

Feynman integrals govern the perturbative expansion in quantum field theories. As periods, these integrals generate representations of a motivic Galois group. I will explain this idea and illustrate the 'coaction principle', a mechanism that constrains which periods can appear at any loop order.

Tue, 22 Oct 2019

Differential equations for one-loop string integrals

Oliver Schlotterer

In this talk, I will describe new mathematical structures in the low-energy  expansion of one-loop string amplitudes. The insertion of external states on the open- and closed-string worldsheets requires integration over punctures on a cylinder boundary and a torus, respectively. Suitable bases of such integrals will be shown to obey simple first-order differential equations in the modular parameter of the surface. These differential equations will be exploited  to perform the integrals order by order in the inverse string tension, similar to modern strategies for dimensionally regulated Feynman integrals. Our method manifests the appearance of iterated integrals over holomorphic  Eisenstein series in the low-energy expansion. Moreover, infinite families of Laplace equations can be generated for the modular forms in closed-string  low-energy expansions.

Tue, 27 Aug 2019

Aspects of Scattering Amplitudes and Moduli Space Localization

Sebastian Mizera
(Perimeter/IAS Princeton)

 It has been long known that intersection theory on the moduli space of punctured Riemann surfaces encodes observables in two-dimensional quantum gravity. It is natural to ask whether interacting theories could also admit a similar description. In the genus-zero case we put forward a twisted version of intersection theory on the moduli space and propose that it computes tree-level scattering amplitudes in a range of quantum field theories with a finite spectrum of particles. The resulting intersection numbers exhibit two alternative kinds of localization formulae. The first one receives contributions only from boundaries of the moduli space, thus leading to a Feynman diagram expansion, while the second one localizes on critical points of a certain Morse function.


Fri, 19 Jul 2019

Mass, Kaehler Manifolds, and Symplectic Geometry

Prof Claude LeBrun

In the speaker's previous joint work with Hans-Joachim Hein, a mass formula for asymptotically locally Euclidean (ALE) Kaehler manifolds was proved, assuming only relatively weak fall-off conditions on the metric. However, the case of real dimension four presented technical difficulties that led us to require fall-off conditions in this special dimension that are stronger than the Chrusciel fall-off conditions that sufficed in higher dimensions. This talk will explain how a new proof of the 4-dimensional case, using ideas from symplectic geometry, shows that Chrusciel fall-off suffices to imply all our main results in any dimension. In particular, I will explain why our Penrose-type inequality for the mass of an asymptotically Euclidean Kaehler manifold always still holds, given only this very weak metric fall-off hypothesis.

Tue, 18 Jun 2019

Wilson-loop form-factors, a new duality

Dr Paul Heslop

We find a new duality for form factors of lightlike Wilson loops in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. The duality maps a form factor involving an n-sided lightlike polygonal super-Wilson loop together with m external on-shell states, to the same type of object but with the edges of the Wilson loop and the external states swapping roles. This relation can essentially be seen graphically in Lorentz harmonic chiral (LHC) superspace where it is equivalent to planar graph duality. However there are some crucial subtleties with the cancellation of spurious poles due to the gauge fixing. They are resolved by finding the correct formulation of the Wilson loop and by careful analytic continuation from Minkowski to Euclidean space. We illustrate all of these subtleties explicitly in the simplest non-trivial NMHV-like case.

Tue, 04 Jun 2019

How Low Can the Energy Density Go?

Aron Wall
(Cambridge DAMTP)

Quantum fields can sometimes have negative energy density.  In gravitational contexts, this threatens to permit both causality violations (such as traversable wormholes, warp drives, and time machines) and violations of the Second Law for black holes.  I will discuss the thermodynamic principles that rule out such pathological situations.  These principles have led us to an interesting lower bound on the energy flux, even for field theories in flat spacetime! This Quantum Null Energy Condition has now been proven for all relativistic field theories.  I will give an intuitive argument explaining why such ``quantum energy conditions'' ought to hold. 

Tue, 21 May 2019

Combinatorial structures in cosmology

Paolo Benincasa

  Our understanding of physical phenomena is intimately linked to the way we understand the relevant observables describing them. While a big deal of progress has been made for processes occurring in flat space-time, much less is known in cosmological settings. In this context, we have processes which happened in the past and which we can detect the remnants of at present time. Thus, the relevant observable is the late-time wavefunction of the universe. Questions such as "what properties they ought to satisfy in order to come from a consistent time evolution in cosmological space-times?", are still unanswered, and are compelling given that in these quantities time is effectively integrated out. In this talk I will report on some recent progress in this direction, aiming towards the idea of a formulation of cosmology "without time". Amazingly enough, a new mathematical structure, we called "cosmological polytope", which has its own first principle definition, encodes the singularity structure we ascribe to the perturbative wavefunction of the universe, and makes explicit its (surprising) relation to the flat-space S-matrix. I will stress how the cosmological polytopes allow us to: compute the wavefunction of the universe at arbitrary points and arbitrary loops (with novel representations for it); interpret the residues of its poles in terms of flat-space processes; provide a  general geometrical proof for the flat-space cutting rules; reconstruct the perturbative wavefunction from the knowledge of the flat-space S-matrix and a subset of symmetries enjoyed by the wavefunction.

Tue, 07 May 2019

Single-valued integration and superstring amplitudes

Clement Dupont

The classical theory of integration concern integrals of differential forms over domains of integration. In geometric terms, this corresponds to a canonical pairing between de Rham cohomology and singular homology. For varieties defined over the reals, one can make use of complex conjugation to define a real-valued pairing between de Rham cohomology and its dual, de Rham homology. The corresponding theory of integration, that we call single-valued integration, pairs a differential form with a `dual differential form’. We will explain how single-valued periods are computed and give an application to superstring amplitudes in genus zero. This is joint work with Francis Brown.

Tue, 05 Mar 2019

Supersymmetric S-matrices via ambitwistors and the polarized scattering equations

Lionel Mason

Six-dimensional theories provide a unification of four-dimensional theories via dimensional reduction  together with access to some of the novel features arising from M-theory.  Ambitwistor strings directly generate S-matrices for massless theories in terms of formulae that localize on the solutions to the scattering equations; algebraic equations that determine n points on the Riemann sphere from n massless momenta.  These are sufficient to provide compact formulae for tree-level S-matrices for bosonic theories. This talk introduces their extension to the polarized scattering equations which arise from twistorial versions on ambitwistor-strings.  These lead to simple explicit formulae for superamplitudes in 6D for super Yang-Mills, supergravity, D5 and M5 branes and massive superamplitudes in 4D.  The framework extends also to 10 and 11 dimensions.  This is based on joint work with Yvonne Geyer, arxiv:1812.05548 and 1901.00134. 

Tue, 19 Feb 2019

Mysteries of isolated horizons

Jerzy Lewandowski
(University of Warsaw)

Mysteries of isolated horizons: the Near Horizon Geometry equation, geometric characterizations of the non-extremal Kerr horizon, spacetimes foliated by non-expanding horizons.

3-dimensional null surfaces  that are  Killing horizons to the second order  are  considered. They are embedded in 4-dimensional spacetimes that satisfy the vacuum Einstein equations with arbitrary cosmological constant. Internal geometry of 2-dimensional cross sections of  the horizons  consists of induced metric tensor and a rotation 1-form potential. It is subject to the type D equation. The equation is interesting from the both, mathematical and physical points of view. Mathematically it  involves  geometry, holomorphic structures and algebraic topology.  Physically, the equation knows the secrete of black holes: the only  axisymmetric solutions on topological sphere  correspond  to the the Kerr / Kerr-de Sitter / Kerr-anti-de-Sitter non-extremal black holes or to the near horizon limit  of the extremal ones.  In the case of bifurcated  horizons the type D equation implies another spacial  symmetry. In this way the axial symmetry may be ensured without the rigidity theorem. The type D equation does not allow rotating horizons of topology different then that of the  sphere (or its quotient). That completes a new local non-her theorem. The type D equation is also  an integrability condition for the  Near Horizon Geometry equation and leads to new results on the solution existence issue.