Tue, 05 Dec 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Representation type of cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras

Qi Wang
(Tsinghua University)

One of the fundamental problems in representation theory is determining the representation type of algebras. In this talk, we will introduce the representation type of cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras, also known as cyclotomic Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras, especially in affine type A and affine type C. Our main result relies on novel constructions of the maximal dominant weights of integrable highest weight modules over quantum groups. This talk is based on collaborations with Susumu Ariki, Berta Hudak, and Linliang Song.

Fri, 01 Dec 2023

Departmental Colloquium: Ana Caraiani

Ana Caraiani

Title: Elliptic curves and modularity

Abstract: The goal of this talk is to give you a glimpse of the Langlands program, a central topic at the intersection of algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry and representation theory. I will focus on a celebrated instance of the Langlands correspondence, namely the modularity of elliptic curves. In the first part of the talk, I will give an explicit example, discuss the different meanings of modularity for rational elliptic curves, and mention applications. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss what is known about the modularity of elliptic curves over more general number fields.

Fri, 01 Dec 2023

16:00 - 17:00

Elliptic curves and modularity

Ana Caraiani
(Imperial College London and University of Bonn)

The goal of this talk is to give you a glimpse of the Langlands program, a central topic at the intersection of algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry and representation theory. I will focus on a celebrated instance of the Langlands correspondence, namely the modularity of elliptic curves. In the first part of the talk, I will give an explicit example, discuss the different meanings of modularity for rational elliptic curves, and mention applications. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss what is known about the modularity of elliptic curves over more general number fields.

Fri, 01 Dec 2023

15:00 - 16:00

Computing algebraic distances and associated invariants for persistence

Martina Scolamiero
(KTH Stockholm)
Further Information

Martina Scolamiero is an Assistant Professor in Mathametics with specialization in Geometry and Mathematical Statistics in Artificial Intelligence.

Her research is in Applied and Computational Topology, mainly working on defining topological invariants which are suitable for data analysis, understanding their statistical properties and their applicability in Machine Learning. Martina is also interested in applications of topological methods to Neuroscience and Psychiatry.


Pseudo metrics between persistence modules can be defined starting from Noise Systems [1].  Such metrics are used to compare the modules directly or to extract stable vectorisations. While the stability property directly follows from the axioms of Noise Systems, finding algorithms or closed formulas to compute the distances or associated vectorizations  is often a difficult problem, especially in the multi-parameter setting. In this seminar I will show how extra properties of Noise Systems can be used to define algorithms. In particular I will describe how to compute stable vectorisations with respect to Wasserstein distances [2]. Lastly I will discuss ongoing work (with D. Lundin and R. Corbet) for the computation of a geometric distance (the Volume Noise distance) and associated invariants on interval modules.

[1] M. Scolamiero, W. Chachólski, A. Lundman, R. Ramanujam, S. Oberg. Multidimensional Persistence and Noise, (2016) Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Vol 17, Issue 6, pages 1367-1406. doi:10.1007/s10208-016-9323-y.

[2] J. Agerberg, A. Guidolin, I. Ren and M. Scolamiero. Algebraic Wasserstein distances and stable homological invariants of data. (2023) arXiv: 2301.06484.

Fri, 01 Dec 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Sequence models in biomedicine: from predicting disease progression to genome editing outcomes

Professor Michael Krauthammer
(Department of Quantitative Biomedicine University of Zurich)

Sequential biomedical data is ubiquitous, from time-resolved data about patient encounters in the clinical realm to DNA sequences in the biological domain.  The talk will review our latest work in representation learning from longitudinal data, with a particular focus on finding optimal representations for complex and sparse healthcare data. We show how these representations are useful for comparing patient journeys and finding patients with similar health outcomes. We will also venture into the field of genome engineering, where we build models that work on DNA sequences for predicting editing outcomes for base and prime editors. 

Fri, 01 Dec 2023

12:00 - 13:15

A compendium of logarithmic corrections in AdS/CFT

Nikolay Bobev
(KU Leuven)

I will discuss logarithmic corrections to various CFT partition functions in the context of the AdS4/CFT3 correspondence for theories arising on the worldvolume of M2-branes. I will use four-dimensional gauged supergravity and heat kernel methods and present general expressions for the logarithmic corrections to the gravitational on-shell action or black hole entropy for a number of different supergravity backgrounds. I will outline several subtleties and puzzles in these calculations and contrast them with a similar analysis of logarithmic corrections performed directly in the eleven-dimensional uplift of a given four-dimensional supergravity background. This analysis suggests that four-dimensional supergravity consistent truncations are not the proper setting for studying logarithmic corrections in AdS/CFT. These results have important implications for the existence of scale-separated AdS vacua in string theory and for effective field theory in AdS more generally.

Fri, 01 Dec 2023

12:00 - 13:00

Unramified geometric class field theory

Ken Lee
(University of Oxford)

Roughly speaking, class field theory for a number field K describes the abelianization of its absolute Galois group in terms of the idele class group of K. Geometric class field theory is what we get when K is instead the function field of a smooth projective geometrically connected curve X over a finite field. In this talk, I give a precise statement of geometric class field theory in the unramified case and describe how one can prove it by showing the Picard stack of X is the “free dualizable commutative group stack on X”. A key part is to show that the usual “divisor class group exact sequence“ can be done in families to give the adelic uniformization of the Picard stack by the moduli space of Cartier divisors on X. 

Thu, 30 Nov 2023

17:00 - 18:00

The Zilber-Pink conjecture: a review

Chris Daw
(University of Reading)

I will recall the Zilber-Pink conjecture for Shimura varieties and give my perspective on current progress towards a proof.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023
Lecture Room 4, Mathematical Institute

Duality of causal distributionally robust optimization

Yifan Jiang
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

In this talk, we investigate distributionally robust optimization (DRO) in a dynamic context. We consider a general penalized DRO problem with a causal transport-type penalization. Such a penalization naturally captures the information flow generated by the models. We derive a tractable dynamic duality formula under a measure theoretic framework. Furthermore, we apply the duality to distributionally robust average value-at-risk and stochastic control problems.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023

16:00 - 17:00

Noncommutative geometry meets harmonic analysis on reductive symmetric spaces

Shintaro Nishikawa
(University of Southampton)

A homogeneous space G/H is called a reductive symmetric space if G is a (real) reductive Lie group, and H is a symmetric subgroup of G, meaning that H is the subgroup fixed by some involution on G. The representation theory on reductive symmetric spaces was studied in depth in the 1990s by Erik van den Ban, Patrick Delorme, and Henrik Schlichtkrull, among many others. In particular, they obtained the Plancherel formula for the L^2 space of G/H. An important aspect is that this generalizes the group case, obtained by Harish-Chandra, which corresponds to the case when G = G' x G' and H is the diagonal subgroup.

In our collaborative efforts with A. Afgoustidis, N. Higson, P. Hochs, Y. Song, we are studying this subject from the perspective of noncommutative geometry. I will describe this exciting new development, with a particular emphasis on describing what is new and how this is different from the traditional group case, i.e. the reduced group C*-algebra of G.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023

Computing p-adic heights on hyperelliptic curves

Stevan Gajović
(Charles University Prague)

In this talk, we present an algorithm to compute p-adic heights on hyperelliptic curves with good reduction. Our algorithm improves a previous algorithm of Balakrishnan and Besser by being considerably simpler and faster and allowing even degree models. We discuss two applications of our work: to apply the quadratic Chabauty method for rational and integral points on hyperelliptic curves and to test the p-adic Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture in examples numerically. This is joint work with Steffen Müller.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023

A gentle introduction to Ricci flow

John Hughes
(University of Oxford)

Richard Hamilton introduced the Ricci flow as a way to study the Poincaré conjecture, which says that every simply connected, compact three-manifold is homeomorphic to the three-sphere. In this talk, we will introduce the Ricci flow in a way that is accessible to anyone with basic knowledge of Riemannian geometry. We will give some examples, discuss finite time singularities, and give an application to a theorem of Hamilton which says that every compact Riemannian 3-manifold with positive Ricci curvature admits a metric of constant positive sectional curvature.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023

Machine Learning in HEP-TH

Dewi Gould
Further Information

Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023
Lecture Room 3

Multilevel adaptivity for stochastic finite element methods

Alex Bespalov
(Birmingham University)

This talk concerns the design and analysis of adaptive FEM-based solution strategies for partial differential equations (PDEs) with uncertain or parameter-dependent inputs. We present two conceptually different strategies: one is projection-based (stochastic Galerkin FEM) and the other is sampling-based (stochastic collocation FEM). These strategies have emerged and become popular as effective alternatives to Monte-Carlo sampling in the context of (forward) uncertainty quantification. Both stochastic Galerkin and stochastic collocation approximations are typically represented as finite (sparse) expansions in terms of a parametric polynomial basis with spatial coefficients residing in finite element spaces. The focus of the talk is on multilevel approaches where different spatial coefficients may reside in different finite element spaces and, therefore, the underlying spatial approximations are allowed to be refined independently from each other.


We start with a more familiar setting of projection-based methods, where exploiting the Galerkin orthogonality property and polynomial approximations in terms of an orthonormal basis facilitates the design and analysis of adaptive algorithms. We discuss a posteriori error estimation as well as the convergence and rate optimality properties of the generated adaptive multilevel Galerkin approximations for PDE problems with affine-parametric coefficients. We then show how these ideas of error estimation and multilevel adaptivity can be applied in a non-Galerkin setting of stochastic collocation FEM, in particular, for PDE problems with non-affine parameterization of random inputs and for problems with parameter-dependent local spatial features.


The talk is based on a series of joint papers with Dirk Praetorius (TU Vienna), Leonardo Rocchi (Birmingham), Michele Ruggeri (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow), David Silvester (Manchester), and Feng Xu (Manchester).

Thu, 30 Nov 2023

12:00 - 13:00

Gravitational Landau Damping

Matthew Schrecker
(University of Bath)

In the 1960s, Lynden-Bell, studying the dynamics of galaxies around steady states of the gravitational Vlasov-Poisson equation, described a phenomenon he called "violent relaxation," a convergence to equilibrium through phase mixing analogous in some respects to Landau damping in plasma physics. In this talk, I will discuss recent work on this gravitational Landau damping for the linearised Vlasov-Poisson equation and, in particular, the critical role of regularity of the steady states in distinguishing damping from oscillatory behaviour in the perturbations. This is based on joint work with Mahir Hadzic, Gerhard Rein, and Christopher Straub.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023

12:00 - 13:00

Droplet dynamics in the presence of gas nanofilms: merging, wetting, bouncing & levitation

James Sprittles
(University of Warwick)

Recent advances in experimental techniques have enabled remarkable discoveries and insight into how the dynamics of thin gas/vapour films can profoundly influence the behaviour of liquid droplets: drops impacting solids can “skate on a film of air” [1], so that they can “bounce off walls” [2,3]; reductions in ambient gas pressure can suppress splashing [4] and initiate the merging of colliding droplets [5]; and evaporating droplets can levitate on their own vapour film [7] (the Leidenfrost effect). Despite these advances, the precise physical mechanisms governing these phenomena remains a topic of debate.  A theoretical approach would shed light on these issues, but due to the strongly multiscale nature of these processes brute force computation is infeasible.  Furthermore, when films reach the scale of the mean free path in the gas (i.e. ~100nm) and below, new nanoscale physics appears that renders the classical Navier-Stokes paradigm inaccurate.

In this talk, I will overview our development of efficient computational models for the aforementioned droplet dynamics in the presence of gas nanofilms into which gas-kinetic, van der Waals and/or evaporative effects can be easily incorporated [8,9].  It will be shown that these models can reproduce experimental observations – for example, the threshold between bouncing and wetting for drop impact on a solid is reproduced to within 5%, whilst a model excluding either gas-kinetic or van der Waals effects is ~170% off!  These models will then be exploited to make new experimentally-verifiable predictions, such as how we expect drops to behave in reduced pressure environments.  Finally, I will conclude with some exciting directions for future wor

[1] JM Kolinski et al, Phys. Rev. Lett.  108 (2012), 074503. [2] JM Kolinski et al, EPL.  108 (2014), 24001. [3] J de Ruiter et al, Nature Phys.  11 (2014), 48. [4] L Xu et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005), 184505. [5] J Qian & CK Law, J. Fluid. Mech. 331 (1997), 59.  [6] KL Pan J. Appl. Phys. 103 (2008), 064901. [7] D Quéré, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 45 (2013), 197. [8] JE Sprittles, Phys. Rev. Lett.  118 (2017), 114502.  [9] MV Chubynsky et al, Phys. Rev. Lett.. 124 (2020), 084501.
Thu, 30 Nov 2023

11:00 - 12:00

Homotopy type of categories of models

Jinhe Ye
(University of Oxford)

For a complete theory T, Lascar associated with it a Galois group which we call the Lacsar group. We will talk about some of my work on recovering the Lascar group as the fundamental group of Mod(T) and some recent progress in understanding the higher homotopy groups.

Wed, 29 Nov 2023

16:00 - 17:00

Combinatorial Hierarchical Hyperbolicity of the Mapping Class Group

Kaitlin Ragosta
(Brandeis University)

The mapping class group of a surface has a hierarchical structure in which the geometry of the group can be seen by examining its action on the curve graph of every subsurface. This behavior was one of the motivating examples for a generalization of hyperbolicity called hierarchical hyperbolicity. Hierarchical hyperbolicity has many desirable consequences, but the definition is long, and proving that a group satisfies it is generally difficult. This difficulty motivated the introduction of a new condition called combinatorial hierarchical hyperbolicity by Behrstock, Hagen, Martin, and Sisto in 2020 which implies the original and is more straightforward to check. In recent work, Hagen, Mangioni, and Sisto developed a method for building a combinatorial hierarchically hyperbolic structure from a (sufficiently nice) hierarchically hyperbolic one. The goal of this talk is to describe their construction in the case of the mapping class group and illustrate some of the parallels between the combinatorial structure and the original. 

Tue, 28 Nov 2023

16:00 - 17:00

Euclidean Ramsey Theory

Imre Leader
(University of Cambridge)

Euclidean Ramsey Theory is a natural multidimensional version of Ramsey Theory. A subset of Euclidean space is called Ramsey if, for any $k$, whenever we partition Euclidean space of sufficiently high dimension into $k$ classes, one class much contain a congruent copy of our subset. It is still unknown which sets are Ramsey. We will discuss background on this and then proceed to some recent results.

Tue, 28 Nov 2023

16:00 - 17:00

Random tree encodings and snakes

Christina Goldschmidt
(University of Oxford)

There are several functional encodings of random trees which are commonly used to prove (among other things) scaling limit results.  We consider two of these, the height process and Lukasiewicz path, in the classical setting of a branching process tree with critical offspring distribution of finite variance, conditioned to have n vertices.  These processes converge jointly in distribution after rescaling by n^{-1/2} to constant multiples of the same standard Brownian excursion, as n goes to infinity.  Their difference (taken with the appropriate constants), however, is a nice example of a discrete snake whose displacements are deterministic given the vertex degrees; to quote Marckert, it may be thought of as a “measure of internal complexity of the tree”.  We prove that this discrete snake converges on rescaling by n^{-1/4} to the Brownian snake driven by a Brownian excursion.  We believe that our methods should also extend to prove convergence of a broad family of other “globally centred” discrete snakes which seem not to be susceptible to the methods of proof employed in earlier works of Marckert and Janson.

This is joint work in progress with Louigi Addario-Berry, Serte Donderwinkel and Rivka Mitchell.


Tue, 28 Nov 2023

Fixed points of group homomorphisms and the Post Correspondence Problem

Laura Ciobanu

The Post Correspondence Problem (PCP) is a classical problem in computer science that can be stated as: is it decidable whether given two morphisms g and h between two free semigroups $A$ and $B$, there is any nontrivial $x$ in $A$ such that $g(x)=h(x)$? This question can be phrased in terms of equalisers, asked in the context of free groups, and expanded: if the `equaliser' of $g$ and $h$ is defined to be the subgroup consisting of all $x$ where $g(x)=h(x)$, it is natural to wonder not only whether the equaliser is trivial, but what its rank or basis might be. 

While the PCP for semigroups is famously insoluble and acts as a source of undecidability in many areas of computer science, the PCP for free groups is open, as are the related questions about rank, basis, or further generalisations. In this talk I will give an overview of what is known about the PCP in hyperbolic groups, nilpotent groups and beyond (joint work with Alex Levine and Alan Logan).

Tue, 28 Nov 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Hecke algebras for p-adic groups and explicit Local Langlands Correspondence

Yujie Xu
(Columbia University (New York))

I will talk about several results on Hecke algebras attached to Bernstein blocks of (arbitrary) reductive p-adic groups, where we construct a local Langlands correspondence for these Bernstein blocks. Our techniques draw inspirations from the foundational works of Deligne, Kazhdan and Lusztig. 

As an application, we prove the Local Langlands Conjecture for G_2, which is the first known case in literature of LLC for exceptional groups. Our correspondence satisfies an expected property on cuspidal support, which is compatible with the generalized Springer correspondence, along with a list of characterizing properties including the stabilization of character sums, formal degree property etc. In particular, we obtain (not necessarily unipotent) "mixed" L-packets containing "F-singular" supercuspidals and non-supercuspidals. Such "mixed" L-packets had been elusive up until this point and very little was known prior to our work. I will give explicit examples of such mixed L-packets in terms of Deligne-Lusztig theory and Kazhdan-Lusztig parametrization. 

If time permits, I will explain how to pin down certain choices in the construction of the correspondence using stability of L-packets; one key input is a homogeneity result due to Waldspurger and DeBacker. Moreover, I will mention how to adapt our general strategy to construct explicit LLC for other reductive groups, such as GSp(4), Sp(4), etc. Such explicit description of the L-packets has been useful in number-theoretic applications, e.g. modularity lifting questions as in the recent work of Whitmore. 

Some parts of this talk are based on my joint work with Aubert, and some other parts are based on my joint work with Suzuki. 

Tue, 28 Nov 2023

Global structures of SQFTs from rank-one Seiberg-Witten geometries

Cyril Closset

 I will explore subtle aspects of rank-one 4d N=2 supersymmetric QFTs through their low-energy Coulomb-branch physics. This low-energy Lagrangian is famously encoded in the Seiberg-Witten (SW) curve, which is a one-parameter family of elliptic curves. Less widely appreciated is the fact that various properties of the QFTs, including properties that cannot be read off from the Lagrangian, are nonetheless encoded into the SW curve, in particular in its Mordell-Weil group. This includes the global form of the flavour group, the one-form symmetries under which defect lines are charged, and the "global form" of the theory. In particular, I will discuss in detail the difference between the pure SU(2) and the pure SO(3) N=2 SYM theories from this perspective. I will also comment on 5d SCFTs compactified on a circle in this context.

Tue, 28 Nov 2023
Lecture Room 4

Random surfaces and higher algebra

Darrick Lee
(Mathematical Institute)

A representation on the space of paths is a map which is compatible with the concatenation operation of paths, such as the path signature and Cartan development (or equivalently, parallel transport), and has been used to define characteristic functions for the law of stochastic processes. In this talk, we consider representations of surfaces which are compatible with the two distinct algebraic operations on surfaces: horizontal and vertical concatenation. To build these representations, we use the notion of higher parallel transport, which was first introduced to develop higher gauge theories. We will not assume any background in geometry or category theory. Based on a preprint (https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.08366) with Harald Oberhauser.


Mon, 27 Nov 2023

16:30 - 17:30

Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces

Thomas Körber
(University of Vienna)

R. Schoen has conjectured that an asymptotically flat Riemannian n-manifold (M,g) with non-negative scalar curvature is isometric to Euclidean space if it admits a non-compact area-minimizing hypersurface. This has been confirmed by O. Chodosh and M. Eichmair in the case where n=3. In this talk, I will present recent work with M. Eichmair where we confirm this conjecture in the case where 3<n<8 and the area-minimizing hypersurface arises as the limit of large isoperimetric hypersurfaces. By contrast, we show that a large part of spatial Schwarzschild of dimension 3<n<8 is foliated by non-compact area-minimizing hypersurfaces.