Thu, 01 Feb 2024
Lecture Room 4, Mathematical Institute

Tame Triple Product Periods

Alice Pozzi
(University of Bristol )

A recent conjecture proposed by Harris and Venkatesh relates the action of derived Hecke operators on the space of weight one modular forms to certain Stark units. In this talk, I will explain how this can be rephrased as a conjecture about "tame" analogues of triple product periods for a triple of mod p eigenforms of weights (2,1,1). I will then present an elliptic counterpart to this conjecture relating a tame triple product period to a regulator for global points of elliptic curves in rank 2. This conjecture can be proved in some special cases for CM weight 1 forms, with techniques resonating with the so-called Jochnowitz congruences. This is joint work in preparation with Henri Darmon. 

Thu, 01 Feb 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Classifiability of crossed products

Eusebio Gardella
(Chalmers, Gothenberg)

To every action of a discrete group on a compact Hausdorff space one can canonically associate a C*-algebra, called the crossed product. The crossed product construction is an extremely popular one, and there are numerous results in the literature that describe the structure of this C* algebra in terms of the dynamical system. In this talk, we will focus on one of the central notions in the realm of the classification of simple, nuclear C*-algebras, namely Jiang-Su stability. We will review the existing results and report on the most recent progress in this direction, going beyond the case of free actions both for amenable and nonamenable groups. 

Parts of this talk are joint works with Geffen, Kranz, and Naryshkin, and with Geffen, Gesing, Kopsacheilis, and Naryshkin. 

Thu, 01 Feb 2024

Mellin Amplitudes and Holography

Maria Nocchi

Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Thu, 01 Feb 2024
Lecture Room 3

A strongly polynomial algorithm for the minimum-cost generalized flow problem

Laszlo Vegh

We give a strongly polynomial algorithm for minimum cost generalized flow, and as a consequence, for all linear programs with at most two nonzero entries per row, or at most two nonzero entries per column. While strongly polynomial algorithms for the primal and dual feasibility problems have been known for a long time, various combinatorial approaches used for those problems did not seem to carry over to the minimum-cost variant.

Our approach is to show that the ‘subspace layered least squares’ interior point method, an earlier joint work with Allamigeon, Dadush, Loho and Natura requires only a strongly polynomial number of iterations for minimum cost generalized flow. We achieve this by bounding the straight line complexity, introduced in the same paper. The talk will give an overview of the interior point method as well as the combinatorial straight-line complexity analysis for the particular setting. This is joint work with Daniel Dadush, Zhuan Khye Koh, Bento Natura, and Neil Olver.

Thu, 01 Feb 2024

12:00 - 13:00

Stop-and-go, hovercrafts and helicopters: the complex motility of droplet microswimmers driven by interfacial instabilities

Dr. Corinna Maaß
(University of Twente & Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Dynamics of Complex Fluids, Göttingen)
In both experiment and numerics, active droplets are a simple but versatile toy model to study active processes from single agents to collective scales.
One hallmark of active or living matter lies in the conversion of microscopic free fuel energy to mesoscopic directed motion. Bio-microswimmers have evolved complex and sophisticated motility, like helical swimming or run-and-tumble dynamics, with similarly complex  mechanical or biochemical actuation.
However, similar periodic or chaotic motion may also arise simply from the nonlinear dynamics of fuel conversion that set autophoretic droplet swimmers in motion, leading to a wealth of biomimetic phenomena. In this talk, I will demonstrate how the interaction of a self-propelling droplet with its self-generated chemical and hydrodynamic environment generates swimming and pumping states, unsteady reorientation, helical dynamics and complex collective states.
Thu, 01 Feb 2024

11:00 - 12:00

Non-archimedean equidistribution and L-polynomials of curves over finite fields

Francesco Ballini
(University of Oxford)

Let q be a prime power and let C be a smooth curve defined over F_q. The number of points of C over the finite extensions of F_q are determined by the Zeta function of C, which can be written in the form P_C(t)/((1-t)(1-qt)), where P_C(t) is a polynomial of degree 2g and g is the genus of C; this is often called the L-polynomial of C. We use a Chebotarev-like statement (over function fields instead of Z) due to Katz in order to study the distribution, as C varies, of the coefficients of P_C(t) in a non-archimedean setting.

Wed, 31 Jan 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Distinguishing free-by-(finite cyclic) groups by their finite quotients

Paweł Piwek
(University of Oxford)
Finitely generated free-by-(finite cyclic) groups turn out to be distinguished from each other by their finite quotients - and this is thanks to being very constrained by their finite subgroups and their centralisers. This has a consequence to distinguishing in the same way the free-by-cyclic groups with centre. This is joint work with Martin Bridson.
Tue, 30 Jan 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Characteristic polynomials, the Hybrid model, and the Ratios Conjecture

Andrew Pearce-Crump
(University of York)

In the 1960s Shanks conjectured that the  ζ'(ρ), where ρ is a non-trivial zero of zeta, is both real and positive in the mean. Conjecturing and proving this result has a rich history, but efforts to generalise it to higher moments have so far failed. Building on the work of Keating and Snaith using characteristic polynomials from Random Matrix Theory, the Hybrid model of Gonek, Hughes and Keating, and the Ratios Conjecture of Conrey, Farmer, and Zirnbauer, we have been able to produce new conjectures for the full asymptotics of higher moments of the derivatives of zeta. This is joint work with Chris Hughes.

Tue, 30 Jan 2024

16:00 - 17:00

The infinite Hilbert matrix on spaces of analytic functions

Santeri Miihkinen
(Reading University)

The (finite) Hilbert matrix is arguably one of the single most well-known matrices in mathematics. The infinite Hilbert matrix H was introduced by David Hilbert around 120 years ago in connection with his double series theorem. It can be interpreted as a linear operator on spaces of analytic functions by its action on their Taylor coefficients. The boundedness of H on the Hardy spaces Hp for 1 < p < ∞ and Bergman spaces Ap for 2 < p < ∞ was established by Diamantopoulos and Siskakis. The exact value of the operator norm of H acting on the Bergman spaces Ap for 4 ≤ p < ∞ was shown to be π /sin(2π/p) by Dostanic, Jevtic and Vukotic in 2008. The case 2 < p < 4 was an open problem until in 2018 it was shown by Bozin and Karapetrovic that the norm has the same value also on the scale2 < p < 4. In this talk, we introduce some background, review some of the old results, and consider the still partly open problem regarding the value of the norm on weighted Bergman spaces. We also consider a generalised Hilbert matrix operator and its (essential) norm. The talk is partly based on a joint work with Mikael Lindström, David Norrbo, and Niklas Wikman (Åbo Akademi University).

Tue, 30 Jan 2024

How hard is it to know if there is an epimorphism from one group to another

Murray Elder

Let C,D be classes of finitely presented groups. The epimorphism problem from C to D is the following decision problem:

Input: Finite descriptions (presentation, multiplication table, other) for groups  G in C and H in D

Question: Is there an epimorphism from G to H?

I will discuss some cases where it is decidable and where it is NP-complete. Spoiler alert: it is undecidable for C=D=the class of 2-step nilpotent groups (Remeslennikov).

This is joint work with Jerry Shen (UTS) and Armin Weiss (Stuttgart).

Tue, 30 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian

Torsten Mütze
(University of Warwick)

For integers $k \ge 1$ and $n \ge 2k+1$, the Kneser graph $K(n,k)$ has as vertices all $k$-element subsets of an $n$-element ground set, and an edge between any two disjoint sets. It has been conjectured since the 1970s that all Kneser graphs admit a Hamilton cycle, with one notable exception, namely the Petersen graph $K(5,2)$. This problem received considerable attention in the literature, including a recent solution for the sparsest case $n=2k+1$. The main contribution of our work is to prove the conjecture in full generality. We also extend this Hamiltonicity result to all connected generalized Johnson graphs (except the Petersen graph). The generalized Johnson graph $J(n,k,s)$ has as vertices all $k$-element subsets of an $n$-element ground set, and an edge between any two sets whose intersection has size exactly $s$. Clearly, we have $K(n,k)=J(n,k,0)$, i.e., generalized Johnson graphs include Kneser graphs as a special case. Our results imply that all known families of vertex-transitive graphs defined by intersecting set systems have a Hamilton cycle, which settles an interesting special case of Lovász' conjecture on Hamilton cycles in vertex-transitive graphs from 1970. Our main technical innovation is to study cycles in Kneser graphs by a kinetic system of multiple gliders that move at different speeds and that interact over time, reminiscent of the gliders in Conway’s Game of Life, and to analyze this system combinatorially and via linear algebra.

This is joint work with my students Arturo Merino (TU Berlin) and Namrata (Warwick).

Tue, 30 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Equivariant vector bundles with connection on the p-adic half-plane

Simon Wadsley
(University of Cambridge)

Recent joint work with Konstantin Ardakov has been devoted to classifying equivariant line bundles with flat connection on the Drinfeld p-adic half-plane defined over F, a finite extension of Q_p, and proving that their global sections yield admissible locally analytic representations of GL_2(F) of finite length. In this talk we will discuss this work and invite reflection on how it might be extended to equivariant vector bundles with connection on the p-adic half-plane and, if time permits, to higher dimensional analogues of the half-plane.

Tue, 30 Jan 2024

Towards the large-charge sector of the critical O(N) model with an interface defect

Vito Pellizzani
Further Information

In conformal field theories, special classes of operators, such as defects and local operators carrying large quantum numbers, have received a lot of attention in recent years. In this talk, I will present some work in progress regarding the extraction of CFT data in the critical O(N) model with a codimension-one flat defect (interface), paying special attention to the case where local operators in large traceless symmetric representations of O(N) (the so-called 'large-charge operators' in this context) are inserted in the bulk. The talk will include a discussion of certain general features of codimension-one defect CFTs, a small review of the large-charge bootstrap, as well as an overview of the current understanding of the phase diagram of the boundary/interface critical O(N) model.

Tue, 30 Jan 2024
Lecture room 5

On two Formulations of McKean--Vlasov Control with Killing

Philipp Jettkant

We study a McKean–Vlasov control problem with killing and common noise. The particles in this control model live on the real line and are killed at a positive intensity whenever they are in the negative half-line. Accordingly, the interaction between particles occurs through the subprobability distribution of the living particles. We establish the existence of an optimal semiclosed-loop control that only depends on the particles’ location and not their cumulative intensity. This problem cannot be addressed through classical mimicking arguments, because the particles’ subprobability distribution cannot be reconstructed from their location alone. Instead, we represent optimal controls in terms of the solutions to semilinear BSPDEs and show those solutions do not depend on the intensity variable.

Mon, 29 Jan 2024

16:30 - 17:30

Asymptotic stability of traveling waves for one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equations

Charles Collot
(CY Cergy Paris Université )

We consider one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equations around a traveling wave. We prove its asymptotic stability for general nonlinearities, under the hypotheses that the orbital stability condition of Grillakis-Shatah-Strauss is satisfied and that the linearized operator does not have a resonance and only has 0 as an eigenvalue. As a by-product of our approach, we show long-range scattering for the radiation remainder. Our proof combines for the first time modulation techniques and the study of space-time resonances. We rely on the use of the distorted Fourier transform, akin to the work of Buslaev and Perelman and, and of Krieger and Schlag, and on precise renormalizations, computations, and estimates of space-time resonances to handle its interaction with the soliton. This is joint work with Pierre Germain.

Mon, 29 Jan 2024

Quantitative bounds for a weighted version of Chowla's conjecture

Cédric Pilatte
(University of Oxford)

The Liouville function $\lambda(n)$ is defined to be $+1$ if $n$ is a product of an even number of primes, and $-1$ otherwise. The statistical behaviour of $\lambda$ is intimately connected to the distribution of prime numbers. In many aspects, the Liouville function is expected to behave like a random sequence of $+1$'s and $-1$'s. For example, the two-point Chowla conjecture predicts that the average of $\lambda(n)\lambda(n+1)$ over $n < x$ tends to zero as $x$ goes to infinity. In this talk, I will discuss quantitative bounds for a logarithmic version of this problem.

Mon, 29 Jan 2024

Categorifying the four color theorem with applications to Gromov-Witten theory

Scott Baldridge
(Louisiana State University)
The four color theorem states that each bridgeless planar graph has a proper $4$-face coloring. It can be generalized to certain types of CW complexes of any closed surface for any number of colors, i.e., one looks for a coloring of the 2-cells (faces) of the complex with $m$ colors so that whenever two 2-cells are adjacent to a 1-cell (edge), they are labeled different colors.

In this talk, I show how to categorify the $m$-color polynomial of a surface with a CW complex. This polynomial is based upon Roger Penrose’s seminal 1971 paper on abstract tensor systems and can be thought of as the ``Jones polynomial’’ for CW complexes. The homology theory that results from this categorification is called the bigraded $m$-color homology and is based upon a topological quantum field theory (that will be suppressed from this talk due to time). The construction of this homology shares some similar features to the construction of Khovanov homology—it has a hypercube of states, multiplication and comultiplication maps, etc. Most importantly, the homology is the $E_1$ page of a spectral sequence whose $E_\infty$ page has a basis that can be identified with proper $m$-face colorings, that is, each successive page of the sequence provides better approximations of $m$-face colorings than the last. Since it can be shown that the $E_1$ page is never zero, it is safe to say that a non-computer-based proof of the four color theorem resides in studying this spectral sequence! (This is joint work with Ben McCarty.)

If time, I will relate this work to the study of the moduli space of stable genus $g$ curves with $n$ marked points. Using Strebel quadratic differentials, one can identify this moduli space with a subspace of the space of metric ribbon graphs with labeled boundary components. Proper $m$-face coloring in this setup is, in a sense, studying points in the space of metric ribbon graphs where similarly-colored boundaries (marked points) don’t get ``too close’’ to each other. We will end with some speculations about what this might mean for Gromov-Witten theory of Calabi-Yau manifolds.
Note to students: This talk will be hands-on with ideas explained through the calculation of examples. Graduate students and researchers who are interested in graph theory, topology, or representation theory are encouraged to attend.   
Mon, 29 Jan 2024
Lecture room 5

A rigorous approach to the Dean-Kawasaki equation of fluctuating hydrodynamics

Professor Julian Fischer
(Institute of Science and Technology Austria)

Fluctuating hydrodynamics provides a framework for approximating density fluctuations in interacting particle systems by suitable SPDEs. The Dean-Kawasaki equation - a strongly singular SPDE - is perhaps the most basic equation of fluctuating hydrodynamics; it has been proposed in the physics literature to describe the fluctuations of the density of N diffusing weakly interacting particles in the regime of large particle numbers N. The strongly singular nature of the Dean-Kawasaki equation presents a substantial challenge for both its analysis and its rigorous mathematical justification: Besides being non-renormalizable by approaches like regularity structures, it has recently been shown to not even admit nontrivial martingale solutions.

In this talk, we give an overview of recent quantitative results for the justification of fluctuating hydrodynamics models. In particular, we give an interpretation of the Dean-Kawasaki equation as a "recipe" for accurate and efficient numerical simulations of the density fluctuations for weakly interacting diffusing particles, allowing for an error that is of arbitarily high order in the inverse particle number. 

Based on joint works with Federico Cornalba, Jonas Ingmanns, and Claudia Raithel

Mon, 29 Jan 2024

Floer cohomology for symplectic ${\mathbb C}^*$-manifolds

Alexander Ritter

In this joint work with Filip Zivanovic, we construct symplectic cohomology for a class of symplectic manifolds that admit ${\mathbb C}^*$-actions and which project equivariantly and properly to a convex symplectic manifold. The motivation for studying these is a large class of examples known as Conical Symplectic Resolutions, which includes quiver varieties, resolutions of Slodowy varieties, and hypertoric varieties. These spaces are highly non-exact at infinity, so along the way we develop foundational results to be able to apply Floer theory. Motivated by joint work with Mark McLean on the Cohomological McKay Correspondence, our goal is to describe the ordinary cohomology of the resolution in terms of a Morse-Bott spectral sequence for positive symplectic cohomology. These spectral sequences turn out to be quite computable in many examples. We obtain a filtration on ordinary cohomology by cup-product ideals, and interestingly the filtration can be dependent on the choice of circle action.

Mon, 29 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00
Lecture Room 3

Infectious diseases and their control - a modelling perspective

Samir Bhatt
(University of Copenhagen & Imperial College London)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a spotlight to the field of infectious disease modelling, prompting widespread public awareness and understanding of its intricacies. As a result, many individuals now possess a basic familiarity with the principles and methodologies involved in studying the spread of diseases. In this presentation, I aim to deliver a somewhat comprehensive (and hopefully engaging) overview of the methods employed in infectious disease modelling, placing them within the broader context of their significance for government and public health policy.


I will navigate through applications of Spatial Statistics, Branching Processes, and Binary Trees in modelling infectious diseases, with a particular emphasis on integrating machine learning methods into these areas. The goal of this presentation is to take you on a broad tour of methods and their applications, offering a personal perspective by highlighting examples from my recent work.

Mon, 29 Jan 2024

13:00 - 14:00

Mathematrix: Standing up for your Rights


We will be joined by Tim LaRock, president of the UCU, to talk about everything money and work related, and how these issues intersect with being a minority. Lunch will be provided. 

Fri, 26 Jan 2024

North meets South

Dr Cedric Pilatte (North Wing) and Dr Boris Shustin (South Wing)

Speaker: Cedric Pilatte 
Title: Convolution of integer sets: a galaxy of (mostly) open problems

Abstract: Let S be a set of integers. Define f_k(n) to be the number of representations of n as the sum of k elements from S. Behind this simple definition lie fascinating conjectures that are very easy to state but seem unattackable. For example, a famous conjecture of Erdős and Turán predicts that if f_2 is bounded then it has infinitely many zeroes. This talk is designed as an accessible overview of these questions. 
Speaker: Boris Shustin

Title: Manifold-Free Riemannian Optimization

Abstract: Optimization problems constrained to a smooth manifold can be solved via the framework of Riemannian optimization. To that end, a geometrical description of the constraining manifold, e.g., tangent spaces, retractions, and cost function gradients, is required. In this talk, we present a novel approach that allows performing approximate Riemannian optimization based on a manifold learning technique, in cases where only a noiseless sample set of the cost function and the manifold’s intrinsic dimension are available.

Fri, 26 Jan 2024

15:00 - 16:00

Expanding statistics in phylogenetic tree space

Gillian Grindstaff
(Mathematical Institute)
For a fixed set of n leaves, the moduli space of weighted phylogenetic trees is a fan in the n-pointed metric cone. As introduced in 2001 by Billera, Holmes, and Vogtmann, the BHV space of phylogenetic trees endows this moduli space with a piecewise Euclidean, CAT(0), geodesic metric. This has be used to define a growing number of statistics on point clouds of phylogenetic trees, including those obtained from different data sets, different gene sequence alignments, or different inference methods. However, the combinatorial complexity of BHV space, which can be most easily represented as a highly singular cube complex, impedes traditional optimization and Euclidean statistics: the number of cubes grows exponentially in the number of leaves. Accordingly, many important geometric objects in this space are also difficult to compute, as they are similarly large and combinatorially complex. In this talk, I’ll discuss specialized regions of tree space and their subspace embeddings, including affine hyperplanes, partial leaf sets, and balls of fixed radius in BHV tree space. Characterizing and computing these spaces can allow us to extend geometric statistics to areas such as supertree contruction, compatibility testing, and phylosymbiosis.


Fri, 26 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00

The hitchhiker's guide to complex models of intracellular signalling

Professor Fabian Frohli
(The Francis Crick Institute London)

Unraveling the intricacies of intracellular signalling through predictive mathematical models holds great promise for advancing precision medicine and enhancing our foundational comprehension of biology. However, navigating the labyrinth of biological mechanisms governing signalling demands a delicate balance between a faithful description of the underlying biology and the practical utility of parsimonious models.
In this talk, I will present methods that enable training of large ordinary differential equation models of intracellular signalling and showcase application of such models to predict sensitivity to anti-cancer drugs. Through illustrative examples, I will demonstrate the application of these models in predicting sensitivity to anti-cancer drugs. A critical reflection on the construction of such models will be offered, exploring the perpetual question of complexity and how intricate these models should be.
Moreover, the talk will explore novel approaches that meld machine learning techniques with mathematical modelling. These approaches aim to harness the benefits of simplistic and unbiased phenomenological models while retaining the interpretability and biological fidelity inherent in mechanistic models.

Fri, 26 Jan 2024

Geometric action for extended Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group in four dimensions

Romain Ruzziconi

This will be an informal discussion seminar based on

The constrained Hamiltonian analysis of geometric actions is worked out before applying the construction to the extended Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group in four dimensions. For any Hamiltonian associated with an extended BMS4 generator, this action provides a field theory in two plus one spacetime dimensions whose Poisson bracket algebra of Noether charges realizes the extended BMS4 Lie algebra. The Poisson structure of the model includes the classical version of the operator product expansions that have appeared in the context of celestial holography. Furthermore, the model reproduces the evolution equations of non-radiative asymptotically flat spacetimes at null infinity.