Electronic Resources
- The University subscribes to an extensive number of e-journals including collections from the American Mathematical Society, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Institute of Physics, International Press, JSTOR, Oxford University Press, SIAM, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis.
- To find e-journals, the recommended option is to search SOLO.
BrowZine can also be used to search for many of the journals subscribed to by the Bodleian Libraries. Browzine coverage is from 2005. For further information, see the BrowZine Libguide
- Annual Reviews (eg. Fluid Mechanics, Computer Science, Financial Economics, etc.)
- Asterisque
- no. 1 (1973) - present (Societe Mathematique de France)
- no. 1 (1973) - no. 358 (2013) (Numdam French digital library)
- Cambridge Core E-books Renewed to September 2025. At the end of this period, about 700 titles will be permanently retained if they are on reading lists or have been heavily used during this time.
- Clay Mathematics Institute and American Mathematical Society co-publications
- Current Developments in Mathematics (International Press)
- Ebook Central (Proquest)
- EBSCOhost Ebook Collection (EBSCO)
- Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (Elsevier)
- Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance (Wiley)
- Graduate Studies in Mathematics (American Mathematical Society) - 1993-2023 (v.1-238)
Select the year or volume number that you require, or search SOLO for a specific title. - Handbooks in ... (Elsevier)
- Algebra Complex Analysis Differential Equations Dynamical Systems
- Economics Game Theory Mathematical Fluid Dynamics Statistics.
- Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, & Mathematical Tables (Abramowitz & Stegun) (Knovel)
- International Congress of Mathematicians - Proceedings 1893-2022 (International Mathematical Union)
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes: 1981-2009 (Project Euclid OA)
- InTech Open Access Books (maths, computer science, physics)
- International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and Technology (Knovel)
- Lecture Notes in Logic: 1993-2009 (Project Euclid OA)
- Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2013-present (AMS)
- Multimedia Fluid Mechanics Online (CUP)
- O'Reilly computer science e-books (formerly Safari) (SSO log on required)
- Oxford Academic platform (OUP):
- Perspectives in Logic: 1975-1998 (Project Euclid OA)
- Seminaires Bourbaki, Cartan, Chevalley, etc. (Numdam French digital library)
- Séminaires et Congrès (Societe Mathematique de France)
Selected volumes between 1996 and 2018 freely available - SIAM e-books (500+ titles)
- Smithsonian Physical Tables (Knovel)
- Springer Nature Mathematics and Statistics E-Books, 2021-2024 (access until 29 June 2025)
Access to over 1,700 ebooks in Mathematics and Statistics published by Springer from 2021 to 2024. This will include new publications as they come out during 2024. Individual e-books are listed in SOLO. At the end of the access period, we will select books based on appearance on reading lists and heavy use during the period. These selections will be added permanently to the e-book collection of the Bodleian Libraries. - Springer Lecture Notes:
- Mathematics 1997-present
- Computer Science 1973-present
- Physics 1997- present
- Surveys in Differential Geometry: 1991- present (International Press)
Free e-book collections
- AMS Links to Online Maths Books
- EMIS Electronic Library of Books
- Project Gutenberg - Mathematics Bookshelf
- MathSciNet (American Mathematical Society)
MathSciNet is a comprehensive database that contains reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for the world's mathematical literature. It is the electronic version of the printed Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications. Updated on a daily basis, coverage is from 1940 but retrodigitized articles dating back to the early 1800s are constantly being added. - zbMath (formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH)
zbMath is a database of abstracts and reviews of mathematical articles, books and conference papers. The records from Jahrbuch uber die Fortschitte der Mathematik (JFM) have been added to zbMath, thus giving coverage from 1868. zbMath is the online version of the printed Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete and it is produced jointly by the European Society of Mathematics, FIZ Karlsruhe and Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. - Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics )
This is the core citation database with multidisciplinary coverage of over 10,000 high-impact journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, as well as international proceedings coverage for over 120,000 conferences. - SCOPUS (Elsevier)
Scopus is a multidisciplinary abstract and indexing database covering research in applied science, mathematics, engineering, technology, health and medicine, and social sciences. - Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)
WRDS is a cross-database financial research tool providing access to a number of datasets for financial research and analysis, developed by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
When you first use Wharton, you will need to register by creating an account for yourself.
For more Business and Finance databases , please see the Sainsbury Library's "Key Business Resources"
- Oxford University Research Archive (ORA)
- ArXiv.org e-Print Archive (Cornell University)