Forthcoming events in this series

Tue, 15 Feb 2022

Gravitational entropy and the flatness, homogeneity and isotropy puzzles

Neil Turok
(University of Edinburgh and Perimeter Institute)

I’ll review a new, simpler explanation for the large-scale properties of the
cosmos, presented with L. Boyle in our recent preprint arXiv:2201.07279. The
basic ingredients are elementary and well-known, namely Einstein’s theory of
gravity and Hawking’s method of computing gravitational entropy. The new
twist is provided by the boundary conditions we proposed for big bang-type
singularities, allowing conformal zeros but imposing CPT symmetry and

analyticity at the bang. These boundary conditions, which have significant
overlap with Penrose’s Weyl curvature hypothesis, allow gravitational
instantons for universes with Lambda, massless radiation and space
curvature, of either sign, from which we are able to infer a gravitational
entropy. We find the gravitational entropy can exceed the de Sitter entropy
and that, to the extent that it does, the most probable large-scale geometry
for the universe is flat, homogeneous and isotropic. I will briefly
summarise our earlier work showing how the gauge-fermion Lagrangian of the
standard model may be reconciled with Weyl symmetry and a small cosmological
constant, at leading order, provided there are precisely three generations
of fermions. The same mechanism generates scale-invariant primordial
perturbations. The cosmic dark matter consists of a right-handed neutrino.
In summary, we have taken significant steps towards a new, highly principled
and testable theory of cosmology.

Tue, 18 Jan 2022

Symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases of quasifree gapped ground states and coarse geometry

Chris Bourne
(Tohoku University and RIKEN)

Symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases have recently attracted a lot of
attention from physicists and mathematicians as a topological classification
scheme for gapped ground states. In this talk I will briefly introduce the
operator algebraic approach to SPT phases in the infinite-volume limit. In
particular, I will focus on the quasifree (free-fermionic) setting, where we

can adapt tools from algebraic quantum field theory to describe phases of
gapped ground states using K-homology and the coarse index.

Tue, 23 Nov 2021

Wick rotation and the axiomatisation of quantum field theory

Graeme Segal

I shall present joint work with Maxim Kontsevich describing an interesting
domain of complex metrics on a smooth manifold. It is a complexification of
the space of ordinary Riemannian metrics, and has the Lorentzian metrics
(but not metrics of other signatures) on its boundary. Use of the domain
leads to a modified axiom system for QFT which illuminates not only the
special role of Lorentz signature, but also of features such as local
commutativity, unitarity, and global hyperbolicity.

Tue, 09 Nov 2021

Classical field theory on quantum principal bundles

Branimir Cacic
(University of New Brunswick Canada)
Further Information

Please note unusual time.


In his very first note on noncommutative differential geometry, Connes
showed that the position and momentum operators on the line could be used to
construct constant curvature connections over an irrational noncommutative

2-torus $\mathcal{A}_\theta$. When $\theta$ is a quadratic irrationality,
this yields, in particular, constant curvature connections on non-trivial
noncommutative line bundles---is there an underlying monopole on some
non-trivial noncommutative principal $U(1)$-bundle? We use this case study
to illustrate how approaches to quantum principal bundles introduced by
Brzeziński–Majid and Đurđević, respectively, can be fruitfully synthesized
to reframe classical gauge theory on quantum principal bundles in terms of
synthesis of total spaces (as noncommutative manifolds) from vertical and
horizontal geometric data.

Tue, 26 Oct 2021

Asymptotic safety - a symmetry principle for quantum gravity and matter

Astrid Eichhorn
(University of Southern Denmark)

I will introduce asymptotic safety, which is a quantum field theoretic
paradigm providing a predictive ultraviolet completion for quantum field
theories. I will show examples of asymptotically safe theories and then
discuss the search for asymptotically safe models that include quantum
In particular, I will explain how asymptotic safety corresponds to a new
symmetry principle - quantum scale symmetry - that has a high predictive
power. In the examples I will discuss, asymptotic safety with gravity could
enable a first-principles calculation of Yukawa couplings, e.g., in the
quark sector of the Standard Model, as well as in dark matter models.

Tue, 12 Oct 2021

Quantized twistors and split octonions

Roger Penrose

The non-compact exceptional simple group G_2* turns out to be the symmetry group of quantized twistor theory. Certain implications of this remarkable fact will be explored in this talk.

Tue, 22 Jun 2021

90 minutes of CCC

Roger Penrose et al.

This is a joint GR-QFT seminar, to celebrate in advance the 90th birthday of Roger Penrose later in the summer, comprising 9 talks on conformal cyclic cosmology.  The provisional schedule is as follows:

11:00 Roger Penrose (Oxford, UK) : The Initial Driving Forces Behind CCC

11:10 Paul Tod (Oxford, UK) : Questions for CCC

11:20 Vahe Gurzadyan (Yerevan, Armenia): CCC predictions and CMB

11:30 Krzysztof Meissner (Warsaw, Poland): Perfect fluids in CCC

11:40 Daniel An (SUNY, USA) : Finding information in the Cosmic Microwave Background data

11:50 Jörg Frauendiener (Otago, New Zealand) : Impulsive waves in de Sitter space and their impact on the present aeon

12:00 Pawel Nurowski (Warsaw, Poland and Guangdong Technion, China): Poincare-Einstein expansion and CCC

12:10 Luis Campusano (FCFM, Chile) : (Very) Large Quasar Groups

12:20 Roger Penrose (Oxford, UK) : What has CCC achieved; where can it go from here?

Tue, 08 Jun 2021

Dark Matter, Black Holes and Phase Transitions

Michael Baker
(University of Melbourne)

Dark matter is known to exist, but no-one knows what it is or where it came
from.  We describe a new production mechanism of particle dark matter, which
hinges on a first-order cosmological phase transition.  We then show that
this mechanism can be slightly modified to produce primordial black holes.

While solar mass and supermassive black holes are now known to exist,
primordial black holes have not yet been seen but could solve a number of
problems in cosmology.  Finally, we demonstrate that if an evaporating
primordial black hole is observed, it will provide a unique window onto
Beyond the Standard Model physics.

Tue, 25 May 2021

Planckian correction to  Polyakov loop space

Mir Faizal
(Canadian Quantum Research Center and University of Lethbridge)

I will be first introducing the Polyakov loop space formalism to
gauge theories. I will also discuss how the Polyakov loop space is modified
by Planck scale corrections.  The gauge theory will be deformed by the
Planck length as the minimum measurable length in the background spacetime.
This deformation will in turn deform the Polyakov loops space. It will be
observed that this deformation can have important consequences for
non-abelian monopoles in gauge theories.

Tue, 02 Mar 2021

Some mathematical problems posed by the conformal bootstrap program

Slava Rychkov

The conformal bootstrap program for CFTs in d>2 dimensions is
based on well-defined rules and in principle it could be easily included
into rigorous mathematical physics. I will explain some interesting
conjectures which emerged from the program, but which so far lack rigorous
proof. No prior knowledge of CFTs or conformal bootstrap will be assumed.

Tue, 02 Feb 2021

Evaluating germs at poles and locality

Sylvie Paycha
(Institute of Mathematics University of Potsdam)

How to evaluate  meromorphic germs at their poles while preserving a
locality principle reminiscent of locality in QFT is a    question that
lies at the heart of  pQFT. It further  arises in other disguises in
number theory, the combinatorics on cones and toric geometry. We
introduce an abstract notion of locality and a related notion of
mutually independent meromorphic germs in several variables. Much in the
spirit of Speer's generalised evaluators in the framework of analytic
renormalisation, the question then amounts to extending the ordinary
evaluation at a point  to  certain algebras of meromorphic germs, in
such a way that the extension  factorises  on mutually independent
germs. In the talk, we shall describe a family of such extended
evaluators  and show that modulo a Galois type  transformation, they
amount to a minimal subtraction scheme in several variables.
This talk is based on ongoing joint work with Li Guo and Bin Zhang.

Tue, 19 Jan 2021

Quantum State Reduction: its Interrelation with Relativity

Roger Penrose
(Oxford University)

I take the “collapse of the wave-function” to be an objective physical process—OR (the Objective Reduction of the quantum state)—which I argue to be intimately related to a basic conflict between the principles of equivalence and quantum linear superposition, which leads us to a fairly specific formula (in agreement with one found earlier by Diósi) for the timescale for OR to take place. Moreover, we find that for consistency with relativity, OR needs to be “instantaneous” but with curious retro-active features. By extending an argument due to Donadi, for EPR situations, we find a fundamental conflict with “gradualist” models such as CSL, in which OR is taken to be the result of a (stochastic) evolution of quantum amplitudes.

Tue, 24 Nov 2020

Symmetries and Master Ward Identity in perturbative Algebraic QFT

Kasia Reijzner
(University of York)

In this talk I will explain how theories with local symmetries are treated in perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (pAQFT). The main mathematical tool used here is the Batalin Vilkovisky (BV) formalism. I will show how the perturbative Master Ward Identity can be applied in this formalism to make sense of the renormalised Quantum Master Equation. I will also comment on perspectives for a non-perturbative formulation.


Tue, 10 Nov 2020

Conformal Field Theory through Subfactors and K-theory

Dai Evans
(Cardiff University)

Subfactors and K-theory are useful mechanisms for understanding modular tensor categories and conformal field theories. As part of this programme, one issue to try and construct or reconstruct a conformal field theory as the representation theory of a conformal net of algebras, or as a vertex operator algebra from a given abstractly presented modular tensor category. Orbifold models play an important role and orbifolds of Tambara-Yamagami systems are relevant to understanding the double of the Haagerup as a conformal field theory. This is joint work with Andreas Aaserud, Terry Gannon and Ulrich Pennig.

Tue, 27 Oct 2020

Gravitational Anomalies in string-inspired cosmological models, De Sitter space times, Leptogenesis and Axion Dark Matter.

Nick Mavromatos
(Kings College London)

I discuss a ``running vacuum cosmological model'' of a string-inspired
Universe, in which gravitational anomalies play an important role, in
inducing, through condensates of primordial gravitational waves, an early de
Sitter inflationary phase, during which constant (in cosmic time)
backgrounds of the antisymmetric (Kalb-Ramond (KR)) tensor field of the
massless bosonic string multiplet remain undiluted until the exit from
inflation and well into the subsequent radiation era. During the radiation
phase, such backgrounds, which violate spontaneously Lorentz and CPT
symmetry, induce lepton asymmetry (Leptogenesis) in models involving
right-handed neutrinos. Chiral matter is generated in the model at the exit
phase of inflation, and this leads to the cancellation of gravitational
anomalies in the post inflationary universe. During the radiation era, non
perturbative effects can also be held responsible for the generation of a

potential for the gravitational axion, associated in (3+1)-dimensions with
the field strength of the KR field, which can thus play the role of a Dark
Matter component. In the talk, I discuss the underlying formalism and argue
in favour of the consistency of a theory with gravitational anomalies in the
early Universe. I connect the energy density of such a universe with that of
the so called ``running-vacuum model'' in which the vacuum energy density is
expressed in terms of even powers of the Hubble parameter, which in general
depends on cosmic time. The gravitational-wave condensate induces a term in
the energy density  proportional to the fourth-power of the Hubble parameter
H^4 , which is responsible for the early de Sitter phase, during which the
Hubble parameter is approximately a constant. I also discuss briefly a
connection of this string inspired model with the Swampland and weak gravity
conjectures and explain how consistency with such conjectures is achieved,
despite the fact that the model is compatible with slow-roll inflationary

Tue, 04 Feb 2020

12:00 - 13:15

Towards integrability of a quartic analogue of the Kontsevich model

Raimar Wulkenhaar
(U.of Muenster)

We consider an analogue of Kontsevich's matrix Airy function where the cubic potential $\mathrm{Tr}(\Phi^3)$ is replaced by a quartic term $\mathrm{Tr}(\Phi^4)$. By methods from quantum field theory we show that also the quartic case is exactly solvable. All cumulants can be expressed as composition of elementary functions with the inverse of another elementary function. For infinite matrices the inversion gives rise to hyperlogarithms and zeta values as familiar from quantum field theory. For finite matrices the elementary functions are rational and should be viewed as branched covers of Riemann surfaces, in striking analogy with the topological recursion of the Kontsevich model. This rationality is strong support for the conjecture that the quartic analogue of the Kontsevich model is integrable.

Tue, 26 Nov 2019

12:00 - 13:15

The probability distribution of stress-energy measurement outcomes in QFT

Chris Fewster

Measurement outcomes in quantum theory are randomly distributed, and local measurements of the energy density of a QFT exhibit nontrivial fluctuations even in a vacuum state. This talk will present recent progress in determining the probability distribution for such measurements. In the specific case of 1+1 dimensional CFT, there are two methods (one based on Ward identities, the other on "conformal welding") which can lead to explicit closed-form results in some cases. The analogous problem for the free field in 1+3 dimensions will also be discussed.