Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 20 Oct 2022

Understanding the Defect via Ramification Theory

Vaidehee Thatte

Classical ramification theory deals with complete discrete valuation fields k((X)) with perfect residue fields k. Invariants such as the Swan conductor capture important information about extensions of these fields. Many fascinating complications arise when we allow non-discrete valuations and imperfect residue fields k. Particularly in positive residue characteristic, we encounter the mysterious phenomenon of the defect (or ramification deficiency). The occurrence of a non-trivial defect is one of the main obstacles to long-standing problems, such as obtaining resolution of singularities in positive characteristic.

Degree p extensions of valuation fields are building blocks of the general case. In this talk, we will present a generalization of ramification invariants for such extensions and discuss how this leads to a better understanding of the defect. If time permits, we will briefly discuss their connection with some recent work (joint with K. Kato) on upper ramification groups.

Thu, 13 Oct 2022

The irrationality of a divisor function series of Erdös and Kac

Kyle Pratt

For positive integers $k$ and $n$ let $\sigma_k(n)$ denote the sum of the $k$th powers of the divisors of $n$. Erd\H{o}s and Kac conjectured that, for every $k$, the number $\alpha_k = \sum_{n\geq 1} \frac{\sigma_k(n)}{n!}$ is irrational. This is known conditionally for all $k$ assuming difficult conjectures like the Hardy-Littlewood prime $k$-tuples conjecture. Before our work it was known unconditionally that $\alpha_k$ is irrational if $k\leq 3$. We discuss some of the ideas in our recent proof that $\alpha_4$ is irrational. The proof involves sieve methods and exponential sum estimates.

Thu, 16 Jun 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Ax-Schanuel and exceptional integrability

Jonathan Pila
(University of Oxford)

In joint work with Jacob Tsimerman we study when the primitive
of a given algebraic function can be constructed using primitives
from some given finite set of algebraic functions, their inverses,
algebraic functions, and composition. When the given finite set is just {1/x}
this is the classical problem of "elementary integrability".
We establish some results, including a decision procedure for this problem.

Thu, 02 Jun 2022

16:00 - 17:00

A Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups

Beth Romano
(King's College London)

Representations of finite reductive groups have a rich, well-understood structure, first explored by Deligne--Lusztig. In joint work with Anne-Marie Aubert and Dan Ciubotaru, we show a way to lift some of this structure to representations of p-adic groups. In particular, we consider the relation between Lusztig's nonabelian Fourier transform and a certain involution we define on the level of p-adic groups. This talk will be an introduction to these ideas with a focus on examples.

Thu, 26 May 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Arithmetic statistics via graded Lie algebras

Jef Laga
(University of Cambridge)

I will explain how various results in arithmetic statistics by Bhargava, Gross, Shankar and others on 2-Selmer groups of Jacobians of (hyper)elliptic curves can be organised and reproved using the theory of graded Lie algebras, following earlier work of Thorne. This gives a uniform proof of these results and yields new theorems for certain families of non-hyperelliptic curves. I will also mention some applications to rational points on certain families of curves.

Thu, 19 May 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Correlations of almost primes

Natalie Evans
(King's College London)

The Hardy-Littlewood generalised twin prime conjecture states an asymptotic formula for the number of primes $p\le X$ such that $p+h$ is prime for any non-zero even integer $h$. While this conjecture remains wide open, Matom\"{a}ki, Radziwi{\l}{\l} and Tao proved that it holds on average over $h$, improving on a previous result of Mikawa. In this talk we will discuss an almost prime analogue of the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture for which we can go beyond what is known for primes. We will describe some recent work in which we prove an asymptotic formula for the number of almost primes $n=p_1p_2 \le X$ such that $n+h$ has exactly two prime factors which holds for a very short average over $h$.

Thu, 12 May 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Recent work on van der Waerden’s conjecture

Rainer Dietmann
(Royal Holloway)

Last summer, there was a lot of activity regarding an old conjecture of van der Waerden, culminating in its solution by Bhargava, and including joint work by Sam Chow and myself on which I want to report in this talk: We showed that the number of irreducible monic integer polynomials of degree n, with coefficients in absolute value bounded by H, which have Galois group different from S_n and A_n, is of order of magnitude O(H^{n-1.017}), providing that n is at least 3 and is different from 7,8,10. Apart from the alternating group and excluding degrees 7,8,10, this establishes the aforementioned conjecture to the effect that irreducible non-S_n polynomials are significantly less frequent than reducible polynomials.

Thu, 05 May 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Gaussian distribution of squarefree and B-free numbers in short intervals

Alexander Mangerel
(Durham University)
(Joint with O. Gorodetsky and B. Rodgers) It is a classical quest in analytic number theory to understand the fine-scale distribution of arithmetic sequences such as the primes. For a given length scale h, the number of elements of a "nice" sequence in a uniformly randomly selected interval $(x,x+h], 1 \leq x \leq X$, might be expected to follow the statistics of a normally distributed random variable (in suitable ranges of $1 \leq h \leq X$).  Following the work of Montgomery and Soundararajan, this is known to be true for the primes, but only if we assume several deep and long-standing conjectures among which the Riemann Hypothesis. In fact, previously such distributional results had not been proven for any (non-trivial) sequence of number-theoretic interest, unconditionally.

As a model for the primes, in this talk I will address such statistical questions for the sequence of squarefree numbers, i.e., numbers not divisible by the square of any prime, among other related ``sifted'' sequences called B-free numbers. I hope to further motivate and explain our main result that shows, unconditionally, that short interval counts of squarefree numbers do satisfy Gaussian statistics, answering several questions of R.R. Hall.

Thu, 28 Apr 2022

16:00 - 17:00

A modular construction of unramified p-extensions of Q(N^{1/p})

Jaclyn Lang
( Temple University )

In his 1976 proof of the converse of Herbrand’s theorem, Ribet used Eisenstein-cuspidal congruences to produce unramified degree-p extensions of the p-th cyclotomic field when p is an odd prime. After reviewing Ribet’s strategy, we will discuss recent work with Preston Wake in which we apply similar techniques to produce unramified degree-p extensions of Q(N^{1/p}) when N is a prime that is congruent to -1 mod p. This answers a question posed on Frank Calegari’s blog.

Thu, 03 Mar 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Density of rational points on del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1

Rosa Winter
(King's College London)

Let X be an algebraic variety over an infinite field k. In arithmetic geometry we are interested in the set X(k) of k-rational points on X. For example, is X(k) empty or not? And if it is not empty, is X(k) dense in X with respect to the Zariski topology?

Del Pezzo surfaces are surfaces classified by their degree d, which is an integer between 1 and 9 (for d >= 3, these are the smooth surfaces of degree d in P^d). For del Pezzo surfaces of degree at least 2 over a field k, we know that the set of k-rational points is Zariski dense provided that the surface has one k-rational point to start with (that lies outside a specific subset of the surface for degree 2). However, for del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 over a field k, even though we know that they always contain at least one k-rational point, we do not know if the set of k-rational points is Zariski dense in general.

I will talk about density of rational points on del Pezzo surfaces, state what is known so far, and show a result that is joint work with Julie Desjardins, in which we give sufficient and necessary conditions for the set of k-rational points on a specific family of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 to be Zariski dense, where k is finitely generated over Q.

Thu, 24 Feb 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Euler characteristics and epsilon constants of curves over finite fields - some wild stuff

Bernhard Koeck
(University of Southampton)

Let X be a smooth projective curve over a finite field equipped with an action of a finite group G. I’ll first briefly introduce the corresponding Artin L-function and a certain equivariant Euler characteristic. The main result will be a precise relation between the epsilon constants appearing in the functional equations of Artin L-functions and that Euler characteristic if the projection X  X/G is at most weakly ramified. This generalises a theorem of Chinburg for the tamely ramified case. I’ll end with some speculations in the arbitrarily wildly ramified case. This is joint work with Helena Fischbacher-Weitz and with Adriano Marmora.

Thu, 17 Feb 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Values of the Ramanujan tau-function

Vandita Patel
(University of Manchester)

The infamous Ramanujan tau-function is the starting point for many mysterious conjectures and difficult open problems within the realm of modular forms. In this talk, I will discuss some of our recent results pertaining to odd values of the Ramanujan tau-function. We use a combination of tools which include the Primitive Divisor Theorem of Bilu, Hanrot and Voutier, bounds for solutions to Thue–Mahler equations due to Bugeaud and Gyory, and the modular approach via Galois representations of Frey-Hellegouarch elliptic curves. This is joint work with Mike Bennett (UBC), Adela Gherga (Warwick) and Samir Siksek (Warwick).

Thu, 12 Mar 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Growth in soluble linear groups over finite fields

Brendan Murphy
(University of Bristol)

In joint work with James Wheeler, we show that if a subset $A$ of $GL_n(\mathbb{F}_q)$ is a $K$-approximate group and the group $G$ it generates is soluble, then there are subgroups $U$ and $S$ of $G$ and a constant $k$ depending only on $n$ such that:

$A$ quickly generates $U$: $U\subseteq A^k$,
$S$ contains a large proportion of $A$: $|A^k\cap S| \gg K^{-k}|A|, and
$S/U$ is nilpotent.

Briefly: approximate soluble linear groups over any finite field are (almost) finite by nilpotent.

The proof uses a sum-product theorem and exponential sum estimates, as well as some representation theory, but the presentation will be mostly self-contained.

Thu, 05 Mar 2020

Dynamical systems for arithmetic schemes

Christopher Deninger
(University of Muenster)

We construct a functor from arithmetic schemes (and dominant morphisms) to dynamical systems which allows to recover the Hasse-Weil zeta function of a scheme as a Ruelle type zeta function of the corresponding dynamical system. We state some further properties of this correspondence and explain the relation to the work of Kucharczyk and Scholze who realize the Galois groups of fields containing all roots of unity as (etale) fundamental groups of certain topological spaces. We also explain the main reason why our dynamical systems are not yet the right ones and in what regard they need to be refined.

Thu, 27 Feb 2020

Apéry series and Mellin transforms of solutions of differential equations

Spencer Bloch
(University of Chicago)

One can study periods of algebraic varieties by a process of "fibering out" in which the variety is fibred over a punctured curve $f:X->U$. I will explain this process and how it leads to the classical Picard Fuchs (or Gauss-Manin) differential equations. Periods are computed by integrating solutions of Picard Fuchs over suitable closed paths on $U$. One can also couple (i.e.tensor) the Picard Fuchs connection to given connections on $U$. For example, $t^s$ with $t$ a unit on $U$ and $s$ a parameter is a solution of the connection on $\mathscr{O}_U$ given by $\nabla(1) = sdt/t$. Our "periods" become integrals over suitable closed chains on $U$ of $f(t)t^sdt/t$. Golyshev called the resulting functions of $s$ "motivic Gamma functions". 
Golyshev and Zagier studied certain special Picard Fuchs equations for their proof of the Gamma conjecture in mirror symmetry in the case of Picard rank 1. They write down a generating series, the Apéry series, the knowledge of the first few terms of which implied the gamma conjecture. We show their Apéry series is the Taylor series of a product of the motivic Gamma function times an elementary function of $s$. In particular, the coefficients of the Apéry series are periods up to inverting $2\pi i$. We relate these periods to periods of the limiting mixed Hodge structure at a point of maximal unipotent monodromy. This is joint work with M. Vlasenko. 

Thu, 20 Feb 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Analytic rank of automorphic L-functions

Hung Bui
(University of Manchester)

The famous Birch & Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture predicts that the (algebraic) rank of an elliptic curve is equal to the so-called analytic rank, which is the order of vanishing of the associated L-functions at the central point. In this talk, we shall discuss the analytic rank of automorphic L-functions in an "alternate universe". This is joint work with Kyle Pratt and Alexandru Zaharescu.

Thu, 13 Feb 2020

Symmetric power functoriality for modular forms

James Newton

Some of the simplest expected cases of Langlands functoriality are the symmetric power liftings Sym^r from automorphic representations of GL(2) to automorphic representations of GL(r+1). I will discuss some joint work with Jack Thorne on the symmetric power lifting for holomorphic modular forms.

Thu, 06 Feb 2020

16:00 - 17:00

The Riemann zeta function in short intervals

Adam Harper
(University of Warwick)

I will describe some new-ish results on the average and maximum size of the Riemann zeta function in a "typical" interval of length 1 on the critical line. A (hopefully) interesting feature of the proofs is that they reduce the problem for the zeta function to an analogous problem for a random model, which can then be solved using various probabilistic techniques.

Thu, 30 Jan 2020

The p-part of BSD for residually reducible elliptic curves of rank one

Giada Grossi

Let E be an elliptic curve over the rationals and p a prime such that E admits a rational p-isogeny satisfying some assumptions. In a joint work with J. Lee and C. Skinner, we prove the anticyclotomic Iwasawa main conjecture for E/K for some suitable quadratic imaginary field K. I will explain our strategy and how this, combined with complex and p-adic Gross-Zagier formulae, allows us to prove that if E has rank one, then the p-part of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer formula for E/Q holds true.

Thu, 23 Jan 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Efficient congruence and discrete restriction for (x,x^3)

Kevin Hughes
(University of Bristol)

We will outline the main features of Wooley's efficient congruencing method for the parabola. Then we will go on to prove new bounds for discrete restriction to the curve (x,x^3). The latter is joint work with Trevor Wooley (Purdue).

Thu, 05 Dec 2019

On the negative Pell equation

Stephanie Chan

Stevenhagen conjectured that the density of d such that the negative Pell equation x^2-dy^2=-1 is solvable over the integers is 58.1% (to the nearest tenth of a percent), in the set of positive squarefree integers having no prime factors congruent to 3 modulo 4. In joint work with Peter Koymans, Djordjo Milovic, and Carlo Pagano, we use a recent breakthrough of Smith to prove that the infimum of this density is at least 53.8%, improving previous results of Fouvry and Klüners, by studying the distribution of the 8-rank of narrow class groups of quadratic number fields.

Thu, 28 Nov 2019

Propagating algebraicity of automorphic representations via functoriality

Wushi Goldring
(Stockholm University)

My talk will have two protagonists: (1) Automorphic representations which -- let's be honest -- are very complicated and mysterious, but also (2) Involutions  (=automorphisms of order at most 2) of connected reductive groups -- these are very concrete and can often be represented by diagonal matrices with entries 1,-1 or i, -i. The goal is to explain how difficult questions about (1) can be reduced to relatively easy, concrete questions about (2).
Automorphic representations are representation-theoretic generalizations of modular forms. Like modular forms, automorphic representations are initially defined analytically. But unlike modular forms -- where we have a reinterpretation in terms of algebraic geometry -- for most automorphic representations we currently only have a (real) analytic definition. The Langlands Program predicts that a wide class of automorphic representations admit the same algebraic properties which have been known to hold for modular forms since the 1960's and 70's. In particular, certain complex numbers "Hecke eigenvalues" attached to these automorphic representations are conjectured to be algebraic numbers. This remains open in many cases (especially those cases of interest in number theory and algebraic geometry), in particular for Maass forms -- functions on the upper half-plane which are a non-holomorphic variant of modular forms.
I will explain how elementary structure theory of reductive groups over the complex numbers provides new insight into the above algebraicity conjectures; in particular we deduce that the Hecke eigenvalues are algebraic for an infinite class of examples where this was not previously known. 
After applying a bunch of "big, old theorems" (in particular Langlands' own archimedean correspondence), it all comes down to studying how involutions of a connected, reductive group vary under group homomorphisms. Here I will write down the key examples explicitly using matrices.

Thu, 21 Nov 2019

The Weyl subconvex exponent for Dirichlet L-functions.

Ian Petrow

In the 1920s Weyl proved the first non-trivial estimate for the Riemann zeta function on the critical line: \zeta(1/2+it) << (1+|t|)^{1/6+\epsilon}. The analogous bound for a Dirichlet L-function L(1/2,\chi) of conductor q as q tends to infinity is still unknown in full generality. In a breakthrough around 2000, Conrey and Iwaniec proved the analogue of the Weyl bound for L(1/2,\chi) when \chi is assumed to be quadratic of conductor q.  Building on the work of Conrey and Iwaniec, we show (joint work with Matt Young) that the Weyl bound for L(1/2,\chi) holds for all primitive Dirichlet characters \chi. The extension to all moduli q is based on aLindelöf-on-average upper bound for the fourth moment of Dirichlet L-functions of conductor q along a coset of the subgroup of characters modulo d when q^*|d, where q^* is the least positive integer such that q^2|(q^*)^3.

Thu, 14 Nov 2019

Propinquity of divisors

Ben Green

Let n be a random integer (sampled from {1,..,X} for some large X). It is a classical fact that, typically, n will have around (log n)^{log 2} divisors. Must some of these be close together? Hooley's Delta function Delta(n) is the maximum, over all dyadic intervals I = [t,2t], of the number of divisors of n in I. I will report on joint work with Kevin Ford and Dimitris Koukoulopoulos where we conjecture that typically Delta(n) is about (log log n)^c for some c = 0.353.... given by an equation involving an exotic recurrence relation, and then prove (in some sense) half of this conjecture, establishing that Delta(n) is at least this big almost surely.

Thu, 07 Nov 2019

Number fields with prescribed norms

Rachel Newton

Let G be a finite abelian group, let k be a number field, and let x be an element of k. We count Galois extensions K/k with Galois group G such that x is a norm from K/k. In particular, we show that such extensions always exist. This is joint work with Christopher Frei and Daniel Loughran.