Provision for retired academic staff

The following guidelines on the facilities that can be made available for Emeriti have been agreed by Departmental Committee with effect from 2022/23.

The Mathematical Institute works with limited resources. However, within those constraints the department seeks to ensure that retired faculty members who wish to remain active within the department are able to do so, and made to feel welcome.

When a member of academic staff is approaching retirement, the HR Team, on behalf of the Head of Department, will write to them to ask if they would like to be involved in the life of the department in one or more of the three modes outlined below once they have retired (or to opt out of further involvement if they so wish).

The member's status will be reviewed every three years and departmental policy for provision will be reviewed periodically. Regardless of their mode of involvement in the department by default, once membership of Congregation ends (at age 75) access to shared office space will, subject to availability, only be provided on a hot-desking basis for a further 5-years; beyond that date provision of any shared office space on a hot-desking basis will cease.

Mode a: default

The minimum (default) provision is:

  • Maths IT account including MI email address
  • Access to seminars and events
  • Access to the Whitehead Library including membership and borrowing rights
  • Access to departmental buildings 24/7 via University card
  • Reasonable provision of stationery, printing and photocopying facilities

Mode b: active involvement without research expectations

Where a retired member of staff is still actively engaged in activities such as occasional casual teaching or outreach, the department may be able to offer access to shared office space (subject to availability and the conditions outlined above), although this may be on a ‘hot-desking’ basis.

Mode c: active involvement with research expectations

Where a retired member of staff wishes to continue with their research activity, which may include the co-supervision of students, the following support may be available:

  • Access to shared office space, subject to availability and the conditions outlined above, although this may be on a hot-desking basis.
  • Access to limited funds to support research travel:
  • Subject to budgetary constraints, up to £350 p.a. will be made available on the same conditions as the “faculty travel” budget
  • Where appropriate, and subject to the terms and conditions of the university’s travel insurance policy, emeriti may be covered for travel insurance when travelling on university business as a volunteer.
  • Applications may be made to Research Committee to fund short-term research visitors.

The department is unable to provide administrative support for any of the modes except by prior agreement with the Head of Department.

Last updated on 29 Nov 2023, 9:12am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.