Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 03 May 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Robust numerical methods for nonlocal diffusion and convection-diffusion equations.

Prof. Espen Jakobsen

In this talk we will introduce and analyse a class of robust numerical methods for nonlocal possibly nonlinear diffusion and convection-diffusion equations. Diffusion and convection-diffusion models are popular in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, and Economics, and in many models the diffusion is anomalous or nonlocal. This means that the underlying “particle" distributions are not Gaussian, but rather follow more general Levy distributions, distributions that need not have second moments and can satisfy (generalised) central limit theorems. We will focus on models with nonlinear possibly degenerate diffusions like fractional Porous Medium Equations, Fast Diffusion Equations, and Stefan (phase transition) Problems, with or without convection. The solutions of these problems can be very irregular and even possess shock discontinuities. The combination of nonlinear problems and irregular solutions makes these problems challenging to solve numerically.
The methods we will discuss are monotone finite difference quadrature methods that are robust in the sense that they “always” converge. By that we mean that under very weak assumptions, they converge to the correct generalised possibly discontinuous generalised solution. In some cases we can also obtain error estimates. The plan of the talk is: 1. to give a short introduction to the models, 2. explain the numerical methods, 3. give results and elements of the analysis for pure diffusion equations, and 4. give results and ideas of the analysis for convection-diffusion equations. 

Thu, 26 Apr 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Computing a Quantity of Interest from Data Observations

Prof. Ron DeVore
(Texas A & M)

A very common problem in Science is that we have some Data Observations and we are interested in either approximating the function underlying the data or computing some quantity of interest about this function.  This talk will discuss what are best algorithms for such tasks and how we can evaluate the performance of any such algorithm.

Thu, 08 Mar 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Nonlinear edge diffusion and the discrete maximum principle

Gabriel Barrenechea
(University of Strathclyde)

In this talk I will review recent results on the analysis of shock-capturing-type methods applied to convection-dominated problems. The method of choice is a variant of the Algebraic Flux-Correction (AFC) scheme. This scheme has received some attention over the last two decades due to its very satisfactory numerical performance. Despite this attention, until very recently there was no stability and convergence analysis for it. Thus, the purpose of the works reviewed in this talk was to bridge that gap. The first step towards the full analysis of the method is a rewriting of it as a nonlinear edge-based diffusion method. This writing makes it possible to present a unified analysis of the different variants of it. So, minimal assumptions on the components of the method are stated in such a way that the resulting scheme satisfies the Discrete Maximum Principle (DMP) and is convergence. One property that will be discussed in detail is the linearity preservation. This property has been linked to the good performance of methods of this kind. We will discuss in detail its role and the impact of it in the overall convergence of the method. Time permitting, some results on a posteriori error estimation will also be presented. 
This talk will gather contributions with A. Allendes (UTFSM, Chile), E. Burman (UCL, UK), V. John (WIAS, Berlin), F. Karakatsani (Chester, UK), P. Knobloch (Prague, Czech Republic), and 
R. Rankin (U. of Nottingham, China).

Thu, 01 Mar 2018

14:00 - 15:00

New Directions in Reduced Order Modeling

Prof Jan Hesthaven
(EPFL Lausanne)

The development of reduced order models for complex applications, offering the promise for rapid and accurate evaluation of the output of complex models under parameterized variation, remains a very active research area. Applications are found in problems which require many evaluations, sampled over a potentially large parameter space, such as in optimization, control, uncertainty quantification and applications where near real-time response is needed.

However, many challenges remain to secure the flexibility, robustness, and efficiency needed for general large-scale applications, in particular for nonlinear and/or time-dependent problems.

After giving a brief general introduction to reduced order models, we discuss developments in two different directions. In the first part, we discuss recent developments of reduced methods that conserve chosen invariants for nonlinear time-dependent problems. We pay particular attention to the development of reduced models for Hamiltonian problems and propose a greedy approach to build the basis. As we shall demonstrate, attention to the construction of the basis must be paid not only to ensure accuracy but also to ensure stability of the reduced model. Time permitting, we shall also briefly discuss how to extend the approach to include more general dissipative problems through the notion of port-Hamiltonians, resulting in reduced models that remain stable even in the limit of vanishing viscosity and also touch on extensions to Euler and Navier-Stokes equations.

The second part of the talk discusses the combination of reduced order modeling for nonlinear problems with the use of neural networks to overcome known problems of on-line efficiency for general nonlinear problems. We discuss the general idea in which training of the neural network becomes part of the offline part and demonstrate its potential through a number of examples, including for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with geometric variations.

This work has been done with in collaboration with B.F. Afkram (EPFL, CH), N. Ripamonti EPFL, CH) and S. Ubbiali (USI, CH).

Thu, 22 Feb 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Parallel-in-time integration for time-dependent partial differential equations

Daniel Ruprecht
(Leeds University)

The rapidly increasing number of cores in high-performance computing systems causes a multitude of challenges for developers of numerical methods. New parallel algorithms are required to unlock future growth in computing power for applications and energy efficiency and algorithm-based fault tolerance are becoming increasingly important. So far, most approaches to parallelise the numerical solution of partial differential equations focussed on spatial solvers, leaving time as a bottleneck. Recently, however, time stepping methods that offer some degree of concurrency, so-called parallel-in-time integration methods, have started to receive more attention.

I will introduce two different numerical algorithms, Parareal (by Lions et al., 2001) and PFASST (by Emmett and Minion, 2012), that allow to exploit concurrency along the time dimension in parallel computer simulations solving partial differential equations. Performance results for both methods on different architectures and for different equations will be presented. The PFASST algorithm is based on merging ideas from Parareal, spectral deferred corrections (SDC, an iterative approach to derive high-order time stepping methods by Dutt et al. 2000) and nonlinear multi-grid. Performance results for PFASST on close to half a million cores will illustrate the potential of the approach. Algorithmic modifications like IPFASST will be introduced that can further reduce solution times. Also, recent results showing how parallel-in-time integration can provide algorithm-based tolerance against hardware faults will be shown.

Thu, 15 Feb 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Highly accurate integral equation based methods for surfactant laden drops in two and three dimensions

Anna-Karin Tornberg
(KTH Stockholm)

In micro-fluidics, at small scales where inertial effects become negligible, surface to volume ratios are large and the interfacial processes are extremely important for the overall dynamics. Integral
equation based methods are attractive for the simulations of e.g. droplet-based microfluidics, with tiny water drops dispersed in oil, stabilized by surfactants. In boundary integral formulations for
Stokes flow, jumps in pressure and velocity gradients are naturally taken care of, viscosity ratios enter only in coefficients of the equations, and only the drop surfaces must be discretized and not the volume inside nor in between.

We present numerical methods for drops with insoluble surfactants, both in two and three dimensions. We discretize the integral equations using Nyström methods, and special care is taken in the evaluation of singular and also nearly singular integrals that is needed in the case of close drop interactions. A spectral method is used to solve the advection-diffusion equation on each drop surface that describes the evolution of surfactant concentration. The drop velocity and surfactant concentration couple together through an equation of state for the surface tension coefficient. An adaptive time-stepping strategy is developed for the coupled problem, with the constraint to minimize the number of Stokes solves, since this is the computationally most expensive part.

For high quality discretization of the drops throughout the simulations, a hybrid method is used in two dimensions, offering an arc-length parameterization of the interface. In three dimensions, a
reparameterization procedure is developed to optimize the spherical harmonics representation of the drop, while conserving the drop volume and amount of surfactant.

We present results from some validation tests and illustrate the ability of the numerical methods in different challenging problems.

Thu, 01 Feb 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Optimisation for Gradient Boosted Trees with Risk Control

Ruth Misener
(Imperial College)

Decision trees usefully represent the sparse, high dimensional and noisy nature of chemical data from experiments. Having learned a function from this data, we may want to thereafter optimise the function, e.g. for picking the best catalyst for a chemical process. This work studies a mixed-integer non-linear optimisation problem involving: (i) gradient boosted trees modelling catalyst behaviour, (ii) penalty functions mitigating risk, and (iii) penalties enforcing chemical composition constraints. We develop several heuristic methods to find feasible solutions, and an exact, branch and bound algorithm that leverages structural properties of the gradient boost trees and penalty functions. We computationally test our methods on an industrial instance from BASF.
This work was completed in collaboration with Mr Miten Mistry and Dr Dimitris Letsios at Imperial College London and Dr Robert Lee and Dr Gerhard Krennrich from BASF.

Thu, 25 Jan 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Numerical integrators for rank-constrained differential equations

Bart Vandereycken
(University of Geneva)

We present discrete methods for computing low-rank approximations of time-dependent tensors that are the solution of a differential equation. The approximation format can be Tucker, tensor trains, MPS or hierarchical tensors. We will consider two types of discrete integrators: projection methods based on quasi-optimal metric projection, and splitting methods based on inexact solutions of substeps. For both approaches we show numerically and theoretically that their behaviour is superior compared to standard methods applied to the so-called gauged equations. In particular, the error bounds are robust in the presence of small singular values of the tensor’s matricisations. Based on joint work with Emil Kieri, Christian Lubich, and Hanna Walach.

Thu, 18 Jan 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Hybrid discontinuous Galerkin discretisation and domain decomposition preconditioners for the Stokes problem

Victorita Dolean
(University of Strathclyde)

Solving the Stokes equation by an optimal domain decomposition method derived algebraically involves the use of non standard interface conditions whose discretisation is not trivial. For this reason the use of approximation methods such as hybrid discontinuous Galerkin appears as an appropriate strategy: on the one hand they provide the best compromise in terms of the number of degrees of freedom in between standard continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods, and on the other hand the degrees of freedom used in the non standard interface conditions are naturally defined at the boundary between elements. In this work we introduce the coupling between a well chosen discretisation method (hybrid discontinuous Galerkin) and a novel and efficient domain decomposition method to solve the Stokes system. We present the detailed analysis of the hybrid discontinuous Galerkin method for the Stokes problem with non standard boundary conditions. This analysis is supported by numerical evidence. In addition, the advantage of the new preconditioners over more classical choices is also supported by numerical experiments.

This work was done in collaboration with G. Barrenechea, M. Bosy (Univ. Strathclyde) and F. Nataf, P-H Tournier (Univ of Paris VI)

Thu, 07 Dec 2017
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot

Truncated SVD Approximation via Kronecker Summations

Professor James Nagy
(Emory University)

In this talk we describe an approach to approximate the truncated singular value decomposition of a large matrix by first decomposing the matrix into a sum of Kronecker products. Our approach can be used to more efficiently approximate a large number of singular values and vectors than other well known schemes, such as iterative algorithms based on the Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization or randomized matrix algorithms. We provide theoretical results and numerical experiments to demonstrate accuracy of our approximation, and show how the approximation can be used to solve large scale ill-posed inverse problems, either as an approximate filtering method, or as a preconditioner to accelerate iterative algorithms.

Thu, 30 Nov 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Error analysis for a diffuse interface approach to an advection-diffusion equation on a moving surface

Dr Vanessa Styles
(University of Sussex)

We analyze a fully discrete numerical scheme for solving a parabolic PDE on a moving surface. The method is based on a diffuse interface approach that involves a level set description of the moving surface. Under suitable conditions on the spatial grid size, the time step and the interface width we obtain stability and error bounds with respect to natural norms. Test calculations are presented that confirm our analysis.

Thu, 23 Nov 2017

14:00 - 15:00

(Discrete) spline interpolation on Riemannian manifolds

Professor Benedikt Wirth
(University of Münster)

Spline curves represent a simple and efficient tool for data interpolation in Euclidean space. During the past decades, however, more and more applications have emerged that require interpolation in (often high-dimensional) nonlinear spaces such as Riemannian manifolds. An example is the generation of motion sequences in computer graphics, where the animated figure represents a curve in a Riemannian space of shapes. Two particularly useful spline interpolation methods derive from a variational principle: linear splines minimize the average squared velocity and cubic splines minimize the average squared acceleration among all interpolating curves. Those variational principles and their discrete analogues can be used to define continuous and discretized spline curves on (possibly infinite-dimensional) Riemannian manifolds. However, it turns out that well-posedness of cubic splines is much more intricate on nonlinear and high-dimensional spaces and requires quite strong conditions on the underlying manifold. We will analyse and discuss linear and cubic splines as well as their discrete counterparts on Riemannian manifolds and show a few applications.

Thu, 16 Nov 2017

14:00 - 15:00

New Formulations for Generator Maintenance Scheduling in Hydropower Systems

Professor Miguel Anjos
(École Polytechnique Montréal)

Maintenance activities help prevent costly power generator breakdowns but because generators under maintenance are typically unavailable, the impact of maintenance schedules is significant and their cost must be accounted for when planning maintenance. In this paper we address the generator maintenance scheduling problem in hydropower systems. While this problem has been widely studied, specific operating conditions of hydroelectric systems have received less attention. We present a mixed-integer linear programming model that considers the time windows of the maintenance activities, as well as the nonlinearities and disjunctions of the hydroelectric production functions. Because the resulting model is hard to solve, we also propose an extended formulation, a set reduction approach that uses logical conditions for excluding unnecessary set elements from the model, and valid inequalities. Computational experiments using a variety of instances adapted from a real hydropower system in Canada support the conclusion that the extended formulation with set reduction achieves the best results in terms of computational time and optimality gap. This is joint work with Jesus Rodriguez, Pascal Cote and Guy Desaulniers.

Thu, 02 Nov 2017

14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot

Point-spread function reconstruction in ground-based astronomy

Professor Raymond Chan
(Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Because of atmospheric turbulence, images of objects in outer space acquired via ground-based telescopes are usually blurry.  One way to estimate the blurring kernel or point spread function (PSF) is to make use of the aberration of wavefront received at the telescope, i.e., the phase. However only the low-resolution wavefront gradients can be collected by wavefront sensors. In this talk, I will discuss how to use regularization methods to reconstruct high-resolution phase gradients and then use them to recover the phase and the PSF in high accuracy. I will end by relating the problem to high-resolution image reconstruction and methods for solving it.
Joint work with Rui Zhao and research supported by HKRGC.

Thu, 26 Oct 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Solving discrete conic optimization problems using disjunctive programming

Dr Pietro Belotti

Several optimization problems combine nonlinear constraints with the integrality of a subset of variables. For an important class of problems  called Mixed Integer Second-Order Cone Optimization (MISOCO), with applications in facility location, robust optimization, and finance, among others, these nonlinear constraints are second-order (or Lorentz) cones.

For such problems, as for many discrete optimization problems, it is crucial to understand the properties of the union of two disjoint sets of feasible solutions. To this end, we apply the disjunctive programming paradigm to MISOCO and present conditions under which the convex hull of two disjoint sets can be obtained by intersecting the feasible set with a specially constructed second-order cone. Computational results show that such cone has a positive impact on the solution of MISOCO problems.

Thu, 19 Oct 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Scattering by fractal screens - functional analysis and computation

Dr David Hewett
(University College London)

The mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of acoustic and electromagnetic wave scattering by planar screens is a classical topic. The standard technique involves reformulating the problem as a boundary integral equation on the screen, which can be solved numerically using a boundary element method. Theory and computation are both well-developed for the case where the screen is an open subset of the plane with smooth (e.g. Lipschitz or smoother) boundary. In this talk I will explore the case where the screen is an arbitrary subset of the plane; in particular, the screen could have fractal boundary, or itself be a fractal. Such problems are of interest in the study of fractal antennas in electrical engineering, light scattering by snowflakes/ice crystals in atmospheric physics, and in certain diffraction problems in laser optics. The roughness of the screen presents challenging questions concerning how boundary conditions should be enforced, and the appropriate function space setting. But progress is possible and there is interesting behaviour to be discovered: for example, a sound-soft screen with zero area (planar measure zero) can scatter waves provided the fractal dimension of the set is large enough. Accurate computations are also challenging because of the need to adapt the mesh to the fine structure of the fractal. As well as presenting numerical results, I will outline some of the outstanding open questions from the point of view of numerical analysis. This is joint work with Simon Chandler-Wilde (Reading) and Andrea Moiola (Pavia).

Thu, 12 Oct 2017

14:00 - 15:00

A robust and efficient adaptive multigrid solver for the optimal control of phase field formulations of geometric evolution laws with applications to cell migration

Professor Anotida Madzvamuse
(University of Sussex)

In this talk, I will present a novel solution strategy to efficiently and accurately compute approximate solutions to semilinear optimal control problems, focusing on the optimal control of phase field formulations of geometric evolution laws.
The optimal control of geometric evolution laws arises in a number of applications in fields including material science, image processing, tumour growth and cell motility.
Despite this, many open problems remain in the analysis and approximation of such problems.
In the current work we focus on a phase field formulation of the optimal control problem, hence exploiting the well developed mathematical theory for the optimal control of semilinear parabolic partial differential equations.
Approximation of the resulting optimal control problem is computationally challenging, requiring massive amounts of computational time and memory storage.
The main focus of this work is to propose, derive, implement and test an efficient solution method for such problems. The solver for the discretised partial differential equations is based upon a geometric multigrid method incorporating advanced techniques to deal with the nonlinearities in the problem and utilising adaptive mesh refinement.
An in-house two-grid solution strategy for the forward and adjoint problems, that significantly reduces memory requirements and CPU time, is proposed and investigated computationally.
Furthermore, parallelisation as well as an adaptive-step gradient update for the control are employed to further improve efficiency.
Along with a detailed description of our proposed solution method together with its implementation we present a number of computational results that demonstrate and evaluate our algorithms with respect to accuracy and efficiency.
A highlight of the present work is simulation results on the optimal control of phase field formulations of geometric evolution laws in 3-D which would be computationally infeasible without the solution strategies proposed in the present work.

Thu, 15 Jun 2017

14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot

Discrete adjoints on many cores - algorithmic differentiation and verification for accelerated PDE solvers

Dr Jan Hückelheim
((Imperial College, London))

Adjoint derivatives reveal the sensitivity of a computer program's output to changes in its inputs. These derivatives are useful as a building block for optimisation, uncertainty quantification, noise estimation, inverse design, etc., in many industrial and scientific applications that use PDE solvers or other codes.
Algorithmic differentiation (AD) is an established method to transform a given computation into its corresponding adjoint computation. One of the key challenges in this process is the efficiency of the resulting adjoint computation. This becomes especially pressing with the increasing use of shared-memory parallelism on multi- and many-core architectures, for which AD support is currently insufficient.
In this talk, I will present an overview of challenges and solutions for the differentiation of shared-memory-parallel code, using two examples: an unstructured-mesh CFD solver, and a structured-mesh stencil kernel, both parallelised with OpenMP. I will show how AD can be used to generate adjoint solvers that scale as well as their underlying original solvers on CPUs and a KNC XeonPhi. The talk will conclude with some recent efforts in using AD and formal verification tools to check the correctness of manually optimised adjoint solvers.

Thu, 08 Jun 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Gaussian quadrature the Gaussian way

Prof. J. M. Sanz-Serna
(University of Madrid Carlos III)

Gauss invented Gaussian quadrature following an approach entirely different from the one we now find in textbooks. I will describe leisurely the contents of Gauss's original memoir on quadrature, an impressive piece of mathematics, based on continued fractions, Padé approximation, generating functions, the hypergeometric series and more.

Thu, 01 Jun 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Randomized methods for accelerating matrix factorization algorithms

Prof. Gunnar Martinsson
(Oxford University)

The talk will describe accelerated algorithms for computing full or partial matrix factorizations such as the eigenvalue decomposition, the QR factorization, etc. The key technical novelty is the use of  randomized projections to reduce the effective dimensionality of  intermediate steps in the computation. The resulting algorithms execute faster on modern hardware than traditional algorithms, and are particularly well suited for processing very large data sets.

The algorithms described are supported by a rigorous mathematical analysis that exploits recent work in random matrix theory. The talk will briefly review some representative theoretical results.

Thu, 25 May 2017

14:00 - 15:00

An efficient and high order accurate direct solution technique for variable coefficient elliptic partial differential equations

Prof. Adrianna Gillman
(Rice University)


For many applications in science and engineering, the ability to efficiently and accurately approximate solutions to elliptic PDEs dictates what physical phenomena can be simulated numerically.  In this seminar, we present a high-order accurate discretization technique for variable coefficient PDEs with smooth coefficients.  The technique comes with a nested dissection inspired direct solver that scales linearly or nearly linearly with respect to the number of unknowns.  Unlike the application of nested dissection methods to classic discretization techniques, the constant prefactors do not grow with the order of the discretization.  The discretization is robust even for problems with highly oscillatory solutions.  For example, a problem 100 wavelengths in size can be solved to 9 digits of accuracy with 3.7 million unknowns on a desktop computer.  The precomputation of the direct solver takes 6 minutes on a desktop computer.  Then applying the computed solver takes 3 seconds.  The recent application of the algorithm to inverse media scattering also will be presented.
Thu, 18 May 2017

14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot

Structural topology optimisation using the level set method and its applications to acoustic-structure interaction problems

Dr Renato Picelli
(Cardiff University)

Structural optimization can be interpreted as the attempt to find the best mechanical structure to support specific load cases respecting some possible constraints. Within this context, topology optimization aims to obtain the connectivity, shape and location of voids inside a prescribed structural design domain. The methods for the design of stiff lightweight structures are well established and can already be used in a specific range of industries where such structures are important, e.g., in aerospace and automobile industries.

In this seminar, we will go through the basic engineering concepts used to quantify and analyze the computational models of mechanical structures. After presenting the motivation, the methods and mathematical tools used in structural topology optimization will be discussed. In our method, an implicit level set function is used to describe the structural boundaries. The optimization problem is approximated by linearization of the objective and constraint equations via Taylor’s expansion. Shape sensitivities are used to evaluate the change in the structural performance due to a shape movement and to feed the mathematical optimiser in an iterative procedure. Recent developments comprising multiscale and Multiphysics problems will be presented and a specific application proposal including acoustic-structure interaction will be discussed.

Thu, 11 May 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Regularized Nonlinear Acceleration

Alexandre d’Aspremont

We describe a convergence acceleration technique for generic optimization problems. Our scheme computes estimates of the optimum from a nonlinear average of the iterates produced by any optimization method. The weights in this average are computed via a simple linear system, whose solution can be updated online. This acceleration scheme runs in parallel to the base algorithm, providing improved estimates of the solution on the fly, while the original optimization method is running. Numerical experiments are detailed on classical classification problems.

Thu, 04 May 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Sampling in shift-invariant spaces

Prof. Karlheinz Groechenig
(University of Vienna)

Abstract: We study nonuniform sampling in shift-invariant spaces whose generator is a totally positive function. For a subclass of such generators the sampling theorems can be formulated in analogy to the theorems of Beurling and Landau for bandlimited functions. These results are  optimal and validate  the  heuristic reasonings in the engineering literature. In contrast to the cardinal series, the reconstruction procedures for sampling in a shift-invariant space with a totally positive generator  are local and thus accessible to numerical linear algebra.

A subtle  connection between sampling in shift-invariant spaces and the theory of Gabor frames leads to new and optimal  results for Gabor frames.  We show that the set of phase-space shifts of  $g$ (totally positive with a Gaussian part) with respect to a rectangular lattice forms a frame, if and only if the density of the lattice  is strictly larger than 1. This solves an open problem going backto Daubechies in 1990 for the class of totally positive functions of Gaussian type.