Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 21 Feb 2022

Trisected 4-manifolds and link surgery

Abigail Thompson

Gay and Kirby formulated a new way to decompose a (closed, orientable) 4-manifold M, called a trisection.    I’ll describe how to translate from a classical framed link diagram for M to a trisection diagram.   The links so obtained lie on Heegaard surfaces in the 3-sphere,  and have surgeries yielding some number of copies of S^1XS^2.   We can describe families of “elementary" links which have such surgeries, and one can ask whether all links with few components having such surgeries lie in these families.  The answer is almost certainly no.   We nevertheless give a small piece of evidence in favor of a positive answer for a special family of 2-component links.    This is joint work with Rob Kirby.  Gay and Kirby formulated a new way to decompose a (closed, orientable) 4-manifold M, called a trisection.    I’ll describe how to translate from a classical framed link diagram for M to a trisection diagram.   The links so obtained lie on Heegaard surfaces in the 3-sphere,  and have surgeries yielding some number of copies of S^1XS^2.   We can describe families of “elementary" links which have such surgeries, and one can ask whether all links with few components having such surgeries lie in these families.  The answer is almost certainly no.   We nevertheless give a small piece of evidence in favor of a positive answer for a special family of 2-component links.    This is joint work with Rob Kirby.  

Mon, 14 Feb 2022

Rigidity of minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms between spherical cone surfaces

Andrea Seppi
(University of Grenoble-Alpes)

Minimal Lagrangian maps play an important role in Teichmüller theory, with important existence and uniqueness results for hyperbolic surfaces obtained by Labourie, Schoen, Bonsante-Schlenker, Toulisse and others. In positive curvature, it is thus natural to ask whether one can find minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms between two spherical surfaces with cone points. In this talk we will show that the answer is negative, unless the two surfaces are isometric. As an application, we obtain a generalization of Liebmann’s theorem for branched immersions of constant curvature in Euclidean space. This is joint work with Christian El Emam.


Mon, 07 Feb 2022

Free-by-cyclic groups and their automorphisms

Naomi Andrew
(Southampton University)

Free-by-cyclic groups are easy to define – all you need is an automorphism of F_n. Their properties (for example hyperbolicity, or relative hyperbolicity) depend on this defining automorphism, but not always transparently. I will introduce these groups and some of their properties, and connect some to properties of the defining automorphism. I'll then discuss some ideas and techniques we can use to understand their automorphisms, including finding useful actions on trees and relationships with certain subgroups of Out(F_n). (This is joint work with Armando Martino.)

Mon, 31 Jan 2022

Localization and decomposition

Rufus Willett

Let X be a closed Riemannian manifold, and represent the algebra C(X) of continuous functions on X on the Hilbert space L^2(X) by multiplication.  Inspired by the heat kernel proof of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, I'll explain how to describe K-homology (i.e. the dual theory to Atiyah-Hirzebruch K-theory) in terms of parametrized families of operators on L^2(X) that get more and more 'local' in X as time tends to infinity.

I'll then switch perspectives from C(X) -- the prototypical example of a commutative C*-algebra -- to noncommutative C*-algebras coming from discrete groups, and explain how the underlying large-scale geometry of the groups can give rise to approximate 'decompositions' of the C*-algebras.  I'll then explain how to use these decompositions and localization in the sense above to compute K-homology, and the connection to some conjectures in topology, geometry, and C*-algebra theory.

Mon, 24 Jan 2022

Deformations of ordinary Calabi-Yau varieties

Lukas Brantner

Over the complex numbers, the Bomolgorov-Tian-Todorev theorem asserts that Calabi-Yau varieties have unobstructed deformations, so any n^{th} order deformation extends to higher order.  We prove an analogue of this statement for the nicest kind of Calabi-Yau varieties in characteristic p, namely ordinary ones, using derived algebraic geometry. In fact, we produce canonical lifts to characteristic zero, thereby generalising results of Serre-Tate, Deligne-Nygaard, Ward, and Achinger-Zdanowic. This is joint work with Taelman.

Mon, 17 Jan 2022

15:30 - 16:30

The link surgery formula and plumbed 3-manifolds

Ian Zemke

Lattice homology is a combinatorial invariant of plumbed 3-manifolds due to Nemethi. The definition is a formalization of Ozsvath and Szabo's computation of the Heegaard Floer homology of plumbed 3-manifolds. Nemethi conjectured that lattice homology is isomorphic to Heegaard Floer homology. For a restricted class of plumbings, this isomorphism is known to hold, due to work of Ozsvath-Szabo, Nemethi, and Ozsvath-Stipsicz-Szabo. By using the Manolescu-Ozsvath link surgery formula for Heegaard Floer homology, we prove the conjectured isomorphism in general. In this talk, we will talk about aspects of the proof, and some related topics and extensions of the result.

Mon, 29 Nov 2021

Knot Floer homology contructions and the Pong Algebra

Zoltan Szabo
(Princeton University)

In a joint work with Peter Ozsvath we have developed algebraic invariants for knots using a family of bordered knot algebras. The goal of this lecture is to review these constructions and discuss some of the latest developments.

Mon, 22 Nov 2021

Graphically discrete groups and rigidity

Emily Stark
(Wesleyan University)

Rigidity theorems prove that a group's geometry determines its algebra, typically up to virtual isomorphism. Motivated by rigidity problems, we study graphically discrete groups, which impose a discreteness criterion on the automorphism group of any graph the group acts on geometrically. Classic examples of graphically discrete groups include virtually nilpotent groups and fundamental groups of closed hyperbolic manifolds. We will present new examples, proving this property is not a quasi-isometry invariant. We will discuss action rigidity for free products of residually finite graphically discrete groups. This is joint work with Alex Margolis, Sam Shepherd, and Daniel Woodhouse.

Mon, 15 Nov 2021

Hyperbolic 5-manifolds that fiber over the circle

Bruno Martelli
(Universita di Pisa)

We show that the existence of hyperbolic manifolds fibering over the circle is not a phenomenon confined to dimension 3 by exhibiting some examples in dimension 5. More generally, there are hyperbolic manifolds with perfect circle-valued Morse functions in all dimensions $n\le 5$. As a consequence, there are hyperbolic groups with finite-type subgroups that are not hyperbolic.

The main tool is Bestvina - Brady theory enriched with a combinatorial game recently introduced by Jankiewicz, Norin and Wise. These are joint works with Battista, Italiano, and Migliorini.

Mon, 08 Nov 2021

The first group cohomology and uniformly bounded representations of simple rank-one Lie groups

Shintaro Nishikawa
(University of Münster)

Consider simple rank-one Lie groups $SO(n, 1)$, $SU(n, 1)$ and $Sp(n ,1)$ ($n>1$). They are the isometry groups of real, complex and quaternionic hyperbolic spaces respectively.

By a result of Kostant, the trivial representation of $Sp(n ,1)$ is isolated in the space of irreducible unitary representations on Hilbert spaces. That is, $Sp(n ,1)$ has Kazhdan’s property (T) which is equivalent to the vanishing of 1st cohomology of the group in all unitary representations. This is in contrast to the case of $SO(n ,1)$ and $SU(n ,1)$ where they have the Haagerup approximation property, a strong negation of property (T).

This dichotomy between $SO(n ,1)$, $SU(n ,1)$ and $Sp(n ,1)$ disappears when we consider so-called uniformly bounded representations on Hilbert spaces. By a result of Cowling in 1980’s, the trivial representation of $Sp(n ,1)$ is no longer isolated in the space of uniformly bounded representations. Moreover, there is a uniformly bounded representation of $Sp(n ,1)$ with non-zero first cohomology group.

The goal of this talk is to describe these facts.

Mon, 01 Nov 2021

Peg problems

Joshua Greene
(Boston College)

I will talk about joint work with Andrew Lobb related to Toeplitz's square peg problem, which asks whether every (continuous) Jordan curve in the Euclidean plane contains the vertices of a square. Specifically, we show that every smooth Jordan curve contains the vertices of a cyclic quadrilateral of any similarity class. I will describe the context for the result and its proof, which involves symplectic geometry in a surprising way.

Mon, 25 Oct 2021

How do field theories detect the torsion in topological modular forms

Daniel Berwick Evans
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Since the mid 1980s, there have been hints of a connection between 2-dimensional field theories and elliptic cohomology. This lead to Stolz and Teichner's conjectured geometric model for the universal elliptic cohomology theory of topological modular forms (TMF) for which cocycles are 2-dimensional (supersymmetric) field theories. Properties of these field theories lead to the expected integrality and modularity properties of classes in TMF. However, the abundant torsion in TMF has always been mysterious from the field theory point of view. In this talk, we will describe a map from 2-dimensional field theories to a cohomology theory that approximates TMF. This map affords a cocycle description of certain torsion classes. In particular, we will explain how a choice of anomaly cancelation for the supersymmetric sigma model with target $S^3$ determines a cocycle representative of the generator of $\pi_3(TMF)=\mathbb{Z}/24$.

Mon, 18 Oct 2021

Embeddings into left-orderable simple groups

Arman Darbinyan
(Texas A&M)

Topologically speaking, left-orderable countable groups are precisely those countable groups that embed into the group of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the real line. A recent advancement in the theory of left-orderable groups is the discovery of finitely generated left-orderable simple groups by Hyde and Lodha. We will discuss a construction that extends this result by showing that every countable left-orderable group is a subgroup of such a group. We will also discuss some of the algebraic, geometric, and computability properties that this construction bears. The construction is based on novel topological and geometric methods that also will be discussed. The flexibility of the embedding method allows us to go beyond the class of left-orderable groups as well. Based on a joint work with Markus Steenbock.

Mon, 11 Oct 2021

Leary–Minasyan groups and generalisations

Sam Hughes
(Oxford University)

In this talk we will introduce Leary and Minasyan's CAT(0) but not biautomatic groups as lattices in a product of a Euclidean space and a tree.  We will then investigate properties of general lattices in that product space.  We will also consider a construction of lattices in a Salvetti complex for a right-angled Artin group and a Euclidean space.  Finally, if time permits we will also discuss a "hyperbolic Leary–Minasyan group" and some work in progress with Motiejus Valiunas towards an application.

Mon, 14 Jun 2021

15:45 - 16:45

The slope of a link computed via C-complexes

Ana Lecuona
(University of Glasgow)

Together with Alex Degtyarev and Vincent Florence we introduced a new link invariant, called slope, of a colored link in an integral homology sphere. In this talk I will define the invariant, highlight some of its most interesting properties as well as its relationship to Conway polynomials and to the  Kojima–Yamasaki eta-function. The stress in this talk will be on our latest computational progress: a formula to calculate the slope from a C-complex.

Mon, 07 Jun 2021

15:45 - 16:45

The Farrell-Jones conjecture for hyperbolic-by-cyclic groups

Mladen Bestvina
(University of Utah)

Most of the talk will be about the Farrell-Jones conjecture from the point of view of an outsider. I'll try to explain what the conjecture is about, why one wants to know it, and how to prove it in some cases. The motivation for the talk is my recent work with Fujiwara and Wigglesworth where we prove this conjecture for (virtually torsion-free hyperbolic)-by-cyclic groups. If there is time I will outline the proof of this result.

Mon, 31 May 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Classifying spaces of low-dimensional bordism categories

Jan Steinebrunner
(University of Oxford)

The d-dimensional bordism category Cob_d has as objects closed (d-1)-manifolds and as morphisms diffeomorphism classes of d-dimensional bordisms. For d=1 and d=2 this category is well understood because we have a complete list of all 1 or 2-manifolds with boundary. In this talk I will argue that the categories Cob_1 and Cob_2 nevertheless carry a lot of interesting structure. 

I will show that the classifying spaces B(Cob_1) and B(Cob_2) contain interesting moduli spaces coming from the combinatorics of how 1 or 2 manifolds can be glued along their boundary. In particular, I will introduce the notion of a "factorisation category" and explain how it relates to Connes' cyclic category for d=1 and to the moduli space of tropical curves for d=2. If time permits, I will sketch how this relates to the curve complex and moduli spaces of complex curves.

Mon, 24 May 2021

15:45 - 16:45

tmf resolutions

Mark Behrens
(University of Notre Dame)

I will discuss recent progress on understanding the tmf-based Adams spectral sequence, where tmf = topological modular forms.  The idea is to generalize the work of Mahowald and others in the context of bo-resolutions.  The work I will discuss is joint with Prasit Bhattacharya, Dominic Culver, and J.D. Quigley.

Mon, 17 May 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Tail equivalence of unicorn paths

Piotr Przytycki
(McGill University)

Let S be an orientable surface of finite type. Using Pho-On's infinite unicorn paths, we prove the hyperfiniteness of the orbit equivalence relation coming from the action of the mapping class group of S on the Gromov boundary of the arc graph of S. This is joint work with Marcin Sabok.

Mon, 10 May 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Exponential mixing of the geodesic flow on geometrically finite hyperbolic manifolds

Samuel Edwards
(Yale University)

The geodesic flow on hyperbolic finite-volume hyperbolic manifolds is a particularly well-studied dynamical system; this is in part due to its connection to other important dynamical systems on the manifold, as well as orbital counting and other number-theoretic problems related to discrete subgroups of orthogonal groups. In recent years, there has been some interest in generalizing many of the properties of the geodesic flow on finite-volume manifolds to the infinite-volume setting. I will discuss joint work with Hee Oh in which we establish exponential mixing of the geodesic flow on infinite-volume geometrically finite hyperbolic manifolds with large enough critical exponent. Patterson-Sullivan densities and Burger-Roblin measures, the Lax-Phillips spectral gap for the Laplace operator on infinite volume geometrically finite hyperbolic manifolds, and complementary series representations are all involved in both the statement and proof of our result, and I will try to explain how these different objects are related in this setting.

Mon, 03 May 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Unknotting number and satellites

Jennifer Hom
(Georgia Tech)

The unknotting number of a knot is the minimum number of crossing changes needed to untie the knot. It is one of the simplest knot invariants to define, yet remains notoriously difficult to compute. We will survey some basic knot theory invariants and constructions, including the satellite knot construction, a straightforward way to build new families of knots. We will give a lower bound on the unknotting number of certain satellites using knot Floer homology. This is joint work in progress with Tye Lidman and JungHwan Park.

Mon, 26 Apr 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Classifying simple amenable C*-algebras

Stuart White
(University of Oxford)

C*-algebras provide non commutative analogues of locally compact Hausdorff spaces. In this talk I’ll provide a survey of the large scale project to classify simple amenable C*-algebras, indicating the role played by non commutative versions of topological ideas. No prior knowledge of C*-algebras will be assumed.

Mon, 15 Mar 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Unknot recognition in quasi-polynomial time

Marc Lackenby
(University of Oxford)

I will outline a new algorithm for unknot recognition that runs in quasi-polynomial time. The input is a diagram of a knot with n crossings, and the running time is n^{O(log n)}. The algorithm uses hierarchies, normal surfaces and Heegaard splittings.

Mon, 08 Mar 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Conformal blocks for vertex operator algebras, sewing and factorization.

Bin Gui
(Rutgers University)

In rational conformal field theory, the sewing and factorization properties are probably the most important properties that conformal blocks satisfy. For special examples such as Weiss-Zumino-Witten models and minimal models, these two properties were proved decades ago (assuming the genus is ≤1 for the sewing theorem). But for general (strongly) rational vertex operator algebras (VOAs), their proofs were finished only very recently. In this talk, I will first motivate the definition of conformal blocks and VOAs using Segal's picture of CFT. I will then explain the importance of Sewing and Factorization Theorem in the construction of full rational conformal field theory.

Mon, 01 Mar 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Quasi-isometric rigidity of generic cyclic HNN extensions of free groups

Sam Shepherd
(University of Oxford)

Studying quasi-isometries between groups is a major theme in geometric group theory. Of particular interest are the situations where the existence of a quasi-isometry between two groups implies that the groups are equivalent in a stronger algebraic sense, such as being commensurable. I will survey some results of this type, and then talk about recent work with Daniel Woodhouse where we prove quasi-isometric rigidity for certain graphs of virtually free groups, which include "generic" cyclic HNN extensions of free groups.