Centre for Topological Data Analysis
About us
The EPSRC-funded Centre for Topological Data Analysis is a multi-million-pound project led by the University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute (MI) and Department of Statistics, with partners at the Materials Innovation Factory (MIF), University of Liverpool and the Computational Foundry at Swansea University. The centre sits within the MI's data science and topology groups. The group has strong links with the Alan Turing Institute, and the National Institute for Data Science and AI.
We are mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists with the breadth and depth of experience and expertise to develop and apply Topological Data Analysis (TDA) to solve problems.
Applications that have benefited from TDA include image processing, text analysis, chemistry, electromagnetism, materials science, fundamental physics, neuroscience and medicine.
Our vision is to build a bridge between data users and scientists so that topological ideas and tools can flow between testing and application areas, and research and development.
The centre is supported by the EPSRC grant New Approaches to Data Science: Application Driven Topological Data Analysis, EP/R018472/1.
Get involved with the work of our centre.
The team
The complete list of Oxford members can be found here
Our Scientific Advisory Board comprising internationally recognised scientists in the field evaluate, guide and advise our team to maximise the impact of our research.
Fri, 21 Oct 2022 15:00 - 16:00 L5
Kan Extensions and Kan Ensembles in Machine Learning
Dan Shiebler
(Abnormal Security)
Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:00 - 16:00 L5
Topological Data Analytic Frameworks for Discovering Biophysical Signatures in 3D Shapes and Images
Lorin Crawford
(Brown University)
Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:00 - 16:00 L5
Dynamics of neural circuits at different scales
Jānis Lazovskis
(RTU Riga Business School)
Fri, 11 Nov 2022 12:00 - 15:45 L2
Centre for Topological Data Analysis Centre Meeting
Various Speakers TBC
(University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute)
Fri, 18 Nov 2022 15:00 - 16:00 L5
Tensor-based frameworks for cancer genomics
Neriman Tokcan
(MIT & Harvard)
Fri, 25 Nov 2022 15:00 - 16:00 L5
Signal processing on cell complexes using discrete Morse theory
Celia Hacker
Fri, 02 Dec 2022 15:00 - 16:00 L6
On the Discrete Geometric Principles of Machine Learning and Statistical Inference
Jesús A. De Loera
(UC Davies)
Fri, 11 Nov 2022 12:00 - 16:00 L2
TDA Centre Meeting
Mon, 20 - 24 Jun 2022, Oxford
Alegebraic Topology: Methods, computation and science (ATMCS10)
Mon, 13-17 Sep 2021, Oxford
Scientific Advisory Board & Annual Centre Meeting
Fri, 18 June 2021, Oxford
TDA Centre Meeting
Fri, 11 Mar 2021, Oxford
TDA Centre Meeting
Fri, 27 Nov 2021, Oxford
TDA Centre Meeting
Fri, 17 Sept 2021, Oxford
Scientific Advisory Board & Annual Centre Meeting
Mon, 7-8 Sept 2020, Liverpool
Mon, 1 May 2020, Oxford
Centre Meeting
No program available
Mon, 28 Nov 2019, Oxford
Centre Meeting
Tues, 24 Sept 2019, Oxford
Scientific Advisory Board & Annual Centre Meeting
Fri, 17 May 2019, Alan Turing Institute
Centre Meeting
No Program available
Fri, 13 Sept 2019, Swansea
Scientific Advisory Board Meeting
No Program available
Fri, 11-14 Sept 2019, Swansea
Kick-off Meeting
No Program available
A talk by postdoc Kelly Spendlove on Conley theory and the global dynamics of games: from multi-agent dynamics to combinatorics and back again.
Bernadette Stolz the winner of Anile-ECMI Prize for Mathematics in Industry in 2021 gives a talk based on her award winning thesis entitled, Global & local persistent homology for shape and classification of biological data
Thomas Chaplin a DPhil student based in the MI Oxford gave this presentation in 2021, 'First Betti number of the path homology of random directed graphs.
Ximena Fernandez a DPhil student based in Durham gave this presentation in 2021, 'Denisty-based manifold learning and intrinsic persist homology.'