DPhil Timeline. Deferrals, Suspensions & Extension of Time


TERM 1 Attend lecture courses for broadening, participate in class teaching and attend skills training sessions. Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 2 Attend lecture courses for broadening, participate in class teaching and attend skills training sessions. Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 3 Complete pre-transfer broadening and teaching requirements. Complete "Research Integirty Traning".Upload "preparing for transfer of status" report to GSR.
TERM 4 Early in the term, apply for transfer of status. Complete transfer of status by the end of the term. Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 5 Attend lecture courses for broadening, participate in class teaching and attend skills training sessions. Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 6 Attend lecture courses for broadening, participate in class teaching and attend skills training sessions. Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 7 Attend lecture courses for broadening, participate in class teaching and attend skills training sessions. Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 8 Complete pre-confirmation broadening and teaching requirements. Upload "preparing for confirmation of status report" to GSR.
TERM 9 Early in the term, apply for confirmation of status. Complete confirmation of status by the end of the term. Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 10 Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 11 Submit termly GSR report.
TERM 12 Complete GSO.3 form to appoint final examiners between 4-6 weeks prior to submission. Submit final DPhil thesis to the Examination Schools by the end of term. Submit termly GSR report https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/node/35951





MPLS Progression and Key Milestones: Transfer and Confirmation of Status

MPLS Extensions and Suspensions


  • Deferral of Transfer of Status form (GSO.2b)

  • Deferral of Confirmation of Status form (GSO.14b)

  • Suspension of Status form (GSO.17)

  • Return from Suspension form (GSo17 a)

  • Extension of time form (GSO.15)




Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 08 Jun 2023 08:40.