Happy Hour Helper Instructions
Happy Hour - the following changes to the constitution were proposed for 2018-19. As at 31st December 2018 no objections had been received, and so the changes are now approved.
Helping out at Happy Hour is extremely easy, and not very time-consuming. The four things you need to do are:
1) Help to take the delivery to the basement fridges (if it's a delivery week).
2) Set up the stall on the day.
3) Attend to the stall during HH.
4) Tidy and clear up afterwards.
Here are some more detailed instructions, which cover absolutely everything. Usually one of main Happy Hour organisers will be in the Common Room at 4.30pm on a Friday, to help with any last-minute confusion. The only non-trivial element is understanding the geography of the basement fridge facility, which we recommend you familiarise yourself with before your first Friday afternoon session.
1. At some point on Thursday or Friday morning a delivery will arrive at reception. Check the common room notice board to find the expected time (precise up to one hour). Take receipt of this delivery.
2. In the basement of the Andrew Wiles Building, in the closed-off Facilites Management area underneath North Wing, there are four silvery-grey fridges up against the back wall. These are for the use of Happy Hour, plus the crates on top. This area is most easily accessed through the large opening to the right of the North Wing Core Lift, but occasionally this is closed -- on Friday afternoons it is often closed. In such instances, access is granted by the small side-door which, on exiting the North Wing lift, may be found around two corners to the left. With a large delivery, the delivery man is usually happy to accompany you down to the basement level, transporting the delivery on his trolley. Drinks in the fridges, snacks on top.
3. By 4.30pm on Friday, Facilities Management should have placed two large tables along the long-side of the Common Room, plus a blue glass-recycling hopper. If either of these are missing, enquire at reception.
4. At around 4.30pm, move a selection of drinks and snacks from the basement to the Common Room. There should be metal multi-layered trolleys around in the basement to help with this. You may well need to access the fridge area via the side-door, though once inside you can open the large entrance using the button to the right of this entrance. Don't forget the bottle openers or the price list.
5. Under normal circumstances, a main Happy Hour organiser will come to the stall to give you the cash-box. If none are available for that particular week, alternative arrangements will be communicated.
6. The Happy Hour alcohol licence is valid from 5-6pm in the Common Room only, so you cannot sell drinks before or after this time.
7. There are no free drinks or snacks for the stall-holders!
8. Only people who have signed up as members at least two days before may be served drinks (a rule of the alcohol licence). If an individual has not signed up, they must find someone who has, and be their 'guest' for the day. It is helpful to have a printed list available which new members can sign.
9. After the end of Happy Hour, a main Happy Hour organiser will retrieve the cash-box. (Unless special circumstances apply). Tidy up any remaining bottles and general rubbish from the Common Room. Leave the glass recycling box -- Facilities Management clear it out over the weekend -- and return the trolley to the basement and any unused stock to the fridges. When leaving the basement area, make sure that the main door is closed and that the side-door is taken off the latch (so that it locks behind you).