The Mathematical Institute has a mentoring scheme for graduate research students.  The aim of the scheme is to support students’ career and personal development.  A more experienced person (the mentor) assists the student (the mentee) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance their career and/or personal growth.


Students are encouraged to find a identify a mentor during their second/third term here.  

Our aim is that all graduate students who wish so should have a mentor assigned by the end of their first year here.


Please refer to the following guidance on the scheme:

Mentoring scheme - guidance for students.pdf

Mentoring scheme - guidance for mentors.pdf

Details of members of factulty in each research group with particular responsibility for graduate students on course, and supporting students in finding mentors, can be found at Research Group Office-Holders.


Further guidance on mentoring produced by the University of Oxford Learning Institute:

Mentoring in practice - advice for mentors and mentees.pdf


Last updated on 24 Sep 2024, 9:53am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.