Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics


OCIAM is a world-leading research group in core applied mathematics. 

We are the largest research group within the Mathematical Institute; between students, faculty, researchers, and visitors, the Centre has around 80 active members and many friends and collaborators around the world.

Because of the collaborative nature of our research, OCIAM cannot be divided into neat groups, nor do members fit into a single group. A division by application area can be found here.

Recent Prizes in OCIAM


Masters students are trained in industrial applications of mathematics via the MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing and the new MSc in Mathematical Sciences.

OCIAM takes 4-8 DPhil students a year onto our doctoral programme, which always attracts the best research students from across the world.

We also have a doctoral program in Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling (InFOMM), which provides intensive training to pursue a research project aligned with a specific company.

Here's some information about various Fellowships that are available to fund post-doctoral research.

Any postdoctoral positions we advertise on the University of Oxford vacancies page.


Professor Alain Goriely is Director of OCIAM, and the Statutory Chair of Mathematical Modelling. In this lecture he asks, 'Can Mathematics understand the brain?'


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Jon Chapman is Professor of Mathematics and Its Applications in the University of Oxford. In this lecture he explains 'Waves and resonance: from musical instruments to vacuum cleaners, via metamaterials and invisibility cloaks.'


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The Mathematics of Poking, a short film exploring an aspect of the work of Professor Dominic Vella.

Last updated on 4 Sep 2024, 4:29pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.